'He'll never be a surgeon again': Doctor 'punched from behind' by a smoker, 22, who asked him to extinguish his cigarette outside a hospital faces 'devastating' brain damage - as court hears accused is withdrawing from drugs
The 41-year-old surgeon was allegedly king hit at an east Melbourne hospital Dr Patrick Pritzwald-Stegmann, a father of two, studied medicine in New Zealand The Box Hill Hospital heart surgeon was married with young twin daughters He had gone outside the east Melbourne hospital after noticing visitors smoking He was attacked after asking a man to stop smoking near the front entrance Joseph Esmaili, 22, was arrested on Wednesday night and later charged Melbourne Magistrates Court heard he suffered from drug withdrawals
That'll teach those cunts to keep clear of a man's fag.
Ryder Bell
Good, I'm so tired of self important non smokers trying to tell someone not to smoke outside
John Sullivan
The world of the living is a cruel and unjust place
David Thomas
Kekk Fpbp
Ayden Wood
>anti-smoking lobby will use this as data that secondhand smoke kills
Jaxson Walker
Stupid. Ruin a guy's life cause you wanna be a degenerate in public. Fuck off
Anthony Baker
>Hospital's property
Adam Barnes
Hospital security guard here. You people wouldn't believe the shit that goes on in and around hospitals. Seriously.
Andrew Hernandez
Can vouch but I was an orderly for 4 years. Especially in big cities, the most awful and violent people exist.
I knew a guy who had a highly contagious disease and he would try coughing and sneezing on children. So I took a hospital mask and shoved it onto his face and threw him out. I didn't get fired but I got ''punished'' for it.
Ayden Torres
I got a few nurses and a doctor in my family. Trust me, I know.
Shit's fucked up, yo.
Lincoln Hall
The fuck is a king hit
Nolan Gonzalez
now you have to deliver
Grayson Lewis
I worked as an orderly to make my way thru college in General Hospital, San Francisco. I would believe, and then top, any and all of your stories.
Kevin Howard
Lucas Bailey
sudden knockout blow storytime
Bentley Bell
I work in a hospital. Most people that use them should be gassed. The idea that we spend money to keep most of these parasites alive is a disgrace.
Ryan Martin
>Esmaili what kind of shitskin is that?
James Rodriguez
Pls gib hospital stories
Aiden Ramirez
storytime here too. Grew up in the Bay and lived in the City for 5 years through college. Tell some tales please
Nolan Scott
probably a lebo
Henry Martin
>be some deadbeat addict >punch a doctor and ruin his life because he pissed you off by reminding you of what you are >in a parking lot where, in all likelihood, there are express written rules against smoking near entrances
This is some dindu-tier shit. Brits really are white niggers, aren't they?
Carson Ortiz
>spends life abstaining from smoking and encouraging others to do the same >smoking still gets him in the end oh the ironing
Robert Hill
that'll teach that smoke bigot. Fucking healthists
Lincoln Morales
Apparently "king hit" his britspeak for suckerpunch.
Suckerpunching someone in the back of the head is like the ultimate nigger move; ever heard of the knockout game?
Mason Watson
Leb subhuman. Remember the Cronulla riots.
Anthony Nelson
good pair of sevens
Hunter Johnson
I guess being a dick will kill you faster than being a smoker
Aaron Phillips
Then fucking story time us, friend.
Gabriel Morgan
Smokers are the most powerful race in the world.
Sebastian Flores
>walking into a pack of niggers Not the smartest thing to do. Give them a wide birth. And if there is any attention given to you get ready to fight. And if you cant leg it.
Carson Ramirez
Jesus Chirst what a fucking waste.
James Edwards
It sounds like it was the first hand that got him.
This is precisely why I just go in-and-out of the hospitals I work at.
Specially because I live in this nigger country where you can't relax around most people.
Hunter Lee
This is really a terrible gif. You should delete it, and you should be embarrassed if you made it.
Juan Walker
ur dumb as fuck lad
Jordan Carter
That's one less doctor available to save his worthless skin when he inevitably OD's.
Ryan Miller
sounds albanian
Jackson Ward
Feel free to start talking shite about things you know absolutely nothing about.
