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German rivers
Don't you mean DUNE'D or SANDBLASTED?
Look at all those children!
I assume that picture of her not wearing the hijab is what set him off. She should've known better.
>Inb4 Tanned German man is awarded medal of honor for his bravery in expressing his cultural heritage around a bunch of bigots
Why the fuck are these faggot pussies not fighting for their homeland?
>German is a race
Leftists will defend this (because they are easily fooled)
This post will present a huge amount of evidence to prove that Jews are working towards eradicating the white race, which is white genocide, via mass immigration and race mixing dysgenics:
he's a tanned german
They are, by invading other countries to claim more Lebensraum.
Nah he looks british.
If he was born in Germany he is German, we don't know if this is wrong.
The girl looks pretty german too
Stupid fucking Germans. I cant wait until every last man is dead and every woman subjugated by the invaders the invited in.
She's not German herself either. They don't give a fuck anyway. It's like a cartoon to them. This is some serious Tom & Jerry finale, i don't know if to laugh or be shocked by Germany.
>oil drilling whore
Well deserved
Yeah, that's your cucked newspaper. Not sure what you are laughing about.
they are kurds, married by muslim rites.
I see no Germans in this picture
The toll must be paid
Because you bomb them you faggot, what are they gonna do, throw rocks at the fucking drones?
She was a strong independent woman. This is why we need feminism.
It doesnt work like this in germany. Our system differs from bugers
"Through Emerald Eyes I See 1776"
One of the perks of having the governments throwing around citizenships like candy:
The media can tell the public that it was a GERMAN, a SWEDE, a FRENCH; a BRITON who stole/raped/killed/murdered...
>shitskins fucking each other up
who the hell cares?
I wish he also dragged the little shitskin behind his car before taking off into prison.
B-but Kurds are peaceful and democratic feminists fighting ISIS and the evil dictator Assad!
>Kader K
essential german name
>burgers bomb dune coons
>coons invade (read: immigrate) europe
>euopeons bend over and take it up the ass
I knew greeks were fags, but wow...
Where did that one guy hey a MAGA hat?
Germans paid for the car, the gas, the rope, the livelihoods of these dune coons, and now 14 years of a comfy prison sentence as well as the medical bills for the waste of life wife. TOLERANCE
Yeah I guess if bombs fell next to your house you would get out with your fucking AR 15 and fight, instead of leaving the country asap, right? I don't want them coming here but you are partially to blame for this, and you would do the same too.
Welfare migrants and nothing more
>it's another England cuck feels threatened by Germany episode
How sad and irrelevant can you be m8?
I know it must suck to be an American/Spanish rape baby and have inconsistent ethnicities and whatnot
because they are not from syria
>instead of leaving the country
and crossing 10 others on the fastest way towards benefits and free housing, all in the name of "SAFETY!!1".
back during the balkan-war, most refugees actually just crossed ONE (1) border, few crossed TWO (2).
same during the soviet aggression towards czechoslovakia and hungary.
one border, not 10.
apparently they're only "peacful" in kurdi-areas.
The point is that what you consider shitskin is now german, as you.
You = shit skin, in the eyes of these people, and they are not a minority
Jesus Christ.
When did you leave the anglo-echochamber, burgerbuddy?
Fucking Germans.
soon no one will remember what an native German means or looks like
that explains why I read on duolingo that German rivers are masculine
if you see a kraut, shoot to kill
i repeat, shoot to kill
this is not a drill
the future of europe depends on it
(((Eternal Anglo MSM)))
Stop making excuses for these people. There are islamic nations that are CLOSER to them and accept refugees but they go to Europe because they're parasites and expect to rape your women and not be killed for it, like they would back home.
Saddam knew how to handle his rabble; a strong hand to keep the animals in check.
Unfortunately you cucked faggots have not yet realized the awful truth about the low IQ subhumans you're letting flood your nations.
They cannot be rehabilitated nor educated nor civilized by western standards. Only the most harsh punishments keep them in line, and then just barely.
You fags won't learn this until it's too late.
>German Man
Well it's official Germany you are now fully a Muslimland.
Das Neue Deutsche volk sind nicht Deutsche
I am not a feminist or something but it feels like so much horrible shit happens to women for no good reason.
They are much weaker and less capable of defending themselves, so its basically child abuse when you abuse women, and the men who do so are purely evil bullies who wants to feel powerful for once, picking on someone much weaker than you, often even dependent on you. These men are complete psychopathic losers who needs to feel powerful.
I bet she had the strongest orgasm
Unwanted and unpopular clothing that can't be sold in America is often sent to the third world for resale.
Cheers, fellow-Germans
>being this much of a cuck
The other repliers have already explained why your stupid logic is unsound.
Then don't marry a Muslim. Beating up wives is their culture.
>reminds me what apaches did by dragging people behind horses
Based tanned german.
At least the woman was not white this time.
I am positively surprised, Germany :)
And then the kids go home and play cook and clean simulator.
Well yeah he is german. He looks way more than the future germans than the Germans you all consider real Germans
>The couple are Turks with Kurdish roots and married in an Islamic ceremony in March 2013.
Why do you burgers always act so high and mighty ?
All of Europe may it be Britain,France,Sweden or Germany are all whiter than you.
13% of your population are literally niggers.You shouldn't even talk all of europe countries are atleast 85% native whites.What is yours 50% ???
