Praise Kek!
In what manner would one salute the Kekistani flag?
Is this a cringe thread?
you salute the flag with a gun to your temple
Go away all non autist normies
shitting directly on it and then wiping your asshole 4 times with each corner wrapped around your pointer finger for extra digging action
I fucking hate reddit so much
>kid has to hide the flag on his backyard deck and snap a picture really quickly before his parents see
why is this so pathetic, "le epic kekistan XD" is sad enough, but if you're committing to your bullshit fucking run the flag up an actual flagpole you goddamn pussy children
>Sup Forums logo on flag
>Only goes on reddit because Sup Forums is the big evil place with the epic ass memes that I misuse
Balls out of zipper, pull zipper up as hard as possible.
Praise Kek. Shadilay even unto you ye non beliebers. Pepe's blessing be upon you.
this degenerate shit really needs to stop.
i hate this planet
i really do, what's wrong with me?
Fucking vermin, I can't wait till the war breaks out.
OP is based, just as based as based Israel! We love our black folks in MAGA hats don't we folks? SHADILAY!
> (OP)
>this degenerate shit really needs to stop.
Silence this blasphemer at once fellow Kekistanis!
>tip your fedoras while hitting the vape
You shoot yourself to make it the new Blood Flag.
why "Stan"? know why some countries have stan on the end dont you?
>In what manner would one salute the Kekistani flag?
By grabbing one's own balls / pussy.