weaponized autism
Weaponized autism
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This... will get fun
>escalating the conflict
The internet is about to become a sea of absolute nonsense.
They have a chance though if the recruit actual autists. They need to offer the appropriate perks though like endless chicken tendies and mountain dew and the disgusting crap that autists need.
no way this is real.. you cant force autism it just happens naturally
>mfw US military spends 10 million on training per NEET
what will their codesigns be?
Really wish this was real, too bad would have been fun
This can't be real.
The true autist is autistic by nature.. he will do what he will do regardless. So, you get this kind of person and give him the weird shit he needs to be content as he lets his autism run wild. The military will harness this autistic energy if they handle it appropriately and weaponized autism will go from being just a meme to a real job with real global effects and consequences.
>autism boot camp
>show me your "REEEEEEEEEEE" face soldier!
Does this mean we now get to corrupt the Pentagone? Let's do it boys...
weaponised autism has already been used to kill several shitskins in the syriageneral threads.
at least 3 or 4 bombings that i can recall...
As if that horse didn't leave the barn a long time ago.
>and make them go virus
kek, you had one job and ya blew it.
Kek. Just a ploy to beg for more tax dollars
>make them go virus
So this is where the pagan larping is coming from
>weaponised autism has already been used to kill several shitskins in the syriageneral threads.
73 airstrikes and 4 ground assaults from jan 2015 until now.
>thats literally millions of dollars worth of military endeavors all because of Sup Forums pol autism
why is the best timeline always being confirmed?
>no way this is real.. you cant force autism it just happens naturally
... does this mean that the government is going to start recruiting the best meme wizards from Sup Forums the same way they recruit the best hackers from former cybercriminals?
Fresh OC and your rarest Pepes will be like your job application.
>counter online propaganda... with propaganda
>When you troll so hard the military is sent after you
>Then the miliary realizes it can't contain the memes
>It becomes a meme arms race
>The most powerful military force on the planet is woefully under equipped to handle the combined Autism of a bunch of nazi frogs
Sup Forums, do you ever get tired of winning?
MFW we troll the Pentagon so hard that they fire the missiles.
great, i came up with "im the european now" meme and have at least one major get (7 7's yesterday)
im a shoein for that 8 figure (usd) military contract
were do i sign up boys
Dear US military.
I helped with the HWNDU ctf mission.
If you read this, i would like to apply for the Job.
Some of the articles on the site that OP got this article from are pretty damn lulzy.
"ISIS Condems Kathy Griffin for Culture Appropriation.'
This has been going on since the days of IRC fake news.
Fuck that blackmailed faggot Jew pawn general and fuck all the welfare queen faggots serving the Jews that will be part of that faggot Jew unit fuck them
These were the faggots circle jerking the ICBM
class target interception "suck-cess" here.
>General Grant! Get over here and look at this, hurry!!
"My Gawd Wilson, it's the most hilarious and dankest meme I've ever seen. We have to find this man."
>tfw Trump created jobs and the left can't do anything about it
It's called re-allocation of human resources faggot.
9Ss will get farmed out for it
Creating jobs
and there's nothing you can do about it
Spede is a national treasure.
Just like Sofi.
>about to become
I don't know how to tell you this...
but you're a fucking retard
would you turn against the internet for a high paying government job with benefits where all you do is troll people?
>posting anime
it still does not get trough my head how people can watch that shit
i mean i get shows like OPM and DBZ but how the hell do people watch the shows who have "waifus" and little girls and shit
fucking pogs cant do anything right so we're safe
I already have that
>implying government propaganda is even useful today
Who wouldn't?
>Upon assuming command, Farmer, 65, searched the internet to find out what a meme was.
>its duffleblog, "theOnion" of the military
OP is a huge faggot who deserves AIDS injected into anus
You know Deus Ex predicted all of this
Maybe I already am...
And you know what ? It will never matter because the sheer amount of hate and creativity that sprouts from this shithole can't be equalized.
