35º C? Are you fucking kidding me?
How is global warming not a thing again?
35º C? Are you fucking kidding me?
>that font
Tfw comfy 17C
You are apparently too stupid to understand that a hot day does not in any way constitute proof of "climate change."
you like it amerianon?
It's some shit I did last night to put on my laptop
>huge mass falling around gigantic flaming gas ball in space
>mexican intellectual
>thinks 35ºC is in any way hot
t. cuckpitalino
Only when it's 250 hot days out of the year, right? Or all 365? Or maybe global warming only exists once 500 days out of the year are hotter than average.
Did you really think you could win against science?
It makes my eyes bleed. It is godawful.
it's german approved
18 degrees celsius? Are you fucking kidding me? How is global warming a thing again?
yeah, we don't use F idiot
Oy Vey goy, A high pressure sys-... I mean global warming, now pay taxes to the poor. Good goy.
>500 days out of the year
>if you code the seat so mucs why don't you just go to sell
What did he mean by this?
if you love the merch so much then why don't you just go to shekel
Comfy. Sun is shining.
Serious question:
How old are you?
Using Kikepedia, you can see 2010 was a relatively hot year. Keep in mind we have, what, 130 years of actual good data to work with?
Mexico is a FUCKING DESERT. Deserts are hot. Don't live in a fucking desert. Here's why it's a FUCKING DESERT.
>implying this thread was not bait.
Jesus you're an autist
>I was only pretending to be retarded
If you pretend to be retarded then the bullies win
every year summers get colder in finland
but remember to pay the carbon taxes goy
Whether you want to believe it or not warming up is the natural progression of a planetoid or moon, it then goes thru stages until it becomes a star and births its own planets. Your welcome.
called out by the viet chong
amerilad btfo
This. May 2017 was like the coldest May in history.