If Hillary won the election, what would late night comedians make fun about?

If Hillary won the election, what would late night comedians make fun about?






They would continue with their false relaity that everything is better than ever and make little jokes about how "dumb" Trump supporters were. meanwhile all of us here that know whats actually happening die on the inside.




They would still make fun of Trump

The goal is to destroy the Republican party

>If Hillary won the election, what would late night comedians make fun about?
when they are not on tv, probably the american people

Real talk, if she won, would that have been the door slamming on us?

what is her natural colour tho


Yes, if she got the nuclear codes, we would be done. It would've been over for us.


Her repeated strokes, and her dementia.

The undying outrage of the right wing. Seriously every other week you'd have some 'hilarious' jibes about 'can you believe they really think this?!' in relation to her ever present scandals / corruption. Maybe a few token swipes at her, maybe.

Seriously if she won the shit Obama got would look like 90% approval rating.

Hillary, but we need to pretend there's a double standard.

Also I'll be banned for this post.

What did they do for 8 years of Obama?


>what would late night comedians make fun about?

Trumps tweets.

>The goal is to destroy the Republican party

Nah m8 they are more ambitious than that: the goal is to destroy whites.

Put on some silly tricorner hats and shitposted about birth certificates. It was pretty benign 2bh.

Yeah: demography is destiny. Only whites vote republican in any reasonable numbers and the dem immigration program was simply apocalyptic for the rapidly shrinking white majority.

Putin, Trump and the republican party.
>presumably above the age of 6
>implying there's not
Try harder next time, really apply yourself.

Yep; with a knife twist into all those that supported him. It would be a ball-busting at a national morale level.

I can see it now; Jimmy Kimmel show picks random dumb asses and sticks a MAGA hat on them and interviews them with questions like "Name a country that starts with the letter "U"" or something similar.

It's be the new weekly running gag. Jew writers are incredibly predictable.

They never made fun of Obama for any of his policies. When they made fun of him, it was either for some endearing bullshit like Michelle being mad at her husband because he is acting all friendly with some politician's wife or they made fun of his birth certificate thing by making fun of the birthers (so it's not really Obama they are making fun of). He was well protected by the media.

yeah Trump saved the Republican party at literally the last possible moment
if Clinton got in then there would be at least 10M amnesty of central/south American immigrants that vote 70/30 or higher Democrat, and the Republicans stop being a national party
this was why so many Trump people and some conservatives reacted viciously to all of the plans to drop Trump and come back in 2020 with a stronger candidate
there was no coming back in four years
the funny thing though is that since the Democrats bet so heavily on importing more voters they abandoned their traditional white working class base, and their collapse is going to be catastrophic

i think you will find hilldawg did win the election, check the numbers, trump won in a silly system designed to give red necks a bigger vote than they deserve

Well that's not fair. Somebody should have explained the rules to her before the election.

They'd still make fun of Trump/Republicans that are upset at what Hillary would probably be pushing or talking about

>Britanistan education
go to bed Ahmed

Except without the electoral college the union would fracture. Every two years south/mid/north states would be voting for succession and a congress who supports it until it went through. Just like the EU.

Of people who criticize Hilldog
>"Look at these completly dumb celebrity reactions to our president's announcment of a nuclear holocaust for russia!"
>"So what if she was diagnosed with severe mental disorders? Still better than le Drumpf. Am I right, audience?"
>"Donald Drumpf died today, probably because he lost so hard, haha"

Post more semen demons.

>go to bed
>its 15.00 here
>amerilard "education"

/threads over

omg, i missed Antifafu! She looks great now. Did she make any feet pics by now? God i love her.

Nice Herpes sore you got there...
Let me put this extra thick condom on first and ... ahhh no kissing

>white males
They want us gone, first. Funny thing is all the white women leading the charge against us.
Why are women so god damn stupid.

>blue states are filled with illegals

Trump won the popular vote too.

Why is she deliberately making herself ugly?

Came here to bost this

fuck she looks good

It's because the major population centers would decide the votes, you mouth breathing waste of fucking space.
I sincerely hope you get cancer and die slowly, you don't deserve to live with opinions or thoughts as retarded as that.

>Why is she deliberately making herself ugly?
Yes and no... when women go off the deep end of liberalism they become vegan and get lots of tattoos and piercings... in their demented minds this makes them more attractive to themselves... they become complete sluts when stoned then go off and march for some crazy cause... this lasts until they realize that no decent person finds them attractive any more... then they get super fat


The same thing they make fun of ever night, conservative americans, conservative values.

Post more Aug

it's nap time for children.

>super fat
he he he

Trumps election has so many benefits. One is that the media can report the news and the president can be lampooned on comedy shows.

who is this semen demen?

I dunno, but I wish they'd get back to whatever's actually funny

any right wing girls aged 13-17?

Nothing. Nuclear War isn't funny.

If you check her vagina the answer is penis.

I hope this superhero tleast has a black boyfreind or some other form of diversity.

>media can report the news
When do they start?

>late night comedians


Is this a Nazi comic?


This. They whine when people bring up Hillary but they're still living in the election period.

it's leftist propaganda

They would have still wanted to make fun of Trump. Problem was that Trump said that he'd keep a low profile if he lost. I'm guessing some comedians were smart enough to realize that this was probably true, as well as the fact that they couldn't make jokes about Hillary for too long before the more rabid leftists turned on them, so they voted for Trump. Plenty of people in the news and entertainment business likely voted for him for this reason, but they'll never admit it.

> "Doing the right thing is never a mistake"
Typical Liberal thought process. "I meant well, so I can't be to blame for the apocalyptic failure of [liberal nonsense]." This shit is why Shillary hasn't accepted the blame for her demise in November.

Also, she hasn't been blonde in 20 years.

They'd talk about how evil and stupid Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are for blocking Hillary's agenda in Congress.

>being this new

She's certifiably /ourgal/, whether she wants to be, or not.