Why do Conservashits vote against their own economic interests?
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Le bump
>Why don't white people vote for gibs!!!!
> corporate Gibs is absolutely okay to whiteys !
Truly cucked
Hundreds of thousands of jobs created?
- against the interests of working people
Tax rates going down for everyone very soon?
- against the interests of working people
Many of us saw the difference after "compassionate" Jimmy Carter was voted out and Reagan lowered tax rates and lessened regulations on business. The US economy BOOMED. There were so many jobs in the 80s you could pick what you wanted to do.
When Dems say you are voting against your interests, they are assuming you don't want a job - that you only want a government handout and someone to scold you as a racist, sexist homophobe.
Only the most retarded people are liberals.
Sage, and mods ban this faggot for spamming this same thread.
Sage and report
They don't think 90% of our nation's economic wealth is just used to screw with us.
The seemingly only think Taxes do that.
they dont. they are white so they have the capacity for altruistic behavior since they have cognitive abilities that subhuman don't, like foresight.
they can see long term benefit to conservative voting and aren't animals motivated by Jewish carrot and donkey schemes
For fuck's sake people, don't respond to shit threads like this one. It's been made every day consistently for the past week or more.