>blacks never invented anyth-
Blacks never invented anyth-
Other urls found in this thread:
>the internet never knew its father
>because he's black
Holy shit
Holy samefag, reddit.
> google confirms
>google confirms
but it doesn't tho
>guy is Nigerian
this guy is a fraud who probably doesn't even know how to use a computer
>used tech that already existed
>set parameters
Holy can't post two images in one post.
>tries to get phd
>fails phd
>sues for discrimination
Sounds like your average dindu
This is a fake we wuz tier bullshit
Stop believing popscience
This. Thanks canuck.
>invented the internet
I know a black guy and this is the kind of thing he posts.
I plugged my c-64 into phone lines and was on "the internet" surfing BBS before then.
Funny, isn't it?
I don't know how you can stand them.
If I was a burger I already have burned them all with a flamethrower.
Pics or didn't happen
>If I was a burger I already have burned them all with a flamethrower.
Looks like someone already tried
>take an african who actually achieved something
>overexaggerate his accomplishment into ridiculousness
i don't get why sjw's and the retarded left are so stupid
Our cuck government doesn't let us. Even in school as a kid I got reprimanded one time for throwing an apple at a nigger that he had already thrown at me. That's right, I got in "big trouble" because I picked it back up and threw it at him. Whites are supposed to be good little cucks. Niggers are allowed to run wild.
That's not even samefagging, you fucking retard
Hah, we should instead claims Jews created the internet. Would be interesting to play blacks against Jews ;^)
I know, right? I hate faggy yuropoors
300 baud bitches! Atari here.
>overexaggerate his accomplishment into ridiculousness
The irony of you bitching about him while using his invention.
Yeah I've looked into this guy he's a total fraud. Only hyper left-wing blogs talk about him and they have no proof of their assertions.
>born in nigeria
niggers are pathetic
lol Star Trek reference I'm such a nerd XD
There have been a lot of people throwing that word around lately.
>A. Lincoln was actually black, why else do you think he started the civil war to free the slaves?
Did he work for the military?
because that's who created the internet
Yes, I agree. You can't even samefag on a board with IDs without it being blatantly apparent.
>white people invented everything
W-why are you taking credit for that? Y-you didnt do anything!
>black dude invents peanutbutter
Get it?
He's a fraud. Look it up.
I know right? Even correctly pointing it out doesn't make one a clever. Incorrectly pointing it out though... That's just sad.
>inb4 it's pointed out
Because we have a zoo to keep adult niggers in, it's called prison.
this is so true. the mainstream media would never be interested in the story of a black man inventing the internet. that would be something they would try to hide.
he didn't achieve anything though, apart from conning other dindus
Nigger this guy didn't create the internet.
Kek'd n checked.
Actually, peanut butter was invented by the Aztecs.
No wonder niggers also claimed "WE WUZ HUMAN SACRIFICE N SHIET"
What the fuck is that?
>google confirms
2 seconds in google you utter fucking retard.
A nigger has no mental clarity, just accept the fact they aren't innovative.
>why is africa so behind on internet connection when it was founded in africa?
1. it wasn't
2. because black people can't make coherent sentences, don't understand the concept of agriculture, have an IQ of 63 and get mauled by african wild dogs all the time
Al Gore created the internet.
Is this the news equivalent of shitposting?
Give it a few years
So what was his job at the company that actually did it? Janitor?
kek confirms
A fine canadian meal
aborted leaf fetus.
The news were the original shitposters. Never forget that.
Whoa, cool. It's just like how strong, black women were behind the American space prog[script l
Dont you get it? The Aztecs were black, bigot.
The first black who learned how to use computer is the creator of the internet.
>(((Google confirms)))
This has to be bait right?
DAS RITE!!!!!!
>jewgle confirms
Nice reliable source you got there
looks like some overpriced shit a tourist would eat, never seen anything like this
what is it i want to know really bad now
In middle school I saw a black kid call a white boy a cracker and slap him. The white killed called him a nigger back and the black boy start puffing and chimping out, ran to a teacher, and snitched that the boy called him a nigger. White kid got suspended and sent to behavior management when he came back. This was a school in the South that didn't have many niggers yet as well, its overran with these chimps now.
>its overran with these chimps now.
