I bet Dumpf's quaking in his booties now.
Based Musk - Trump BTFO
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like i give a fuck what that faggot snake oil battery salesman has to say. paypal blows and the hyperloop is a pipedream and without government subsidies tesla would have folded a long time ago.
The govt subsidises his business and he is scared the gravy train is coming to an end.
"he's built those companies with the help of billions in government subsidies.
Tesla Motors Inc., SolarCity Corp. and Space Exploration Technologies Corp., known as SpaceX, together have benefited from an estimated $4.9 billion in government support, according to data compiled by The Times. The figure underscores a common theme running through his emerging empire: a public-private financing model underpinning long-shot start-ups." LA Times.
So he's going to quit because Trump is pulling out of a New Age religion that has government subsidies as a sacrament? I'm not surprised. He's one of the money changers in that particular temple.
are spacex's contracts included in that figure?
So the only reason he joined was to make a scene and leave when something he doesn't like happens? Pretty predictable I suppose.
Musk needs the exaggerated hype on the dangers to the planet so he can use that to push his new eco-friendly cars.
Dont we have to ratify treaties with congress? Seems insane that obama can virtue signal, sign agreement that knee caps economy for next president, and it doesnt get voted on by congress.
>Trump takes in Elon so progressives stop complaining
>Turns out Tesla is subsidized $7,500 for every electric car sold.
>Turns out the 51 billion dollar company is propped up and not as successful as liberal hippies have implied
>Turns out the Climate Consensus in the Paris Treaty was based on false data
>Turns out Elon doesn't matter as much as people thought
Elon Musk's business was largely sponsored by NASA money, which is a government outlet.
of course he's scared, if we decide climate change isn't real there's no reason to buy his cars.
I have never believed in Tesla as a company and have always believed it was artificially propped up and would collapse, would love to be right on that one
You'd think a genius would utilize an opportunity to make the world a better place, especially if he's working for an administration that he feels isn't.
Elon = cuck.
It's cute that you don't realize oil industry get more government subsidies then his electric batteries do.
Tony Stark of the poors
Yet Trump will be blamed for Elon Cuck's tantrum.
He won't leave. Ivanka would throw a fit.
The oil industry is also a hell of a lot larger and brings in orders of magnitude more revenue
It's cute that you don't realize the difference between writing off business expenses and direct governmental subsidies in the form of tax credits and requiring auto manufacturers to make a certain percentage of their fleet electric or pay someone else to do so.
Oil industry makes money user
Don't forget how much more ULA gets from government compared to Spacex.
Elon Musk? More like Elon Cucks.
Humankind's dreams of Mars will be defeated by the vaginal jew of Johnny Depp's ex.
Musk's whole company runs on green energy subsidies and handouts.
is tesla motors a meme? everyone outside Sup Forums think thay are the future. even here in monkeyland
Tesla could easily be toppled.
>Take Miata frame. Put electric motors and batteries in it.
>Sell it for 20k
>Tesla falls within a year.
sage and report
>guy that runs a company dependent on the mining of lithium ion has the nerve to claim to be an environment
>Mfw considering how terrible rocket launches are for the surrounding ecosystem
brunch is finished
WEll, Elon Musk is a moron if he agrees with this.
How is Musk worshiped? He thought of high speed subways, and a space program 50 years after the US Gov't already did it. Wow so revolutionary!
>1990s battery technology.
>Wrapped in a shiny new box.
>Big screens, lights, and leather to keep the idiots occupied.
>Faggots rejoice unironically.
>Duped by a used car salesman.
Musk is a faggot. He's using cheaply produced shit batteries that should've been scrapped a decade ago. LifePo4/Lithium-Ion nanophosphate is the next step. He shunned them because they require NEW TECHNOLOGY and HARD WORK.
Lithium Cobalt is 1990s Tech and is less proficient than gasoline. Lithium Ion nanophosphate is 2000/2010s Tech and is equally proficient to gasoline. Lithium Air is the future of battery Tech and is MORE proficient than gasoline.
Which one did Musk pick to scam the world into buying his garbage? Cobalt. The guy is a faggot of epoch proportions. Anyone who doesn't understand why is a fucktard. This faggot shouldn't be celebrated, he should be thrown in jail for being a fucking scam artist.
