ok Sup Forums who are the niggers of europe?
Ok Sup Forums who are the niggers of europe?
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Is this even a question? Slavs.
Are you including the Turks as a part of europe though?
And what about scottish? I think this is a complicated question. There are so many niggerly peoples in europe.
albanians and turks, slavs would chill the fuck out if they had more money imo
There is fifty million Turks in Europe.
Like it or not they are part of it.
kys ahmed
Is it crazy to consider the italians? They are poor, lazy and they stink like shit
Roma and Turks. at least some slavs are white besides the lithuanians
If Germany keeps letting in more sand niggers, the Germans will be the niggers of Europe. They need to get rid of Merkel
Germans, they chimp out every couple of decades and turn the continent into a pile of smoking rubble.
for good reason
don't forget that part, carlos
I look at portugal right now and I think
Hmmm, maybe it would be better if we turned portugal into smoking rubble
I'm not joking
We know that 'technically' they are a part of it shitskin. The question was whether they should even get legitimate consideration as a european people.
Pretty much everything south of the alps
Germans ofc.. they are also the jews of europe.
They practice unfair trade practices that screw over all of the other euro members. Trump was right when he slammed Germany for being an evil empire.
yeah dude seriously. portugal is a fuckbutt shithole
no, i've been among north italians and they were nice, i hate their extroversion and being all go happy talking 60000 words per minute but in general, nah.
They also would chill the fuck out with more money.
but why don't they have more money? niggers?
Probably Gypsies and Sicilians.
I read that the Sicilians are as dark as they are because they got raped by a bunch of sand niggers. Submissiveness is very niggerly
I haven't forgotten that the failed artist responsible for the death of fifty million Europeans and the discrediting of any theory of racial differentiation was an Austrian, no.
That level of achievement makes hitler the opposite of a nigger. Niggers don't conquer continents. They shoot each other over drugs and shoes. Like in portugal
>Responsible for the death of 50 million Europeans
You have to go back
> get the chance to throw off (((their shackles)))
> do..
wait, what in the fuck did portugal even do during WW2?
you better not tell me you did some italy-tier shit and lost to a couple niggers
t. Ahmed Jackson that never went outside the United States.
You destroyed your own country and all the neighbouring ones, discredited your ideas for the next seven decades, killed millions of your people, and allowed half the continent to be taken over by your bitter ideological enemies... congrats!!!
This is the result of Hitler's policies, enjoy
>hitler conquered continents
Umm think again sweetie
Sounds pretty bad when you put it like that. And its still remarkably more impressive than anything Portugal has done
Isn't Portugal's only achievement Brazil?
>be me
>friend has gf over
>she's from Belarus
>talking about something
>mentions Poland
>Aren't poles like the niggers of Europe?
>she seems extremely offended and angry
>awkward silence
Yeah thanks for Brazil
Fuckin dicks
They turned out to be a massive shithole just like the colonizers
I think it's decided boys. Portuguese are niggers of Europe.
That's not how it works mehmet. You will never be part of europe and especially with your degenerate religion
I consider Russia to be the Africa of Europe. It has many countries with different folk. It is also one of the filthiest countries with diabolical roads.
If we'd be niggers of Europe, then where would that leave Belarus? They're ~20 years of development behind us. Not to mention they were part of Poland 80 years ago
says the croat. Jesus I can't believe nobody has mentioned the Croats yet.
Poland will soon be the best country in Europe because of no muslim immigration. I used to go to Paris once or twice a year. I don't go anymore because there are too many muslims
This. Poland and Hungary are immune from the nigger consideration because they have proven their worth by repelling the Mohammaden hordes
Perhaps that's why she was so offended.
Previously I would have said the French, but now it's actual niggers.
We stayed out of WW2 because our president was smart and declared us a neutral country. We helped both the Germans and the English. Salazar did his best not to get us involved and it worked.
African rapefugees.