Women kill themselves after 30 unable to find a husband.

Is it men's fault? Does Sup Forums feel responsible? By staying single you are depraving women of marriage age men.

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If you like sliding so much you could slide my dick into your mouth, you know

I take only whites, so that excludes you senpai, thanks.

You should move out of bulgaria then, you raging faggot

It's Bulgaria with a capital B, you illiterate inbred Brazilian tranny reject.

but isn't capitalization only for relevant countries

Only for white countries... argentina :^)

My case stands

Yes.. a lower case "a"


>Does Sup Forums feel responsible?
feels good man

do gypsies spell it as aulgaria?

Gay thread

>t. cucked beta with no chance of ever attracting a woman

I was enjoying the banter.
Don't tell my children.

If she decides to kill herself maybe you need to put her in a restraining jacket and sell her ass on the black market.

>implying this is bad

Those are not your children
Return them to their parents

Nothing of value was lost.
Less resources being wasted on cul de sacs.
Serves as lessons for others.
I see only benefits.

>Is it men's fault?
Men need to stop being beta virgin neets.

They could just contact a Danish sperm bank for a dose of sperm


short sightedness

>Those are not your children
>Return them to their parents

Only if they pay postage.


desu, women after 30 have factually ZERO value for mankind.

Jesus this is pathetic. My cousin didn't marry and have kids until she was 35, and she just had her last kid at 40 and he's perfectly healthy. I guess a lot of women have bad genes?

Soooo my wife is going to be 30 next year. We're childless, living in the same shitty apartment we started in, and basically got laughed at by banks when we looked at a loan for a car (I didn't realize she had almost 7000 of credit card debit and my student loans were held against me).

Should I be concerned about her?

only yahoos should suicide. take joy and patience in their destruction :)))

You're married, at least. Have a kid, she'll be fine.

What are they sliding? You guys will look less gay if you post a link to something you believe is worth taking a look at.

Also why would anyone date a woman over 28 if you plan on having kids?

Reading this shit gets my dick hard.
This is better than seeing muslims get shot.

Made my fucking day.

We have fertility issues, never really found out who's the more likely cause to not have the other feel guilty or be blamed. It's most likely both of us though.

Used goods are hazardous material.

>woman rather kill themselves than go for some lonely beta man
Not sure how to feel about this.

Isn't clearly identifying a problem the first step in addressing it?

Probably? It took a lot of convincing to get her gun ho for a child and eventually I guess biology kicked in and she realized she's getting old and finally realized we should have one.

You mean after 18, rit?

They all deserved it. All of them are psycho whores who were probably too busy fucking around and acting all better than everyone else when they were young.
Good that old wood is self eliminating itself. The younger ones will learn slowly after seeing this more and more. Maybe than they'll act right.

>I want to have a career
>10 years later
>yay I'm a bank clerk!
>all my friends are married
>why am I 31 and don't have a man

Best of luck finding a solution.

It's slowly creeping on TV here. We had a show the other day where two families where shown, the traditional wife who was looking after her kids was shown to be sad and lonely while the working mom with a (((career))) was happy and praised by everyone. The show was ponsored by a NGO.

Angry. Jewish media have brainwashed these women to be hedonistic and scornful of family and motherhood. This is the death of the white race.

So many of these women rode the carousel for over a decade. When the start to get older they realize they aren't happy and begin to be looked past. They can't bare it.

Most modern women are nothing but vanity. When the foundation of their vanity erodes they are paralyzed by a truth that the veil of youth and beauty obscured. Men aren't really the problem with the white race. Women are.

As for the women who do get married, so many of these women are awful wives and spend their marriage berating and transferring all their misery onto their husbands. Entertainment, media, advertising etc promised these women they deserve/would have everything they ever wanted. When that turns out to be a shallow promise (which is all it ever was) to sell them products, they blame their husband and some even blame their children. There is nothing more repulsive then these women, their nastiness, and the fleeting joy they suck out of everyone around them. The destruction of the family and single motherhood. These are the failures of women.

They realize that the value they think they have isn't what it actually is. They are alpha widows while being a solid 5.