Maybe Musk is afraid of NASA climate predictions. How well do Tesla batteries work in the cold?
All my normies friends love musk, but they also worship bownie sanders and shill bye so let that boil your peanut.
>doesn't know that battery efficiency increases in cool climates
Doesnt know NASA hasn't gotten a climate prediction right...ever
>pipe dream
heh nice
>Doesnt know NASA hasn't gotten a climate prediction right...ever
when did I ever make that argument? Are you inner city educated?
What is this climate deal?
>pic related
What a loss for humanity. What will we do. We are doomed.
Dont you know that climate chamge is all about gender equality
link me the whole thing please, I want to read what it's about
Climate change is all about wealth transfer from hardworking nations to the corrupt leaders of nationa that never got their shit together enough to adopt technology and customs that successful nations developed long ago. Along the way, some of that transferred wealth will find its way into the pockets of bankers and financiers. None of it will ever reach anyone who actually needs it.
The Paris accord is about putting Brussels-tier bureaucrats in charge of the world.
>start dating the supreme goldigger succubus
>Want to leave Trump now
it figures
>Elon Musk
>Constantly make money from government subsidies based entirely on hype for his future projects that are "needed" due to climate change.
>Never delivers
>God Emperor allows this PoS to off input with Paris summit.
>Exposed as clueless scam artist.
>Government money saved.
>Scam artist still tries to save face.
4D chess
Because we're literally all forced to buy their product
Meanwhile all the oil companies get to keep theirs?
You fuckin Jew
Just as an example
Hansen et al 1988 predictions tracked pretty well with actual temperatures for almost 20 years
And have an error of less than 0.2C after almost 30 years
Holy shit
I guess they should just replace their models with a flat line since global cooling is about to start any second now.
Don't you remember that after the warm year of 1998 it was supposed to have flat lined according to skeptics?
>Pre owned model S is 49,000 fucking dollars at lowest
>Model 3 will be 35,000 starting price
Wtf why you no drive tesla DONT YOU CARE ABOUT ERF? Like why would you not drive a jap car which are way more efficent and cost friendly.
>Don't you remember that after the warm year of 1998 it was supposed to have flat lined according to skeptics?
I don't remember 98% of skeptics coming to a unanimous consensus about this and demanding morally, ethically, and economically vague laws be created?
They are quite a meme. Listen to the other anons about the subsidies on his tech that haven't been proven effective in terms of power. Second of all, only reason he receives those are because the impending doom caused about environmentalists.
You are called a denier if you question the narrative, the question we ask is how much are humans actualy influencing climate change, and what are the implications of it, how severe will it be? (((They))) dont want people knowing it, instead the want the normies to buy into it to buy thier Eco-friendly(TM) products.
No one is forcing you to be industrialized you cunt
Giving a foreign organization 20 trillion dollars to reduce climate change by this much 0.0001
Haha what no one is. Start biking and not heating your home fuccboi
You would think he could afford a better haircut fade.
Musk is so fucking overrated, all he did was make PayPal, that's it. Why do faggots look up to him at all? He didn't invent electric cars, or rocket engines, infact he probably doesn't even know anything about either of the shit his companies make. He just conned people out of money and yet faggots look at him as like the second coming of Jesus or something
you lost all credibility here.
This, why does this guy matter
I can grant you that. But you do see from the graphs that NASA hasn't exactly "never gotten a climate prediction right ever"
But ofc we can always move the goal posts and demand a 100% accurate prediction
>an entire oil industry get's more subsidies than elon musk
gee, nice measurement...
how about we cut them both off?
>But ofc we can always move the goal posts and demand a 100% accurate prediction
Well I think the trouble was politicizing climate science. You don't see this amount of controversy in other areas of science, such as geology. No one claims desertification isn't happening or want more evidence to be gathered.
I think skeptics have a very reasonable argument, and when people like Bill Nye are allowed to take the national stage and say things like "shut up, the science is settled," you see a well reasoned speculation into the validity of these studies.
Furthermore, when evidence is brought to light that the 98% number was fraudulently spread, where models that are being used for policy are incorrect, or that policies being discussed actually have little to do with reducing climate change, skepticism isn't just discussed, it's welcomed by those who would be affected and ultimately float the bill.
His company is literally a welfare nigger. Fuck him.