Why do they still wear this embarrassing costume? might as well don a fucking clown nose, its so ridiculous

why do they still wear this embarrassing costume? might as well don a fucking clown nose, its so ridiculous.

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Dumb thread

quit being so judgy!

White people have no cultu-

>might as well don a fucking clown
i got you senpai

It's called history, you wouldn't know about it.


Wait..... They do, we just want to get rid of it via progressiveness. ;)

Have you never belonged to a guy's club of some sort? It's great fun.

It's called faggotry. You seem to be well versed in it.

Thy wear black robes because the courts went into mourning after the death of Queen Anne and for some reason no one ever told them to come out, and unfortunately they're phasing the wigs out to save money

One of our Supreme Court Justices was interviewed on a comedy program once, and he revealed that he'd had to buy his own robe. Surely these people are paid handsomely enough to be able to buy their own wigs?


Even junior barristers are expected to buy a wig and robes though, which can be a significant cost when your only just starting.

and the costume gets more elaborate as you go up the courts, the High Court one on the left costs about £15,000.

The real reason?

Wig makers lobby.

>hur dur why do we still do x
>it's current year
I hope everyone that thinks like you instantly dies. I bet you wear cargo shorts, graphic t shirts and flip flops.

>REEEEE stop having culture and history and become bland and rootless like us!!111

dude why are the british so fucking lame and gay

>Wig makers lobby.


People have underestimated the reach and power of Big Wig before and they've paid a price.

I hate your type of vermin the most, die idiot.

Quick rundown on them:
>rothschilds bow to the wigmakers
>in contact with the judiciary
>rumoured to possess sentencing abilities
>control horsehair supplies with an iron fist
>own hairpieces and toupee all over the world
>direct descendants of the ancient Judy blood line
>will bankroll the first courts on Mars (Barristergrad will be be the first city)
>own basically every wig editing research facility on Earth
>first designer wigs will be Bogdanoff wigs
>All powdered-wig wearers said to have 200+ IQ

Would be more embarrassing to have no culture. What's that like, USA?

Fucking kike, kill yourself

>no culture

Pick one