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Funny how no matter how hard they push this "beautiful at all shapes and sizes," bullshit, males are still expected to be chads.
What a beast of a woman.
Please stop doing this america
Dove is a British company.
>I am awesome
I hate this word more than the grotesque joke of a country that invented it
>Funny how no matter how hard they push this "beautiful at all shapes and sizes," bullshit, males are still noping the fuck away from fatties.
>I was never considered less than because of my size
well...duh, the stay-puff man got nuthin on her
fuck off your burgers ready
Please stop doing this Britain
can we all agree that its jews not America or Britain
We should call PETA. They're opposed to animal testing.
She's a maniac, maniac..
No really, this bitch is insane.
Can someone make a gif of the dancing
Isn't it ironic? That the whole fat acceptance movement is about promoting self love, but at the same time these obese cunts are slowly killing theirselves.
fat is uglier than shaped and no amount of bullshit rhetoric will ever change that
Some people deserve a proper beating
Quit pretending real americans support this shit, it's always jews and their pet goyim behind it all.... and they've made it very clear that there is nothing american at all about them.
Please stop doing this jews
Also this
>hurr durr we're all precious and beautiful
I know why aliens refuse to contact us.
wasn't she in Ghostbusters?
>looking like a literal primate is a good thing
Thankfully, Dove only barely started using a nigger to advertise over here, let alone a fat one.
Quick (fastfood) did it some months ago, using some dunecoon in the frame then stating "for us ,the Belgians". They removed the ad after a couple of weeks, then relaunched it with a white woman instead. Probably too many complaints.
Here's hoping Dove will go the same route. They've already lessened the number of seconds the negro is in frame.
Why do these people hate the very notion that someone could be ugly?
I'm a fat neckbeard, if anyone told me I was handsome I'd be insulted. I may be asshole ugly but I'm not stupid.
These landwhales shimmying around like this will only make them hungrier....they just need toput down the fork.
tfw no fat black gf to fix me some buttermilk pancakes
Part 1
Give her another 10-15 year. She'll be shilling for foot ulcer minorities and how they are still attractive but discriminated against. All these years, she's been treated with metformin, insulin, lantus (long-acting insulin), sitagliptin, simvastatin, all for that beetus diet, and thiazides with lisinopril for the inevitable hypertension due to mass. Oh and don't forget aspirin because diabetes is a coronary artery disease equivalent. You don't want her to have a heart attack. These meds and treatments only help her internalize that no matter how bad things get, we can just throw more meds at her and she'll be fine. There is so much microvasculature damage that it kills the distal nerves. It starts to get painful and burns without stopping. So what do we do? Throw on some gabapentin and block the pain. She is happy. She has a numb foot but thats a small price to pay. Anything but that pain. The nerves eventually die and she no longer needs the gabapentin. In her mind this is progress. One less med. At this point, the vasculature is completely shot and the ulcer will not heal. She decides to wear socks to cover it up. Sweat and stagnation results in an infection of the ulcer. Its bad. There is so little blood flow that although the immune system is functional, your blood cells cannot even reach the site of infection of fight it. So you go to the hospital and get admitted. Surgery debrides the area and puts you on broad spectrum antibiotics. But now the ulcer is bigger.
You called?
Part 2
They had to remove dead tissue to get to it. You get out of the hospital and become depressed that the ulcer is now worse. You thought you were making progress but in fact things got much worse. Within in a few years, the disease progressed further because you’ve been set in your ways for 45 years now, why would you suddenly change? You now have no blood flow to your foot and gangrene has set in. Your foot is dying. An infection is destroying all the tissues because there is no blood flow. The vascular surgeon gives you two options: 1. Below or below knee amputation, which he recommends against because if it ever progresses, he’d have to do an above knee amputation. or 2. Above knee amputation. You go for number 2 as that feels more safe. Its your 46th birthday and tomorrow is the day for surgery. You lose the leg, but the gangrene is gone. You rationalize that as being a win. 51 years old now. You light headed and diaphoretic, but think nothing of it. A whole day goes by and only the next day do you go to the doctor because you feel extremely nauseous. The doctor tells you that diabetes hides the symptoms of heart attacks and that you need to go to emergency. While at the emergency, you wait, thinking back at your life and the terrible decisions you’ve made. Justifying gluttony and laziness got you here. And what’s worse, you’ve encouraged your children to be the same way. While in the ED waiting, you have a IV septal rupture and go into shock. You die before you can ever tell them anything.
I'm surprised that's even structurally possible.
Th-this is f-fake right?
Haha! Yeah.
you can't blame these companies. they gotta make money. their customers are all women, and since most women are ugly fat whores that's exactly the kind of demographic you'll have to pander to. make them feel good about being ugly fatties so they keep buying the goods.
1 If she was truly happy being fat she wouldn't need to have a dance studio specificall catered to fat bitches
2. If she was truly happy, she wouldn't have almost started crying
3. They're not good dancers, flailing your arms and shaking your hips is not good dancing they'll never do anything that involves real dancing like bending their knees because she knows that if one of them fall its going to take all of them to help her up
4. Being proud of being fat doesn't stop you from having high cholesterol high blood pressure and diabetes. I"m glad that user is posting the images of gangrenous foot rot because that is the reality of being a fat ass. They probably feel fine physically because they're young, but if they reach their late 40's-early 50's at that weight it will plague them when the laundry list of health issues associated with being fat start falling on them.
From comments.
Morbidly obese is not a cosmetic issue! There are two types of fat: subcutaneous fat and then the visceral "brown" fat that's packed around your organs. Visceral fat is not benign, it doesn't just sit there being ugly. It churns out hormones and messes with your androgens and insulin and all kinds of things. It messes with your serotonin and other neurotransmitters. It produces inflammatory cytokines. Produces "interleukin-6, a type of inflammatory molecule. This kind of fat stores inflammatory white blood cells and kicks off a series of autoimmune reactions. Inflammation is at the root of most diseases, and this is why inflammatory belly fat is linked with cognitive decline, arthritis, diabetes and so on." The damage this herd is doing to their joints with all this thundering around is going to cause arthritis and joint pain in a decade or two. The tendons and ligaments are not made to support such weight. People get stress fractures in their feet just from being fat. Type 2 diabetes. Obesity raises the risk of countless diseases from heart disease, cancer & stroke to dementia, and impacts miscarriages and pregnancy problems. When your liver is overwhelmed with cholesterol it builds up and hardens in your arteries. "Fatty liver disease" isn't "fat shaming." It's a bodily organ suffering and dying from the presence of FAT. SHAME on your company for promoting this. (We'll see if my comment gets deleted or not!)
Fuck I was just about to post that
i cant believe i watched this whole video
>i've never considered myself "less than" because of my size
no, you're definitely "more than"
>and it was so much bigger than me
i find that hard to believe
>we are TOLD that there is something wrong here
>implying there isnt something wrong here
>i think beauty should be...
of course the ugly obese nigger would be against objective beauty standards, and to top it off you have another woman making things about her and what she thinks
>i think the entire model of what beauty is needs to be thrown completely out
>i think the definition of that beauty, is you
uhh, you dont get to define words