Visited thailand

>visited thailand
>blowjob after landing
>blowjob after lunch
>blowjob after clubbing
>went every day and still would go if i could

why shouldn't blowjob bars be allowed Sup Forums?
there's less risk for stds and its relatively safer for everyone involved. it's quick, easy, and provides on-demand stress relief anytime during the day.

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>genital heroes before bedtime.

What's the point? You can do the same with your hand for free.

Tranny fucking weirdo

true but nonetheless bj's are better

>genital heroes

Thai gooks are the worse

>genital heroes
what did he mean by this?

>free STD

He meant that its difficult to post with a steering wheel

Do what you want, you're still a degenerate.

bout half the world already has herpes
not much else you can get with a bj
going all-in can cause a lot more problems

>less risk for stds
They have BJ bars in Japan too. What makes you think that is 'less risky'? You know they blow dozens of dudes a night right? When you go in there is a pretty good chance at least 12 other guys have had their dick in her mouth before you that night alone, and who knows how many loads she has taken. Don't be retarded.

Have you even had a blowjob?
Fucking your fist is nothing like getting a blowjob. I mean you get slobber, teeth, tongue, maybe a little lite biting, and some hand action with a blowjob, plus you get to pretend you aren't going to cum, and then, the fun of watching a woman attempt to swallow and vomit at the same time.

I mean, it's literally pathetic that you came all the way to Sup Forums to ask others what they think about your private behavior. It says to me 2 things

a.) You're not comfortable with what you did and you're looking for others to justify your actions
b.) You're comfortable with what you did but you're anxious because you want others to agree with what you did since you have no self-respect.


I hate to break it you, but 90% of those blowjobs were from men.

Prostitution should remain hidden in the shadows. Open and accepted degeneracy is the mark of heathens.

It's not gay if it's a mouthpussy

Sex tourism is degenerate


Genital heroes all in and around his cavfefe

Man, woman, doesn't matter. They just have to be able to reach the base.

Also, suction.
A hand can't provide the succ.

It's pretty important.

#1 sex tourist in the world are brits

I worked in Cambodia for a few months. Most disgusting place I've ever been. Fat, old, socially retarded Australian men everywhere, there to fuck young Cambodian women. I never saw the actual human trafficking, but my company's office was in the district notorious for it, and whenever I told tuk tuk drivers I was going there, the drivers looked at me like I was disgusting and evil.
The only reason to go to Thailand or Cambodia is to reaffirm how great the US/Europe/Australia is. I've also worked in West Africa, and that region felt warm and cuddly by comparison.
That girl in the OP pic is cute as fuck. In America, every guy in her high school/college class would have crushes on her, and treat her like a princess. In Thailand, she probably had to go into prostitution because her family hit economic hardship. A relative probably sold her to a pimp when she was too young to really understand. I guarantee she has no education. She's likely addicted to amphetamines. She spends every night fucking disgusting old men. No traditional Thai guy would ever marry a girl who was a hooker. If she's from a rural village, she probably can't go home because she's considered a disgrace.

Go ahead and go to Thailand for sex, but I legitimately hope you get AIDS while you're there.

It doesn't help that their men are prettier than their women

No wonder, have you seen and talked to British women?

If you honestly can't tell, does it really matter?
Besides, you don't have to be in love with someone to get a BJ from them. It's a business transaction. They just have to look decent enough from that angle to make it aesthetic, and have some average technique.

>Pride yourself in getting a blowjob from a dude.
OP is a litteral faggot this time

What kind of fucktard told you there's less risk of STDs? It's mucus membranes touching, you're going to get STDs.


but are there available BJs from females or only traps?

You obviously never had a blowjob before

You love visiting mom at work I see, OP.

not like you can tell

Only newfags care about your pathetic gets.

>tfw I find the red shirt girl (male) walking by more attractive

Do I have brain problems?

And what if you are not interested in having strange asian men sucking you off?

Meh. As long as you dont really know and dont go feeling around their dick area i think it's fine. I bet the lady boys are better than most woman too.

Is this a new shitty mobile game fad?

This is a good post

is this a CIA meme reference??

Almost all of them are so fucking ugly, and the hot ones are 1 in a million.

The only actual female in the entire vid is the one wearing the red shirt who can be seen on the left side of screen at 7 seconds.

Everyone else is a man.

I hate fags with a passion and I'm as straight as an arrow, but I'd let a thai ladyboy suck me off.

europe has escorts you can ring up with an app
their situation is just as bad but everyone think's it's normal
only sjw roasties give me shit for going to asia instead of germany or new zealand

gooks fashion their society over feeling over logic and refuse to reform their culture for their benefit and equality but yea im at fault for exploiting it because sex is gross and my peepee doesnt work just like yours

Kind of sad that you hate fags so much even though you yourself into gay femboys going down on you. It's like doublethink from 1984. Maybe you should learn to live and let live, friend.

>their situation is just as bad

you guys know a blowjob is a shot right?

I hate european prostitutes. It's always awkward, you go on shady websites, you only see a burly picture, have to actually call them up, meet them in your own room or a shady part of town or some hotel room where the staff looks at you all weird - it's a mess. And expensive.

