>linking BuzzFeedVideo
Hooktube that shit to prevent views
Give up Buzzfeed, it has been a week and nobody feel for it.
>Sup Forums users
Aw man, they gunning for /c/, /gif/ and /lgbt/? Bno survivors huh?
Click bait bull shit designed to boost buzz feeds views.
Do not watch.
Thank fuck you were here Norbot.
CIA nigger detected!!!.
That dude is an Alpha Chad by old Sup Forums standards.
Our Betas are more likely to stab random women in the street or shoot up a school rather than ditch a date with a qt.
Thanks Norbot. That's a new Anti-Jew device I haven't seen before.
You're doing gods work by the way.
Even if you can't understand what us flesh fags are saying.
My brain just happens to be very good.
I don't care enough to actually watch the video, but where's the bait? Being a beta has been the cornerstone of Sup Forums since forever. Even the board full of 6'4" walls of muscle and rippling abs are the source of some of Sup Forums's best and most famous beta stories. I don't understand.
>leaves house
>talks to women
>gets professionally oriented job after only a handful of attempts
>doesn't spend 95% of waking hours in alcoholic stupor in insect infested deathtrap of room
get a load of this fuckin normie
I think they were trying to be funny, but really it just comes off as pathetic/depressing.
Tireless advocate of no free views. You da real mvp
I don't get this video. It just depicts some autist who fails at life and becomes embittered and resentful. It's not very funny at all, nor is it educational, entertaining or informative. Is the point of the video really just about making fun of retards? There are funnier retardations, for sure. Like Tourettes.
What if there's a conspiracy?
Don't trust anyone.
I could be an _____?
Plz, it's GCHQ
Yes it's just shitty normie tier le trolle
buzzfeed are not even beta males. more like omega
>console gaming
>worrying about women
>worrying about a career
normies are pathetic
don't bump this shit retard
This video is the normie idea of what it means to be a 4channer
First off let's get some things out of the way.
>Actually talks to females
>Can get dates with said females
>Actually gets a job
>Guy is a 9/10 Chad who is tall etc, if this was a 4channer he would be a short minority.
>No piss bottles
>No 20 hour anime bindges
>He actually has friends
>Not living with his parents
>Etc etc etc
Pure normie shit, like he jerks it to hentai on his phone... Da fuck normie shit is that?? A 4channer would be having 8+hour fap sessions while ramming his ass with a Bad Dragon™ horse dildo while falling to guro-fur shit.
They should do a real 4channer video but then people would realize that the average channer is more oppressed then even the most vocal BLM protestor.
Hell maybe in a few years 4channers will make their way to the top of.the oppression Olympics.
Seriously, if you have ever held hands with a girl or.talked to a girl or had any friends ever then you are NORMIE SHIT and you are NOT OPPRESSED
This has always struck me as more of a redditor video. Any true blue Aussie battler is red pilled enough not to be a cuck boi and buy women stuff.
aww, did they hit too close to home?
Nobody watched it until they said people were watching it.
They should've made him shoot up a school at the end.
>guro-fur shit.
tfw you will never traumatically inseminate a 3d grill
>lives with friends
>gets three interviews in nice looking offices right away
>gets a job
Yeah lost me right here. What really happens is more like this:
>finally decide to stop NEETing at mom's house around age of 25
>start applying for jobs
>send out dozens of applications
>one call back at shit tier retail job
>return to NEET life of alcoholism or sedentary Zoloft-induced stupor and online gaming
Also who the fuck buys a $1200 watch for a coworker you don't know? No one is that autistic. Well some are but that type of autist wouldn't get the job in the first place
>reddit tier problems
>calls them Sup Forums
Lurk moar faggots
Meh, you are wrong.
As a male if you are not at 16% or lower BF, if you don't have a job and a car, you are considered a loser no matter how attractive your face or personality is.
Excel at everything or be mocked.
>Sup Forums users
The only thing they got right was the unironed shirt tbqh.
Buzzfeed baiting Sup Forums about baiting Sup Forums
they got a lot wrong, this is probably more accurate representation of your average plebbitor