You bomb the middle east since decades and install new regimes or let semi good one collapse.
And you only do this for your jewish overlords like a good goy.You are the main reason this is happening in the first place,then we have our delusional politicans who think we have to help these subhumans.
The Greek is 100% right.But atleast you are good shabbo goys while telling europeans what to do.
They're both sandniggers
We control the program, kraut.
You are just a pawn in our master plan.
Now run along back to your cuckshed and play with some legos.
The real crime here is this bitch forcing society to pay for her dumbass decision. if it were up to me, she'd have to pay for her treatment entirely out of pocket.
Because there's no war in their homeland, genius. None of those faggots are Syrian.
>German man
we called them "Mountain Turks" for decades. It must be frustrating that people ignore your ethnicity all the time.
Only 14 years that seems like a light sentencing for something so brutal.
Yes, yes it is. DNA tests can tell from which European country you come from, so they're races.
looks like no whites were involved.
do not care
Shut up, Fritz. Ameritards elected Trump, they get to live high on the hog for a while. What have you done lately?? You're on a 1vs1 cuck duel with sweden. So why dont you stop acting bent over.
Its not just americans
Everyone wants this to happen to Germans. They love this.
>tie a noose around your wife's neck and drag her bloody, broken body through the streets for several blocks until the rope finally snaps
>14 years max
If he tried that shit here it'd be 20 years minimum. Germans once again prove how cucked they are.
14 years for attempted murder. seems like justice lite.
He was probably mad her wife's son was born without a face
Probably a white supremacist
>((our)) masterplan
>being a shabbo goy
My ancestors would have finished the job but you had to intervene.
Atleast we don't have them here anymore.The only problem this country has is the people who have the idelogy in their head.
But I bet you are proud for institutions like ((Huffington)).((New York Times))((CNN)),((Goldmann-Sachs)) or ((Lehmann-Brothers)).
Act like you are the #1 Big Boy and nothing can happen ever to the US.You are even more fucked than any country Europe.
lol these are turkish monkeys. if only all of these humanoid bitches just took their shit and left turkey for good. then again, if that were the case we would go down from 80 mil to like 10 mil. oh well.
buddy my country basically has an open border with syria right now. when they cross the border, they are safe. i mean there are a lot of terrorist attacks and a coup attempt every now and then but we are relatively safe. so why do these "people" drown trying to swim to your country? for the vast majority of the immigrants, it is not enough that they are safe, they need free stuff. you wouldnt believe the amount of syrian beggars on the streets of istanbul. they dont get the gvmnt monies here so they want to get into EU. thats just abusing the system.
i once read that ever since they fled into turkey, these "people" had thousands of babies. when you see the beggars on the streets theres always a monkey attached to the begging humanoid. this war has been going on for more than 4 years now. most these "people" have been here for more than 3 years. they breed while they are on the run. seriously.
think about it;
my country is being bombed, im afraid for my life so guess ill just flee to the nearest country. none of those arab cunts are opening their borders (which is lol) so imma just get into this semi-3rd world country. so far this is something that we all can relate to. i mean we all know that none of these neckbeard basement dwellers with their 1.st world problems and frog worshiping would EVER try to defend their country. Ok im safe now but i dont have a home, no money, no job, cant speak the language, no plan for my future what so ever. Soooo why not just fuck and reproduce cause the world obviously needs more low IQ human-ape hybrids to basically become the niggers of middle east.
this is not just running away.
This is why everyone hates us and is happy we are being replaced btw
Just in case you were wondering. its posts like yours.
>You're on a 1vs1 cuck duel with sweden
Such banter from Norway.
German rivers sure are muddy.
Oh look another peace rapefugee
So what you're saying is it was a Make Donald Drumpf Again hat.
Electing ((Trump)),the biggest shabbo goy of them all.
Fuck electing anyone,I am only waiting for the collapse of the system.
This is the only way,you won't stop this degeneracy with any voting.
We all know on this site that most people completly took the bait and are nearly unsafeable.
I am pretty sure when the next financial collapse comes around,shit is gonna change.
>You bomb the middle east
Last time I checked, you Kr*uts went in to the middle east right with us
Those fucking Germans again.
No this is not why everbody hates us.
The reason everbody hates us is because we got 70years of brainwashing and our own cultural destructions.
We are or let's better say our political elite thinks letting all those savages into europe is progressive.
And they all will become Doctors and help our societes.
They surely won't isolate them self from our society like the turks 30 years ago :^))))
And turks are the most moderate of all mudslimes.
We literally destroy Europe with the US together.This is why we are hated,because we have to act above Europe again.
no they're not german and will never be german.
doesn't matter what the dailymail says.
we always destroy Europe
>their son Cudi
That's a K*urd my dudes.
Yes our Government is playing together with your deepstate.This happens if you get propaganded for 70 years.
We always have to help our ((allies)).
But to be honest the Bundeswehr is the biggest meme anyways.They literally don't do anything.If they fight it is defensive wise.
You on the otherhand really kills those muzzies.
Luther and Wilhelm are not deserved for this list.
All of Europe wanted the war and all the monarch we literally cousins who were in contact with each other.Also Wilhelm was autistic as fuck because of his childhood and cripple arm.
Luther was also based and I am saying this as a catholic.
Honestly I really don't care about the specifics
I hate all Germans.
The stae will absolutely shit on anyone who tries to stand up to this.
Looks German to me