You find yourself bleeding to death in an emergency room.
The doctor says you need a blood transfusion but they only have nig, fag and kike blood.
Would you accept the blood knowing you will now literally be impure, or do you die with honor staying pure?

After 3 months theyre replaced.

>implying half this board isnt gay
have a (you)

>I bleed to death regardless of what I order because the nurse goes out for a fucking smoke break and passes out due to this being her fourth 19-hour shift this week,

I would happily let myself die.

integrity. you have none.

oh like you have a choice either. your hospitals are run on widows ninety-whatnow?

>blood transfusion makes you impure
Intestines fill blood stream with products that are even not human in origin (unless you are cannibal nigger). Transfusion is not much different.

So take your strawman and shove it into your faggot asshole

Only 1 of those 3 is far less likely to have hiv

i'd mix them all up
>pic related


> nig blood
And get sickle cell trouble? Lol nah
> fag blood
I'm HIV positively going to pass on that one
> kike blood
Oy vey the 6 million blood cells

Just kill me desu senpai

well besides the disease risks, it is more about knowing you have various blood from others you may despise that have helped to save your life. and if there is no disease, the blood eventually regens but you will mentally be "unclean".

I'd have them boil the blood first


It's not that hard

If you are willing to die over this then you trully are a good goy

Jew blood has the least chance of being contaminated, although most blood is tested for that before being used for transfusions

in a few months it will be replaced, and your "purity" concerns are pure imagiantions of the undeducated wannabe skinhead, after half a year there will be literally zero physical ways to determine what type of transfusion I recieved because my immunes sytem would have removed all traces of the foregin blood cells

thats not how blood works

what if the scenario was a necessary life saving skin graft of your face, but the only skin donor was black? will you live or die?

Here's the problem OP, I'd literally die from any of those units pictured since I'm type O+
Also, they still don't let homos donate blood in my state as far as I know

The Jew blood

kike blood it will make me look ten years younger with all the fetus' they eat

what do the door to door bible thumpers know?

Only faggot Jews and niggers go to the ER

I'd take the kike blood at least that way I don't get AIDS

if you require skin grafts to your face, the color should be the least of your concerns, since you probably wont be able to see it

do they even have mirrors in serbia?

nothing its a cult. they wear special undergarments you can never take off. you dont even take them off to bathe. so they cant even take showers. They literally never wash them either I dont know how that part works though

what a silly question

This is the correct answer. Also, you may get some money out of the deal.

t.Jehova's Witness

>special undergarments
I thought only mormons did that





not a real scenario. in my area they run out of blood all the time in the hospitals. the homeless who use to donate seem to have vanished

what town could possibly run out of blood...unless, chicago?

It would of been checked anyway for hiv and its not like the blood of another race in you will actually effect anything else in you

>will I accept the blood?

what other use do nigs fags and kikes have to a pure society?

ok achmed, whatever. would an arab accept pig produced hemoglobin or even jew blood?

>Not an "organ donor"
If my kids or my S.O. needed blood/organs, and I would be a suitable donor, so be it. As far as I go, however, I wouldn't accept it irrespective of the source. "Religious" reasons, of course ;-)

I think a majority of people do not realize what is required to take organs from someone that, for a lack of a better explanation, isn't FUCKING DEAD YET. I'm also quite irritated at the fact that so many people are triggered that I'm not a donor. At this point, however, I'm sure it matters little what you have on your license.

I work in a hospital. This sounds plausible.

they don't want homo blood, I'd donate if they wanted it but it goes straight into the trash even if you're clean

no wonder really; 1/5 have HIV

The kike is least likely to have aids lol

>implying the hospital would disclose it as like blood
I would be fine with kike blood t b h
But not nigger or fag blood. I don't want to die later of AIDS.

Like blood no brainer here. It's the least likely to have stds

It's no big deal to cover it

>blood purity


>not everyday carrying so you can finish the job when its time to go

Take the Jew blood, gain their power.

I would take the njgger or kike blood.

I've eaten out a shiksa before she went full retard and left to live in a kibbutz. Skipped a bullet with that one, I might have ended up making little Jew babies. Ugh.

Niggers in Australia aren't that bad becuase there's no real rap culture or ghetto bullshit. An African in Australia probably has a better English accident than any Aussie. Sudanese can fuck off back to Africa though.

Faggot blood tho? No fucking way. Doesn't matter what country they're in they're always drug addled losers who fuck fandoms in public toilets and will accept any drug off a stranger without asking what it is. No way I'm having that human sewage flowing through me, I'd rather have bleach.

Look up chimerism in humans. Depending on the size of a blood transfusion you can have blood cells with different DNA than yours many years after a transfusion.

that blood would eventually die, be processed by the liver and shit out. the bone would replace it with new "pure" blood. as long as there is no AIDS, i dont care. its one thing to a racist, its Another thing to be a retard shill posting retarded slide threads.
the retards not saging this shit should return to r/eddit. no one cares if you share the same views as us, youre too fucking stupid to be here.

Fags aren't allowed to donate blood. AIDS.

r u literally retarded? do you know how blood works? chimerism only works if the dividing tissues have the needed DNA, blood cells dont divide, haematopoeisis only happens in the bone marrow

I would use the kike blood and train myself to hone my newfound powers of jewery for the good of mankind.

We all bleed red.


Kike, maybe it will make me smarter or more successful on business.

If you think about it, didn't they just technically harvest a Jew to keep you alive? The gay blood has about a 25 percent chance of containing HIV so that is out. Nigglet blood is also likely diseased. Those Jews are such momma's boys that they are likely virgins into their 40s, so I'll go with them.

just die and go silent into the night

ill take the fag blood its white


and no hiv

White fag since they screen for HIV.

The other two will have high chances of sickle cell and hemophilia.

Sorry to see you're a kike nigger.


bullshit, op's pic shows packetcells. Red bloodcells die after 120 days

A. That isn't how chimerism works.
B. Mature red blood cells do not contain DNA, faggot

Fags can't donate blood. Sodomy is too great of an HIV risk.

The test they do for HIV can fail sometimes. The coon and heeb bloond would be a better option.

>get kike blood
>get kike powers
>use those powers against them

I would take the kike blood its fucking retarded if you would ratter die over some bullshit blood purity garbage. Its true when they say we all bleed red Im not getting their fucking genes just their blood

One drop user.

bullet and fireproof underwear!