I am a White Nationalist girl who has a Sikh boyfriend. He is quiet good looking. But I am a bit conflicted about race mixing. He is perfect in every sense, except that he is a bit tan. I am quiet sure that our kids will look white.
Picture related is a rough estimate of how we look.
What should I do.
I am a White Nationalist girl who has a Sikh boyfriend
why are these garbage threads allowed on Sup Forums
piss off you cunt
does he make u wear a burka?
Sikhs are bas-
Go for it. Sikhs are the descendants of scythians i read.
No. He is Sikh, not Muslim. He hates Muslims and that makes me like him even more.
Sikh's are bro-tier, so your kid's will be fine.
But they will still be half sikh's and half white, so I would suggest you weight your decision carefully, because you will be denying them the bliss of having their own people.
Tits and timestamp or GTFO. Rules are rules.
look, a betrayal
kys racemixing scum
Where did this bro-tier Sikh meme start?
Just cause they kill muzzies doesn't mean you should racemix with them
DNA test him. He might be fine, he might not be.
Sup Forums at it again implying that sikhs are any different than other loos
But on the other hand they kill muzzies, a trait all whites should have
>it's an Indian guy larping fantasies about white women thread
Sage and poo
Is he white?
If you're going to go with a shitskin a Sikh is probably your best choice.
I hate Sikhs They think they are bro tier but I want to rip that stupid turban off of their curry smellings heads. Atleast Muslims believe in the same god these poo in loos made up their own Indian sky daddy and deserve to be purged for doing so.
But every single human on this planet is an individual who must make their own decisions, therefore I told OP that, in this case, her kid's would turn out to be fine, as in not violent psychotic thug's, but she would be stealing the bliss of having one's "own" people.
We are too altruistic now a days. It would take a major economic depression to flare up racial tensions enough for us to do something.
At the moment we are in demographic decline and race mixing isn't helping.
>I'm white nationalist
>I have non white bf
Stupid mudshark.
t. poo
race mixing is disgusting
no idea, but some leaf used to spam it like crazy. probably just another forced shitty meme
muslims are the symptom, not the disease. focusing on muds instead of liberals and reds is waste of time.
I would mostly only worry about the kid not feeling connected with his family and country. Especially with liberals just poisoning colleges.
I feel safe with him like with no one else. He has a very good sense of humor but he is very protective, in a good way. I know that he will stand and fight for me, no matter what. He carries a Kirpan (a dagger) at all times and he will use it if needed to protect me.
You just don't find many guys like that.
sikhs are no different than arabs, just know that.
You're calling her a racemixer yet will defend a white guy fucking a gook
Does he wear a stupid turban?
>During the revolt in India, the Sikhs carried their promises of protection for the British forces
>During World conflict, Sikh faiths carried themselves to battle against appointed enemies of the allies
>Apparently Sikhs despise Muslims due to their candid and unappreciated meddling in Indian territory in the past
>More fundamental Sikhs carry literal brandished personal weapons/blades to cut the heads off Muslims
>Their faith in general requires they bathe until cleansed properly and wash and clean their hair, and wear the head decoration as part of this
Something like this, I don't really know, I've only done light reading on the religion's history.
I wouldn't.
Fuck off, troll!
Culture > Race
>letting a bunch of autistic nazis on a imageboard created to discuss anime control your life
not politics related
make sure to sage and report all off topic threads
Show us your tits with timestamp you fucking cunt
lol @ the angry retards claiming Indians and Europeans breeding together is racemixing
They're the same humanoid race you idiot.
This woman is half Indian, half Australian. Europeans breeding with Indians is a lot less degenerate than have a mongloid gook fetish as some of you weeaboos have.
I am a Martian who is a human.
Shitposting is against the rules.
>perfect in every sense
>not white
pick one, faggot. your kids will be godless halfbreed mongrels. why would you bring more nonwhites into the world? race traitors get the rope
>>white nationalist
>>sikh bf
literally kys fucking whore
If you are a nationalist, its no problem
Only racists will hate you
Bait. Saged
>I am a White Nationalist girl
no, you're not
you disgust me you rank whore, your pussy is forever contaminated with shitskin dna
Sikh here, do it, nothing to feel conflicted about. Also you haven't said why you are conflicted? You got a warriro that will take out muslims and protect you, nothing more to say. Sikh's are like Klingons, respect I hope I can get a white cutie too.
Found the muslim guys
probably accurate
sounds pretty bro tier desu
Guy is Aryan as fuck. looks like a bit of a slime though.
Maybe freeze or donate eggs to increase the numbers and have kids with him also?
Either way make sure you are actually involved with local and national politics and perform your duties as a citizen.
THAT is the main thing. Not letting yourselves get swept away with a crony-capitalist economy that play on peoples simple libidinal urges and mindless consumerism.
You're a guy
would date
>Constantly wears a stupid cap for stupid religious reasons
You can better, girl
Kids will be half-turban.
Stop that shit go get a European man, your just chasing that Asian Jew money.
Alright Goyim listen up, Sikhs are NOT based, they are clownish retards who will sell their own mothers for a bottle of liquor or a line of coke, they have an incredible propensity to shooting up places and fucking up things, they are brutish thugs that have never been good for anything other than units in the army. Their diet consists entirely of fat and carbohydrate, it is not an uncommon sight in Sikh villages to see young males chug pure unrefined molten fat straight from cans much like how Germans chug beer. Their music consists of mostly sexually depraved men rapping about raping women and getting drunk, their parties involve indiscriminate drug use, nigger-tier dancing and random shooting (actual bullets). Most Sikh families have alcoholic fathers who beat their wives and children leading to a flock of Sikhlings who grow up retarded and can't tell their mouth from their arsehole.
>webm related is a clown at a Sikh wedding who ends up capping the lead dancer with a shotgun, not a wholly inaccurate representation of the average Sikh's propensity for damage and retardation.
ITT: sexually insecure little white boys throwing a bitch fit because of superior south asian genetics
not one of you little pussy faggot chumps would DARE fuck with THE BIG RAJ, aka the top champion in the premier wrestling promotion ON EARTH.
stay fucking PISSED you fat, smelly, gay wad racists.
please tell me that's a puppet
100% op is a white dude.
DAMN, now this is what I call a quality bait thread
Ok muslim, nice shitpost with a shred of no source and that footage is not from a sikh wedding
>t.butthurt Sikh
Is your name Harpreet Singh or Gurpreet Singh?
its a reconstruction of a neanderthal
Sikhs are based. Indo-Aryan relationships are permissible.