In asia? You just walk in a bar and Hi there, 2 suki-suki, 1 fiki-fiki, a vodka martini and change for 50, thank you thank you, bada bing

Sums it all up.

asian sex tourism is the best shit
repeat until broke or visa expires

>I want a blowjob from a woman who literally blows guys all day long as part of her job

Really? I don't want genital herpes or other STDs. And a blowjob with a condom on is absurd.

Great idea OP. How about you go get a job there running around sucking dicks all day for $25.00 a day in pay and let us know if you're still a fan.

>having passionate feelings for fags

nonsense. Blowjobs are better than sex.


Clearly they do not.

>A relative probably sold her to a pimp when she was too young to really understand. I guarantee she has no education. She's likely addicted to amphetamines. She spends every night fucking disgusting old men. No traditional Thai guy would ever marry a girl who was a hooker. If she's from a rural village, she probably can't go home because she's considered a disgrace.
please stop I can only get so erect

Hi Sup Forums
Edgy degenerate here looking for attention

Guess wat
Bad things are good! Check mate

Reply pz

= this thread

Prostitution will always be around in some form or other, there is always demand.

In places like Thailand the culture means parents sending out their daughters to send money to them so they can have the grandest shack in their village for 'face' and it's not considered that bad. Their minds are still in Asian survival and social status mode where those two concepts overrule any concept of dignity and their buddhist/Confucian moral values are not so harsh on prostitution. Girls are also less valued by these traditional rice farming people and so their happiness/dignity is barely an afterthought.

>ywn buy anzu a drink for a blowjob

>>blowjob after landing
lies... you must be arrest if you do that

cannot I ask to see their pussy?

stupid phone poster

You put a lot of blame of the gross men who partake in the whores but what about their families who sold them for a quick dollar?

I know a man, an australian man who is quite elderly, in his 60s. He had a daughter who died. His daughter had two children with an australian man and then divorced him as apparently the australian man was no good at which point she found a much better man, an indian man and quickly had another child with him. The woman died leaving 3 children in the custody her ex husband, having never remarried. The indian man sort legal action and managed custody of his daughter, obviously her own father would be a much better care taker. So the indian man took custody and of course decided to go back to india where he promptly sold his own daughter into sex slavery for a quick buck.

This old man who's granddaughter this is plans on paying some bikey gang to murder the indian man because that's all he can come up with. But the important message her is: White people are the problem.

Post big kathoey cock

>this is a bad thing

asian "women" > asian women

>Visiting Japan in the next year
>Tiny part of me wants to check out the soapland or something to get my rocks off
>Other part reminds me that most of the women working in that business are Yakuza affiliated, and have been imported from other regions in Asia, sold into sex slavery.
>Good chance I'd get drugged and robbed either way.

Prostitution is bad news anons. A couple minutes of pleasure could cost you a lot more than what ever she cost you.

This is the line for their yearly draft.

usually you just grab them down there and if you feel testicles you can either engage in conversation or not.

I am prettier than woman here

men give the best blowjobs, m8

women are literally useless

Supreme incurable autism.

so how does it work?
I go to Thailand, go to bar, they aproach me, we go fuck, I pay them, repeat ad infinitum?

Proof? Show boipucci.

Tell me a story dad

No daddy no!

>le autism xD tips fedora right bro?

Whores use condoms you virgin imbecile.
However, ignore whores, hodl your coins and wait for synthetic pussy.
Thats about all, peace out.

you have to pay their mistress bar fee so you can take them out on a "date" but you can flirt inside the bar while getting drinks. Feel them up during the drinks you usually want to go with the ones that have testicles as those fuck hotter.

why you guys act like my country is the only one country in the world that have LGBT ???


>bout half the world already has herpes

please don't mention it, I don't need anymore reasons to never leave the house.

>you usually want to go with the ones that have testicles as those fuck hotter.
no I don't, I am not a faggot and I don't want to fuck dudes or dudelike products
>bar fee
aprox how much?

good post

your country actually cuts all the bullshit associated with having sex not only that you have something for everyone not to mention is a tropical paradise

I think a percentage of people are naturally immune to it. I've never gotten a cold sore in my life.

like $20 for an hour

boipucci or gtfo

Fuck that bar shit. I'd go all out and get a villa with a hooker 24 hours a day.


The customers are as much to blame as any other part of the system. The race of the customers is irrelevant to my point. Tourism does fuel the industry in part, and it makes it the size it is. But many of those tourists are from other Asian countries like Singapore. The only reason I mention Australian men is because when they solicit, it's really obvious because they stick out, and you know they're there for sex because that's the reason so many of them are there. Aside from tourists, many of the customers are of course local Cambodians and Thais.

The problem is anyone who engages in that fucked up system.

Go to bed Trump

Nobody thinks Thailand is the only country with gays.

Your country however is world renounced for sex tourism, whether that be gay, underage, regular or otherwise.

For whatever reason though, more than regular and underage sex your country for some reason has a prevalence of homosexual sex posing as hetero-sex available.

In fact your country is the trailblazer in transgender male to female cosmetic surgery.

Oral sex isn't that safe. It's kind of a meme. I wouldn't have oral without a condom.

By that logic, why do people fly across the planet to go to these places? The customers are there, which means these systems have to pop up everywhere.

welp, I can have sex here in Poland for $20/hour
this sounds interesting, thanks

>cutscenes work with modded characters