be a childcare worker

> be a childcare worker
> millennial mom hands you this flier
> what do you do?

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Refuse to attend her and do not speak anything, this is probably a sue b8

Can you imagine how fucked up her kid is going to be? We're encouraging mentally ill narcissists to impose it on their kids.

>report her for child abuse

Refuse to allow someone who isn't male or female to mind your children.

Who knows what they're attracted to? This is paedophile russian roulette here.

>not female
>had a baby

He's right. Notify someone about the "weird instructions", might be a child groomer.

Yeah the kid is fucked, i feel sorry for the innocent ones
The mom should get shot

They're raping children. We're not sure what who are raping, boys or girls, because its a nonbinary type of paedophilia, but children are being hurt here.

yeah. Or all these kids will rebel hardcore and we get a kick ass 50's style world again.

They pay 30k a year so I would just avoid talking to the kid as much as possible, not worth losing my job to make a point when I know I won't want to use those retarded words.

>I am not male or female
>gives birth

>talk to kid when mom is gone
>ask him what he/she would like to be called.
Hopefully he is not beyond saving and I can start red pilling him.

>Fuck you, ren, I'm going to start a small business and marry my girlfriend!

That poor kid doesn't stand a chance. Imagine being taught made up pronouns as a child and then trying to fit in at your first high school party.

children are being left unattended with youtube every day, it's scary as fuck. who breeds and just leaves the spergs for the media to pick up after??

"y-yes ma'am I'll do whatever you say I don't want to go to jail"

> Young kids can call their ren, "Renny"

> yeah sure xer
> spend the next few hours red pilling the kid

Ask if the dad is called Stimpy


I'd bully the shit out of the kid.

>being this much of a pussy
They're paying 30k a year and you work for them. Just do your fuckin job or get a better one. This is scrub tier work ethic.

this. tell CPS or the equivalent that you are afraid a child is in the care of a mentally ill individual


t. kids from the 90's get the reference

I always wondered how it would be to raise my child with color words inverted. For example if I always refer to red as "blue" and to blue as "red". The child would of course believe me. And then one day it'd be confronted with a different reality where people name the colors completely wrong (from his perspective). Just a funny experiment.

Pretty much this. No different than those fags who shopped around to try to find a bakery that would refuse them service.

Tell her to get the fuck off my property or I will shoot her.

tbf, if we value the right of the parent over the state to raise their kids, we let this slide

at least until we start taking kids from the mentally fucked

Tell her to take her faggot ass kid somewhere else, we have to take care of real people's children here.

>I am a nonbinary person

so analog?

Imagine if your surname was Hoek
Your name would be Ren Hoek

Your child could be stimpy

Gr8 time 2 b alive

>ruining a child's mentality
>just a fun experiment

Fucking Germans

And then your boss yells at you for stereotyping a sexually anormal person as a child groomer.

Fuck you

pic related

He would just change the words used. It's possible that color really is different for all of us, but that wouldn't prove it so much as mildly confuse your kid.


did ren just assume ren-offsprings gender?

Who cares? Their child will probably grow up to be better adjusted and more successful than you.

Pic related.

People do not have a gender.

Words have genders (male, female, neutral)

The use of these words in relation to humans is determined by genetic sex.

The use of group pronouns for a singular person is fucking retarded and these people should feel bad.

>a faggot cuts his cock off because the Jews told him it would make men want to marry him
>the mangled faggot gets a job because it's illegal not to hire eunuchs in wigs
>the castrato comes to your cubicle
>boss agrees
>it is now a condition of employment that you worship a plague queer with a ripped-off nutsack

>parents tried this
>be colorblind
>their labels didn't match mine so I assumed blue and yellow were "real" and everything else was "girls colours" shit like "mauve" or "turquoise", just "girl color". I was scared every colour would get me bashed for being gay even though I didn't know what gay was. All I knew was if I didn't ask strangers "what colour is this?" I would get my head kicked in again. fucking pink shit everywhere and two laughing assholes.

my parents will rot in a nursing home without visitors.

> be a childcare worker
>torture white baby until it dies

Just walk away, this person is mentally ill and will sue or attack you at the slightest provocation.

Feel bad for their kid desu

They are pushing back, but not that hard. They see the arguments of all sides online and are going off in a new direction.

Simply disagree.

Just that small change could fuck them up for life. It could cause fatal accidents because of miscommunication with normal people.

Now imagine how fucked up a generation of kids not knowing what gender they are will be like.
>is not fucking xe in xits ass homophobic if xe has a vagina?
Sex is confusing enough as a teenager already.

I don't know what's funnier- the fact that the artist in question managed to reproduce without understanding what gender is, or the fact that the kid will grow up to be a British Timothy McVeigh and truck of peace a trans pride parade.

The bit you're leaving out to make this the same kind of thing is that after you do that and fuck the kid's perception of color, you then have to go out with little signs trying to convince the rest of the world to play along.

kinda sorta this. I would not care well for their child because well, who would notice. I want to help but it might be genetic.