That's cause the whites migrated to the suburbs
OP, finds some superultrarare exception and pretends its the norm.
yeah, sorry niggah, nobody is buyng your shit..
don't for get about this faggot...
tim berners lee
In reality a lot of people invented the internet. Google saying this black guy created the internet is like saying black people were kings because they washed dicks in egypt.
Also the concept of the internet wasn't mind blowing. People had phones they could communicate through for almost a century before computers were in everyones homes. The idea to facilitate communication between computers would have been fisher price level creativity.
The internets always been about what people did with it anyway.
>Decolonize your mind
A version of this is nigger-style revisionism / afrocentrism.
But seriously, Vint Cerf (American of Anglo-French descent) and Bob Kahn (American Jew) were the creators of the internet. Tim Berners Lee (Brit) was the creator of the world wide system of url based internet usage that we know and shitpost upon.
That black guy dindu nuffin.
Thanks leaf.
didn't you know they're honorary whites? Their average success when immigrating fucking destroys any other shitskin immigrant group. Any history fag wanna clue me in on why nigerians are so smart compared to other Africans?
ok best i can find from reverse image search is
which has a description আজব খাবার, রান্নার পদ্ধতিও অদ্ভুত
which translates to
Strange food and cooking methods are weird
i have no fucking clue
So if everyone on here is on the internet they are being blacked?
Only fools would say apologize for things your ancestors did, however attempting to correct situations that resulted from those things is perfectly logical.
less than 3% of American whites owned slaves
my ancestors were poor farmers
I don't need to correct shit.
The percentage is irrelevant, it is a fact that most blacks are here because of slavery. And you can be selfish if you want and not care about reducing suffering overall, however bettering black communities would help the economy overall and make everyone's life better. So if not to stop doomed black kids from growing up to be thugs and getting shot at 19, do it to make your own life and country better in the long run. Kicking them out isn't an option because Lincoln fucked up by not having a back up to the Liberia plan, gotta deal with it in the present.
Moslems still own slaves
'Correction' when?
Archived it so they don't profit:
>theguardian com/world/2017/apr/10/libya-public-slave-auctions-un-migration
--> archive.is
I see some confusion in this thread that arises from 2 points.
1st You actually believe google, test: european people history > images
2nd I saw someone say "Take a black man that accomplished something and blow it out of proportion"
This man accomplished nothing. The reward he jerks himself off with the claim that its "nobel prize of computing" or whatever the fuck, is actually one of the most pathetic prizes within the field. And even then, since during the contest 1 group could only claim 1 award, the award that he got, he got by default. The original group that was supposed to win his award decided to take another ( much more important award ) instead of the pathetic award that this guy jerks his dick off with.
There is a really long article talking about all the claims this man has ever uttered and proving them wrong.
This man is nothing but a nigger, lying, cheating, stealing and claiming his superiority which he bases on accomplishments that arent real.
>it's a niggers try and inject themselves onto history because they low-key know they are too stupid to make it episode
man I hate these
he was egyptian, wasn't he?
whaaaat is this i can find nothing
Things get complicated when discussing places that aren't my own country. I don't know if it's my duty to correct other country's problems. However I can safely say Americans should attempt fix through policy the problems in our ghettos and densely populated black areas.
yes yes, islam bad, I know.
Nigerian, they're actually smart. Look up the stats of average income of Nigerian immigrants, they're actually not retarded if you can believe that.
Sometimes I miss those days
>Google confirms
double posting isn't samefagging, newfriend.
> fathers the Internet
> runs away
> doesn't pay child support
One of the inventors of the computer was actually a female mathematician and a friend of Babbage, I don't know why feminists never push that angle
Guess they have an aversion to truth
>This is a pizza in Canada
This is Marian Rejewski, he helped decipher the Enigma but whitey don't want you to know he was actualy African-Polish
The fun part is that their entire black supremacy view is falling apart faster and faster.
1. Oldest human recorded now found in balkans.
2. Ancient egyptians were more european than african a wide DNA research found.
3. There are plenty of ancient pictures showing much darker skinned people swabbing the cocks of more light brownish people. Which means the niggers were slaves even back then to european colonizers
Pretty interesting history though, why would europeans want to colonize Egypt back then? Maybe a sailor got the word spreaded across Europe that there were thousands of black skinned weirdos dumb as rocks far south. So we took the opportunity to go down there and use them.
I mean.. maybe, right?