If you are poor, ugly, or short, you should not reproduce. It's literally worse than racemixing and humiliates us in the eyes of others.
Keep white genetics successful.
If you are poor, ugly, or short, you should not reproduce. It's literally worse than racemixing and humiliates us in the eyes of others.
Keep white genetics successful.
Taiwain confirmed for honorable mention at post-genocide white country party time.
>obviously I won't be there. australia is full of 共匪
shut up roastie
t. manlet
>those fucking man hands
its a trap you fagget
you would be the expert in traps so thanks for clarifying muhammad
I'm poor, good looking and tall. I would be rich if the system wasn't rigged against me.
No, don't reproduce if you're stupid (low IQ).
Ugly and short genes dilute and eventually regress to the mean, but if you're stupid just don't reproduce.
Because you will dilute the pool of intelligence.
Although good looking people such as me are cool to have around, you can make much more with shit with average looking but smart people than you could with good looking people of average intelligence.
Oh boy.
Being able to differentiate between female and male is not an insult you heat stroke victim
They can still have children, just find a strong, white specimem to seed your wife.
I'll humbly volunteer my services for Sup Forums and the white race.
probably whiter than half of europe by now
How on Earth can you tell?
Besides the massive hands/frame.
How is it rigged against you?
you forgot stupid.
Isn't height correlated with intelligence?
Tall people = more intelligent on average
Short people = less intelligent on average
Manlets should kill themselves.
It s not my fault that my dad was a beta and married a 4/10 womanlet
Feelz good
What is the minimum height and wealth one should have before reproducing?
>how can you tell apart from the masculine traits she has?
fuck me
good luck with your life my boy
Fuck off. Your Aryan whore is getting this brown dick.
Oh fug. I'm all three and I've reproduced several times. Sorry guys.
Pol OP is a classic jew shill....anyway toani0ukate Whites from reproducing.....
Dont care if your a 1ft white midget wih one eye or a 10 ft lanky floppy boned tit.....just reproduce... the more Whites overpopulate the planet.....the better....wr can then topple muslim lands.... african oands....abd then the israel and jews!
White Pride World Wide.!
I like fat girls and I'm friends with lots of ugly people. I'm gonna have to go right ahead n disagree there Mr eugenics.
You're all trash and you all deserve to be punished.
>tfw 5"8
Short people tend to be more intelligent, as part of the reason some of them are short is because their brains require so much energy and nutrition. I'm pretty sure you're just stupidly talking out of your ass, which actually makes you more likely to be tall than short.
Poor people and the uneducated are the real cancer within society.
Good/smart people should fuck and have kids. The rest is cosmetic.
t. manlet fuck
keep whining you sub human
t. stupid ape sad tall people are more likely to be inherently stupid
name 1 smart tall person
I'm all three of those things. I will probably suicide after my parents die. In the meantime I'm just gonna continue living my comfy NEET life and lifting these heavy ass weights.
Im not sure about that but what do you define a manlet?
Because to say they should kill themselves is horrible and that some arbitrary threshold should dictate whether they do that is even worse.
It is funny that when in a position of superiority be it your height over a shorter persons (or manlet) you have the option to be kind when they are clearly at a disadvantage for this uncontrollable trait or be nasty and that says alot about you.
You need height to mean far more than it does ie to the extent it dictates your worthiness to live because your height is all you have. Your sole achievement if you will and it wasn't even you who achieved it but god or evolution whichever you prescribe to. If the former your going to hell fagget
> poor
That's stupid. Literally thousands of great people, from scientists to generals, from artists to explorers, from athletes to inventors, came from very humble backgrounds.
> ugly, short.
Why? Remember, there is a certain randomness factor in the genetic outcome of a progeny ('gene lottery' is true, in a sense). Sometimes you have tall or beautiful people coming out from parents who are not.
Now, if you were saying
> stupid with extremely low iq
> with crippling genetic diseases
You might have had more of a point.
Met a qt3.14 Japanese brazil mix but she has clearly daddy issues and asked me if id like to bondage her. What do??
Man Musk.
But muh low center of gravity...
>clearly at a disadvantage for this uncontrollable trait or be nasty and that says alot about you.
Similar to how blacks are inferior to whites, short people are inferior to tall people. This is just a fact. Sorry to break it to you.
Also, the cut off is ~5'8.5, 5'9
Peter the great
Tie her to the bed.
Blindfold her.
Gag her.
Post pics.
the cut off is 6'
Maybe that cut off is a little low, actually. I don't know exactly.
so basically you're all of the above?
muh dick
taiwan namber one
Actually some short people aren't short because of their genetics. If you get a nasty disease while growing up it can impeed your growth even if your genes are good.
>inb4 manlet - I'm 185cm
>185 cm
thats like average you faggot
t. wmaf
>If you are poor
Thats right goy only (((we))) should reproduce
>thats like average you faggot
it's above average in that screenshot of yours.
fucking giants from the bible
>manlet shitskins are so assblasted they make up words that don't even make sense
let = less, uragay
Henrik VIII
The picture shows >Dinaric Alps (Croatia,Slovenia,Serbia and BiH) the average is 185 cm
Yes but the disparities between blacks and white has an effect on a society and its ability to progress.
I cant see how short people are inferior to tall other that aesthetics (which should be valued) but their height has no bearing on their effect on society which can be just as beneficial or not so than any other white
Tfw, subhumans think we are giants but i still feel like a manlet at 182cm sometimes
Or even eating shit food
Yes average in the tallest countries in the world descending from tallest to shortest
>tfw 6'2"
rub it in my face daddy , i like that
Eastern European here (wrong flag)
What humiliated you in eyes of the others is your pathetic cucked faces when your women get blacked all over the internet.
6'2" btw. Much respect for Napoleon who was a manlet but changed France for the better.
Don't listen to ignorants like this cunt. He probably lives in a trailer with his mom
Maybe because that Slovenian guy lives there(Dinaric Alps)?
i see so many fit threads on pol and pol threads on fit
should we just combine the two?
>talking about saving the white race
I feel like a manlet at 185.5 far too much
Teenage girls are this tall now
>tallest subpopulation on earth
really epic post man
sheeeeit i'm a dumb nigger
I'm nearly 30.
Never felt the warmth of a womans body. Never even had a first kiss or hug. Never had a single time in my life where a female has shown attraction towards me.
It's okay though. Autism-bux pays for 1 BR apartment in the city and my gym membership, it's really all I need anyway.
William Wallace
np bro
>bulgarians too poor to travel internationally
Im 5'4'' and have fucked women way taller than me and lanklets are easier to beat than average height men.
Height is only a problem if you think it is
Aye but the point is the fagget clearly knows he lives in the tallest subpopulation on earth.
Thats why hes a fag
but it seems like a cool place
>28% of adolescent boys are 190 cm and above
manlets achieve more because its harder for us
struggle breeds strength
Its a really cool place mate
Shit tons of mountains and a nice sea
teenage girls dont count, since they all wear shit like pic related these days
I'm thinking we need to gas all manlets
Mel Gibson.
come at me cunt Aussies are all wasters anyway
maybe but I think I would notice those fucking bailers lol
I am tall and handsome, but poor ($55k/yr). I have already reproduced. I'm afraid I won't be able to have a second son at this rate.
Yeah, but not being able to makes you a fucking retard you manlet dune coon. That's clearly a chick
chink trigger detected
go boil and eat a dog you subhuman island fag