How about a /malta/ thread
General election is in 2 days
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-If it weren't for the Portuguese they would still be Turks!
If it weren't for the Portuguese they would still be Turks!
Portugal checked the Turkish Empire, say THANK YOU BASED BOTAFOGO!
Tell us more. Can I get easy citizenship for money?
If you have half a million euros, then yes
Considering I have citizenship, who should I vote for (according to a maltanon from Sup Forums)?
It's either PN (Nationalist party) or PL (Labour party), voting for anyone else is pretty much a wasted vote.
PL introduced this scheme a few years ago, PN opposed it and caused a massive shitstorm back than claiming that once elected they would remove the scheme and take back all passports obtained through this scheme. They no longer mention it and seem to be in favor of it after seeing the success it caused.
I thought you were ruled by whatever the Hospitallers are called now.
Nah, they're long gone. The only thing the hospitalliers rule now is some courtyard in Rome.
It's not too late, Malta
Is he our guy?
He nor his party are contesting though
isn't that guy will all the hats Maltese?
Too bad, we could use some knights to fend off all those invading saracens
Doesn't only one guy live there? What does he need elections for?
Plenty of Poles here denks to EU :')
Edward De Bono
Malta sells citizenship for money, and there is concern that brexit makes this programme less attractive, as this presented as easy route for third country people to settle in the UK. You were selling us out lads, for your personal profit. So sad.
You guys seem really cool.
>Majority Catholic nation
>Had one of the greatest battles in Crusading history
>Small population
Ayylmao might as well make the best we can out of the EU till it lasts.
This attitude right here. What is this? "Our nationality is simply a price tag away, no need for any demonstration of loyalty"
Terrible. I thought you were proud people.
Hey, if we're forced to take in Somalis, while other nignogs and Muslims can get a free pass by marrying some fat random whore might as well extend this in a way which would actually contribute to our economy
Went on a trip to Malta last year, very based Island, would visit again
>Voting in the PN/PL schism