>by a (((NGO)))

Who made them this way? What examples are they following? Who provided them? You are directing your anger in the wrong direction. Spinsters can be the weapon we use to break the degeneracy. Their despair must be directed to the responsible parties and turned to righteous anger.

Thanks bro, I really appreciate it. It's been growing more and more obvious just how much biologically men need children. There's no point in killing yourself daily at work if it feels like it'll all be gone when you're dead and that there's no greater good like a better life for your child.

Gives me hope to find a woman when im 30 so I can make kids.
Dont care how many cocks she had if she wont care how many cocks I had.

If a woman is not planning on marriage by the time she is 21, she will downward spiral into complete slutdom and degeneracy. This is just the way things are. Women are delicate with fragile minds. I am not surprised about this suicide rash of used and tainted women at all.

>Women kill themselves after 30
good, fuck'em. They fucked up. The purpose of their miserable lives is to serve as an example to younger women of what not to do.
I love seeing these women suffer, it's better than heroin

They are all uggos anyway

The modern woman is always looking for something better. The better deal. So she'll break anything she has and then look around late in life and realize she's alone. Oh well.

Men these days struggle to be good at being men (not to say that there aren't any good men left). It's weird. I don't know if it's due to technology, single parenthood, etc. but they struggle with confidence and explaining what they want without coming off as only being interested in casual sex. I'm even talking to a guy on Tinder now who asked me details of other 'bad' dates I went on and he didn't even fucking know what I meant when I said 'I don't kiss and tell'. Dude didn't even bother to use Google. And why ask about other dates before you even meet a person? To me that screams that you don't know what you're doing or know what you even want. It's frustrating!

These women wanted to be trash in their 20s, and so trash they have become.
>nothing of value has been lost.

Women have been raised by media that sold them this fantasy of sowing their wild oats and then settling down. When they realize that this is not the truth, it is essentially the female red pill. This is where we can introduce them to the truth about the liars who peddled this filth to them from cradle to grave.

Yeah, you're fucked.

>financial problems
>lol better have kids
Nigger detected.

>A.K.A Women haven't found their beta providers, and can't sustain themselves, so they die

livestream your suicide whenever you decide to take the plunge

> by staying single...
most single men wANT to get a woman, unfortunately , the bitches who dont weigh 400lbs, dont have 3 kinds and arent disease infested crack whores with pustular herpes sores erupting all over their jowls are only interested in the same 5 guys, all of whom are named Chad Thundercock McMoneybags, and all of whom are currently banging 18 year old sluts and dropping jeager bombs well into their 50's

bitches want a rich handsome prince charming with a 10 inch cock who wants to adopt her 3 kids, dont care if she packs on 75 lbs overnight and will remain slavishly devoted to her for life
at this point, a rope is pretty much the only option for most bitches.

Men are killing themselves after getting divorced and enslaved to women for the rest of their lives.

This is the golden opportunity to create a real resistance against them. We need to direct memes at these women. Lonely? Can't find a husband?

Who sold you this lifestyle that has caused nothing but pain?

Why should any man have respect for a tinder thot?

They shouldnt leave the house until married



desu it's a madly strong evolutionary pressure, it's amazing. Basically if you fall for the career meme and don't get married/knocked up before you're 30 then your inferior genes are gone. That means that the females who pass on their genes are the ones focused on breeding, in other words the conservatives/more submissive ones.

The future is bright lads.

I do not mean to offend you but you ARE aware by mentionning your use of Tinder you outed yourself as the worthless whore that you are and complete human trash, you maladaptive subhuman filth ?

Why even bother?
When has any righteous cause in the history of humanity ever said "Y'know whose help we need to win? Spinsters!"
Let the poor old dried-up bags wither in blissful ignorance.

Why the fuck would I off myself when virtually every other aspect of my life is going really well? I have a masters degree, zero debt, a job, great sense of style and I know how to cook. I leave a trail of bread crumbs from men to romantically connect with me but they're the ones who fuck it up either before we meet or on the first date.
Again, I am single and worth a damn. Tinder is a way to meet people and start relationships. What I'm saying though is that most men these days don't even know how to court the women they want to be a relationship w/.

