Help me move Sup Forums

>Be me, 18yo Britfag currently traveling Europe
>Realise Europe is dying
>Want to move to burgerland

How do I get a visa to live and work in the states? I'm self employed so there's no opportunity for a job transfer. What do pol? I'm not rich but I'm not poor, and I'm willing to put the legwork in

Have gay sex. You're French so assplay should be a no brainer.

France is muslim extremist hot zone
This ISIS thread to learn how to get into the USA?

I'm a britfag, read the post amerifag


So your a guaranteed bottom. That's even better.

We need more British immigrants, just like the good old days. I wish our government favored English speaking countries for immigration.

you really want to get shot in public places\arrested for smuggling kinder eggs and tortured to death in gitmo for endangering national security ?.
usa hasnt been worth emigrating to for years and now that they elected that kike shill cheetoman its a no brainer . the country is crashing and burning.

Move to texas French fag, good food, good economy, nice people, lots of land
Best state in the union YEEHAW

> flag

would love to, but gaining a greencard seems impossible unless im fucking rich or a brain surgeon. I don't have a 'desirable' profession to your government so what now?

>unironically supporting drumpf the orange zionist

not supporting trump, just a 6'3 aryan lad tryna chase the american dream

just hop the boarder and screech racist till you get a passport,it works for pedro?

I voted Brexit, I'm tryna do things the right way or it would be hypocritical of me right?

dying? it's already dead

If you do make it, go to trade school the workforce in Texas is seriously lacking in tradesman when I'm done in the next year I'll be making close to $50 an hour at 22years old and my total expenses was only $10,000

seems that I cant get in without a desirable high paying profession as it is though, which is what I was posting about - how the fuck do I get a green card without marrying someone kek

>Apparently being a self employed Live Music Photographer isn't good enough to warrent a green card rip


The USA is dying at a very fast rate.

I cannot recommend it.

Don't come here

Go back here you fucking coward piece of shit

Fuck off mohammed we're full.

As much as people bitch about the north, if you move to America, move to the north or PNW. The south is full of crime, jiggaboos, and 22 year old women on their 7th marriage and 9th kid from 12 men. It's hell on earth and you'll get your door kicked in at 2 Am by Tyrone and his boys, and if you survive that, a tornado will wipe your ass out.

The north just has college liberals which are easy enough to avoid. Move to a small town and you won't deal with much aside from maybe drug dealers and corrupt cops.

Find an American girl and marry her for your greencard. A chick I went to highschool with did this with her manlet irish hubby.

My girlfriend is an amerian living in Krautland, but she's moving back to the states for a few months to see her family in the summer kek

>moves to america
>gets killed by niggers

>went there for safety

Wife her and get citizenship.

>moves to Germany
>gets raped by feral african niggers

Like its any better

we've only been dating 5 months and I'm pretty happy as things are, I don't think she'd be down to marry atm either
Do you need to STAY married to keep citizenship?

i live in a rural town and there are 0 immigrants living here. only 1 turkish familiy with a restaurant and they look wealthy, healthy and very conservative. their sons look more german than turkish.

there are good and bad places in every country on this earth.

Do you have white skin? Kill yourself.
My father was born in Canada and came to the US in 1965 when he was 3 years old. He has payed taxes as a permanent resident for over 40 years, and been fighting with USCIS for citizenship since 2004. I've been down there with him twice since he became mobility impaired.
Government workplace shootings don't happen nearly enough. Imagine the DMV on steroids... it's indescribable. People who barely speak english are the ones in charge of deciding who gets to see a board, or wait another year before you can pay them a few hundred more dollars and wait a year to refile your mountain of paperwork.

>Do you have white skin? Kill yourself.

i stopped reading here. i bet you never said this to any person in real life.

Then do the same for the US and move to a small northern rural town devoid of niggers.

>not moving to Poland

Germoney everyone. Humor escapes eurotrash

There's no real feasible way, legally. Anything you'd care to think about is going to cost you money. Which is about all the federal gov't really cares about - wave enough money in front of them and they'll let you do anything.

You could try marrying one of our roasties, but honestly the pain of getting deported would be far far less than the pain of divorcing a Murican roastie.

And here you see the conundrum of our immigration policy - where legal immigration is made super hard and illegal immigration is made super easy. Basically they want a 2nd class citizen workforce than can't vote and won't push for higher wages so they can drive wages down to the rock bottom.

So, I guess be Mexican, and do everything with prepaid cards like the Mexicans do.

Join the military and gain citizenship while in.

For two years, I think. There is a time requirement for sure.

Just the germans theyre publically known for it

Glad to see atleast you are keeping up appearances as far as education goes

It's a lottery system, I believe. But you're competing with a bunch of pajeets and chinkies over a relatively small number of them.

Only other feasible way is through the H1-B or H2-B system, which is more or less serfdom. You're bound to your liege-lord, er, I mean, H1-B sponsor in some ancient ceremony presided over by a priest, I mean, no, a lawyer helps you fill out a bunch of paperwork.

Plus ca change...


When even the Jews don't want to immigrate anymore...

Oh Achmed, why leave your people and live with pigs who don't know the joys of Sharia Law?