Imagine how many cases like this happened without video surveillance

Why you think either of those kid's will be well adjusted or successful is beyond me.

My eyes!

Tear it up and throw it in the trash, preferably while he/she is still in my presence.

Smile and wait until she's out of sight before I show it to everyone else and laugh behind her back. I'd rather not make a scene by confronting her since she's obviously nuts.

Laugh in her face and walk away

>your parent will pick you up
>it was good to see your parent
What are they gonna do?

That kid should be put in care before its shitty mum fucks it up for life

I will never undeestand how anyone can defend this. What the fuck is being non binary even. It's literally just something for insecure people to feel special. If you don't want to conform to gender norms, don't, we don't need a new gender for it.

ikr? growing up in post-Brexit Britain, having to emigrate to a rich country. Poor kid

Trans red

I would laugh at the mockery that western countries had become.


>Ren (from parent) is a gender-neutral equivalent of mom or dad

I mean, why wouldn't you just say parent. Not special snowflakey enough?

>Ren (from parent)

hmm I wonder who is behind this

From defeating the Japanese to losing the war against improper pronoun choices (and cutting our wrists in the bath tub when some kid calls us 'ma'am').

How do they even come up with these terms? Do they all agree on it in some sort of secret Tumblr chat? And how does it even work in other languages? (Spanish: ellos? ellas?)

What is so hard to understand? It works like this:
>Let women vote
>They create a party designed to appeal to making everyone comfortable even if they are useless
>everyone becomes useless
>the useless are told that they are most deserving of comfort because they are "oppressed"
>within 3 generations, men cut their own balls off and insist on being called priscilla while xeroxing copies of their pronoun instructions

why is that hard to grasp? let women control something, and it becomes a hell nightmare of lost identity through the worship of weakness.

What a garbage post


>Pa rent


Pa is short for the male parent, therefore it is part of the patriarchy.

>How do they even come up with these terms?

it's a mystery indeed

accept that this parent have sacrificed their child to moloch already and try to save someone else

>gendered languages are cissexist trash
>you will now refer to all nouns with the pronoun ellxs

Tell her little Nita is no longer welcome in child care. she can come and pick her up, i put her outside next to the traffic.

Yeah lets use thrid person plural not to hurt my feelings, think of the children.
You should slap her OP.

They're obviously retarded. Speak slowly and softly so they remain calm.

What the blinking heck?

Nobody has cared how anything works in Spanish since you lost your possessions to the US (although I think they want to give back Puerto Rico).

The ramblings of a deranged mind to be sure.

You're underestimating the social power of language. Especially for immigrant families, children do not speak the same way as their parents. If I were to call something by a different name in the presence of my child or to teach them its name, they would quickly revert after being made fun of at school.

They self, Ren, and renny are not real words, nor is it possible to be neither make nor female. You seem to be suffering from a severe mental illness, so I genuinely and without massive urge you to sell professional help for both your sake and that of your child. In the meantime it seems quite clear that you intend to threaten both our staff and other children with your particular political ideology, which smoking other things is known to be quite litigious in nature. We have therefore determined that your custom is more a liability than a benefit and so are inviting you to not do business with us. We wish you well on your attempt to find child care that suits your toxic worldview, and on addressing your peculiar psychosis.

I have deuteranopia and I would always say grey instead of pink. they took advantage of it to build a five-year joke.

That many views? That many likes? Suicide pregnancy? Wtf man?

Crumple it up. Whip out my cock and piss on it to weight it down and then squat a big deuce on it. Then I'd turn and say: 'Those jalepenos.. THEY really burn on the way out.'

Throw it in the trash and burst out laughing about the retardation

Good parenting 101. I convinced my counsin's son that gay people turn gay by skin contact. He fucken freaks out now if a poof is in the room.

No, in all seriousness: use your childcare worker access to start digging into this brain dead whore's life. Find any scrap of information you can to use to remove poor Nita from her custody.

>Wants people to respect her pronouns
>Decide her child's pronouns


>call me "they"
This triggers my /lit/ autism.

Thank god my country doesn't stand for this jewish garbage.

If you're in Canada or the EU, prepare to be sued and go to jail. If in the US, maybe lose that job - if it's my daycare, or I'm close with the proprietor (who I guarantee hates this trash and would tell them to go elsewhere), then I prepare for good times.

They're there their, settle down mate.

God I love Poland.

Step 1: Laugh
Step 2: Look her deep in the eyes
Step 3: Take her out for coffee and look at the sunset together
Step 4: Shoot her in the back of the head
Step 5: Profit

Right muthafuckin here

>be liberal
>everyone has to respect preferred pronouns
>but God doesn't necessarily have to be male

Latin passion. I like how the sex in your step by step seems to happen after the shooting. Authentic Mexican shit right there.

refuse on basis of grammar.

the idea of using 'they' is so fucktarded- it seems purposefully designed to create problems.

Say its improper grammar. Say each of you have the right to speak in a way that makes you comfortable.

but - 'reny' is fine... if you remember it.
your rights can not depend on forcing me to do as you will