Easton Sullivan
uneducated american xD
Parker Anderson
Had a friend work there in the late 80's early 90's and I would believe Anything you said!
Levi Wright
Auatrian for a hay-maker
Jaxson Bell
notice how he fake yawns to make them think he's relaxed. guy was scared as shit
Jeremiah Martin
Okay so I smoke and I work at a care facility. You can't smoke near the doors or windows, it's a bilaw. This guys going to go to prison for punching this as you called him "self important non smoker". What's it like having the emotional sensitivity of a burger. I hope your dad gets decked and dies because it turns out he has a weak skull as his head shatters against concrete. Then you can share the pin of this DOCTOR's twin girls, you inhuman pile of scum.
Andrew Clark
is it wrong if I hate both of the people in this sceneario? Fuck the cunt for suckerpunching and turning a doctor into a veggie, but also fuck the doctor for in a way being a control freak. I don't know the laws there but over here they are now implementing rules where you cant smoke within certain feet of certain places. Cant even smoke a cig on bar patios anymore up here. You literally have to walk down the street to have a smoke.
Nolan Allen
What kind of nigger is that?
Sebastian Morales
Smart enough to be a doctor but not smart enough to mind his own fucking business.
Brody Johnson
Maybe the (((Doctor))) should have kept his fucking mouth shut. There is a certain kind of douche that feelz entitled to tell other people what to do. Praise kek. Divine justice.
Anthony Green
Hopefully someone beats this cunt into a wheelchair. Even in 10 lifetimes he would probably not amount to anything let alone becoming a doctor. He attacked him cause he compared himself and realized that he is nothing by comparison. imo
Colton Gonzalez
nigger tier behaviour
It's not bad enough niggers are useless, they have to make others useless as well.
Aaron Richardson
Yeah but think about it, is a sucker punch really the response of a civilized adult who said something to you? The smoking retard immediately brought it to violence.
Jacob Anderson
There is a lot of complications caused to immunocompromised patients if they inhale the smoke. It's a hospital. They should hang the guy.
Eli Taylor
He was probably smoking right by the doors, and that's what they mean when they talk about within certain amount of feet. I smoke cigarettes, but I'll walk off into the parkinglot or around back so my habit doesn't affect people going in and out of the building. It's a fucking hospital, not a bar.
John White
Camden Hill
Landon Cruz
Smoking makes you subhuman. You should neck yourself friend.
Jaxson Williams
It's not divine justice. It's a sucker punch from someone who was asked to stop breaking bilaw or hospital policy at the least. You are a degenerate clearly if you side with the smoker.
Easton Phillips
Well, i cant go into too much details because of my confidentiality obligation. But some stuff that can occur:
Theft, kidnapping, destruction of property, verbal and physical aggression, junkies, psycho's, car crashes, alchoholics, lost patiƫnts that are delirius and can do all sorts of shit... the list is endless.
And here in the Cuckerlands we have NO policing rights, nor do we have anything for defence. Not even handcuffs or a safety vest. According to management, that wouldnt be hospitable... can you imagine that?
David Morgan
Jackson Roberts
World would be a better place if this cunt was summarily executed. Why should this hotheaded faggot be allowed to live?
Jonathan Smith
I'm a smoker, and I get annoyed at all the bitching and whining about it too, but this is fucking ridiculous. How much of a little bitch do you have to be to react like a fucking animal because someone says something you don't like? What a fucking little cunt.
Praying for the doctor. Poor guy probably has a long road ahead of him.
Charles Jones
I'm not a Dr but I work at a hospital in a large city. Niggers fucking everywhere, especially bc there is a bank in the building I work. Always nappy looking fucking nogs just wandering around like fucking zombies. I dred the days I don't bring my lunch bc I have to walk outside among this filth.
Levi Davis
>that face >Esmaili Obvious shitskin, no one seems to care Sup Forums I am disappoint
Michael Foster
________ OF ________
Jack Garcia
>Mind your business 101
way below his pay grade, that's what security is for you do gooder cunt
Luis Scott
Yeah I did notice that Niggers probably took it as an insult like "I'm not scared of you pussies"
Christian Ramirez
Then don't get all uppity with niggers unless fighting is your thing.