Would be great is all human countries weren't at the same time flooded by subhumans :^)
Nah, human extinction is the obvious endgame right now, and unless someone change that singlehandedly ( since all groups whatsoever are in the pocket of the kikes sooner or later ), we'll simply be yet another failed species that didn't pass the great Filter : Subhumanisation/subsentientisation.

I'm gay and even I think you're a worthless faggot user

I am adapting to the times by using the net to meet people. I'm sorry if that ruins whatever bullshit fantasies you have about romance.

>I have a masters degree
>a job
the idea that you think any man gives a shit what kind of degree you have is why you're alone

>trail of bread crumbs

I lol'd.

I hope that master's degree and career are enough to console you and stop the tears when you are 45 without children and alone.

well, it's great for the white race

Race mixing is actually going to be a small phenomenon and I think peak mixing is near, as then resentment of whites towards shitskins will rise and they'll refuse to mix. Even as a minority white minorities could endure for centuries (same as many ethnic minorities throughout history), so even if white countries become filled with shitskins the white gene pool will remain fairly isolated.

get her pregnant yo upathetic excuse for a man or i will do it for you

and if shes barren fuck her off and find a fertile one...or at LEAST adopt a WHITE child and program it correctly.


Oh and it's even more frustrating when all of the people in our social group are popping out kids irresponsibly without trouble like nothing. >_

Maybe they're just trying to catch up to male suicide statistics.

gonna have to confiscate these bants as youa re operating without a license. nevertheless. well played boys.

I've never seen gypsies and off white people get into a pissing match before.

This is hilarious

I don't do fantasies, only facts and statistics.
Man, i can almost smell your broken beyond repair pair-bond mechanism, i can almost hear your screaming oxytocin receptors :^)

It's evidence of me having my shit together. If you don't realize that then you're not even qualified to speak on this matter.
I never wanted children, dumbass.
Single dads may apply tho.

people on tinder are not interested in marriage

>Tinder is a way to meet people and start relationships.
Nah, it's a way to announce to everyone in a 100 mile radius that you're open for business 24/7.

Because they are growing in numbers. They are overwhelmingly white. They grew up on a Jewish media diet to learn it was a lie. If they realize that it was no accident, how can you not see the potential? These women seek surrogate children to protect. The Jewish media pushes "the oppressed", but what if they saw the alternative? What if they were looking to adopt the bloodlines of our ancestors and future of our people instead?

almost-all were horse-faced ugly bitches. I mean I would bareback and dump my jizz inside but in no way would I marry.

Pic related. I would rather

>I never wanted children, dumbass.

You will, but it will be too late :^) Enjoy your cats.


Mixing was never an issue, it was always the subhuman explosion.
Niggers breeding like cockroaches ( no offense to turks ) was always going to be the break point of Humanity.

>It's evidence of me having my shit together.
no its evidence you waste money on crap you dont need

>It's evidence of me having my shit together
yet you're childless and alone. good luck on tinder though.

Tits or gtfo

>They could just contact a Danish sperm bank for a dose of sperm
They are doing exactly that. archive.is/SUakY

Well you're looking for boys in Tinder, so you're fucking retarded to have high standards for boys looking for dumb whores who use Tinder.

you know the rules. Tits or GTFO. U no grill.

>reddit spacing

As the slav said, you will.
Consider freezing your rotting eggs, you'll sooner than you think have no choice. Menopause approaches, along with pic-related :^)

He wants someone who's not a whore. Also as evident by your own attitude it's clear you're going for niggers and sandniggers, hence the low IQ. Nobody but yourself to blame there either. Nevermind the fact you're literally looking for a one-night-stand chad instead of a husband.

I'm male and I plan to kill myself too

I failed to acquire the critical social milestones in adolescence that makes a man a man. By failing this I alienated myself and developed a deep fear of woman and lack of confidence, as well as having a small penis from lack of sexual stimulation or experience.

I got fit but it was too late. No amount of muscle made me alpha. I just feel like the iron giant. A retard with a lot of strength.

I'm 22 now. My only options for companionship is be a fag or suicide.

Because the door to women is now closed.

damn that's autism

Nah, they would go for the beta, but they don't reach out.

wait until you're 25 and then see how you feel. if you're actually fit then you'll be astonished how the pendulum swings back toward men after that age.