Inb4 the meme center ends up entirely redpilled and they have to create a meme center to counter the meme center.
SG actually got IS/Al-Nusra bombed?
Hey, that's CIA shill, he sees EVERYTHING. But can he see why autists love the laughs from dank memes?
>"Uhhh, they're racists using mind control techniques on honest Americans"
>Gets shot in the back of the head by Hillary
WRONG dude, they're just funny!
The number of spooks browsing here will triple as they try to learn our ways
how many will switch sides for fun?
No one can out meme Sup Forums.
thanks for the (you) but maybe you made a mistake there?
The interwebz is a network of tubes and we hope to make pro DoD memes and make them go virus
>one you go virus you'll never go back
>American taxes pay for this
>American taxes pay for people to shit post on a Chinese knitting board
>There are high level employees probably being played ridiculous amounts of money to research and develop memes
>There are conferences and meetings about how to be on the cutting edge of meme warfare
>The President of the United States probably gets updates and situation reports about the meme division of the Pentagon
God bless the USA.
How long until cow memes?
>legalize weed for the memetroopers
>no physical fitness test
>work when we want how we want
>no uniform
>no basic training
There. That's how they can recruit true meme veterans.
Guys, I'm already going to Officer's School in 2 years, am I gonna get drafted into the meme division and have to continue shitposting on Sup Forums when I just want to kill sandniggers?
I don't know how to feel about this.
Are they actually going the usual route of our foreign policy, by trying to defame nationalists and pro-Assad threads and giving funding and arms to that Turkroach that always posts dead American soldiers?
I started the orcposting meme. I created at least 5 hugely popular memes, 2 of which got ruined by normies. I deserve this job. God bless America.
Except the Finns. We cannot defeat the Finns.
It's from a like of American cereal commercials.
>“He found emojis in the first 10 minutes,” she said. “Now he gives pep talks saying things like ‘Your work is fire fire fire, laughing so hard I’m crying, eggplant.’ Today’s plan of the day was in rage comic form and had a note saying ‘If you cash me outside you better salute, how bout dah?’ He put a sign in front of the chow hall saying ‘Nom nomming’ and started calling the condiment bar the Salt Bae. What is this I can’t even.”
Holy shit
>Meme warfare division
>Created under President Trump
ALL of them, you can't browse Sup Forums longterm and not become redpilled.
Got a list?
>tfw Sup Forums doesn't realize them acting retarded is their first meme, and they're using this to get viral
You've failed me Sup Forums
Imagine being able to Kill sandnigs WITH your memes
>Everyone develops weaponized autism
>Autism arms race
>Slowly but surely, most of the world descends into autism
>Sup Forums weaponizes sanity and takes over
If true, they actually acknowledge we are stronger than them with this.
Actual estimates are approximately $100,000 per soldier. That is only 1% of your number. Don't exaggerate such things.
DARPA already has meme robots creating the dankest memes to influence us into submitting to the New World Order
>Shitposting robots
>not real
Do you remember that Bundy standoff at the Oregon Ranch? I was on Sup Forums the night after they killed one of them and shot the other on the highway. Weirdest shit, all of the posters were pro-big brother, applauding this, but the weird thing was every poster had all of these brand new meme's i'd never seen before in any of the other threads... all these fresh off the presses meme's never seen the light of day until right after this happened. It was some straight up cointellpro response.
Remember when it was just JIDF and SRS that we were up against?
memes show up within minutes of anything going on.
Indicating advanced preparation and planning.
why would the cia be against Sup Forums? they probably watch the board but I dont think they are against Sup Forums.
mm spaceraiders my favorite
i would give you reddit gold if i wasnt a huge faggot
>they probably watch the board but I dont think they are against Sup Forums.
>implying Sup Forums doesn't stand for truth
>military memes are 10 years behind their civilian counterparts
Hope you enjoy this pic famalam