>hey looky, a lowlife pos doing something I don't like >I think I will give that lowlife posted a piece of my considerably advanced mind >he will probably thank me for it >get btfo by lowlife pos >lowlife pos ruined my best life >I blame tobacco companies
Ryder Thompson
Don't worry guys. He'll be replaced by one of the many Syrian doctors in pic related.
Wyatt Butler
You're not supposed to smoke on hospital grounds especially by the door where fucking sick people are coming and going you total nigger.
Justin Green
why state the obvious?
Angel James
>control freak >for telling someone to stop smoking on fucking HOSPITAL GROUNDS
I'm a smoker too but this is inexcusable behaviour. kill yourself sociopathic subhuman.
Brody Lee
I see basketball players
Ryder Morales
>withdrawing from drugs there are no excuses, only explanations
Jaxon Mitchell
lol you wouldn't even say that about white people unless they were in the proper attire. not when they're in a homeless shelter baka
Gabriel Rogers
This isn't enough information to feel anything any which way. The doctor was or wasn't a dick and did or didn't deserve it. The attacker was a piece of shit or doesn't take shit from dicks. w/e
Justin Flores
Criminally underrated
Ian Gomez
A hospital telling its patients not to smoke is like a bail bondsman telling his clients to stop breaking the law. It's bad for business.
Isaac Bailey
Jeremiah Brooks
Of course I wouldn't say that about white people. It is a well known fact that blacks are smarter and academically more successful than whites.
Benjamin Ramirez
>doctor murdered by worthless mudslime >smokers automatically side with Achmed The old cancer stick sure makes for interesting allies.
Jayden Long
>Hospital's property In commonwealth countries it's the tax payers property, so public. The only restriction we have here is to stay 10 ft back from the entrance door, conveniently enough that's where the ash cans are located
Nathaniel Flores
>Medical professional tells idiot to stop smoking at a place where people are at massive risk of infection and complications from the smoke >gets sucker punched
It's pretty clear, retard.
Kevin Sanders
No. It is the natural outcome of talking shit to niggers. Nigs gonna nog. You must be the sort of leaf that tries to pet wild bears.
Nolan Allen
That's not a story, dingus. By the way, the English don't (or rarely ever) use umlauts and all that shit.
Jonathan Gomez
>implying there is any set of circumstances under which sucker punching is an appropriate response to being asked to put out a cigarette >having this little impulse control found the nigger
Zachary Smith
My normal anger for mudskin scum attacking a good goy is tempered by the fact the Doc was clearly a busy fucking cunt.
The anti-smoking fascists harassing patients and stressed family members/visitors over the crime of having a smoke anywhere on the same continent as the hospital is disgraceful.
Was in and out of hospital visiting a relative quite a lot over last few years - saw a lot of patients on crutches/wheelchair etc right by the main entrance having a smoke. You know what the hospital workers did to stop them? Nothing, because they were decent human beings rather than overbearing dickheads.
Jayden Clark
Man getting a job as a security guard, wouldn't do a high risk area job without a vest.
Isaiah Scott
>brain damage Not cool. Was the smoker a nigger?
Jaxon Wright
you need to be tall for that, you idiot. besides, these smelly niggers probably don't even know what basketball is.
Nathaniel Jones
A hospital security guard doesn't need to be afraid of bullets in this socialist shithole where guns are not allowed. Being swole should be all you need.
Kevin Scott
he kind of looked like he wants it desu Yawning might have been completely natural due to stress and resulting lower oxygen saturation in blood.
Leo Taylor
He looked pretty brain damaged before the punch though.
>dat goofy eye Maybe it's fixed?
Samuel Cooper
>Smoking outside the entrance of a hospital >"Excuse me, sir, could you mo-" >Punch that faggot because this is a reasonable course of action for smoking outside the entrance to a hospital on property that is not mine.
I'm not surprised the sand nigger did this, I'm surprised there are so many dindus on here that support him.
Brandon Edwards
Not a nigger, but a dirty arab shitskin, just look at the pic OP posted and then his name.