Brit/pol/: Bake Off Edition

>Britain Elects election centre

>Farage says guardian claim he is person of interest is 'baloney'

>BBC and pollsters defend debate audience:

>Trump pulling out from Paris agreement:

>Surgeon gets 15 years for performing hundreds of unnecesary mastectomies

>Latest contreversial poll shows conservative losses

>Corbyn follows up car crash with a disaster on mumsnet livechat

>Roy Barraclough dies 81

>Manchester benefit gig sells out:

>Corbyn suffers childcare car crash interview at hands of Women's Hour

Other urls found in this thread:



Don't be bigots

Tonight's QT panel.

Also, kek at the photo of Angus they used.

Nice body, girlie

Barry Gardiner is a faggot

>This election rests in the hands of young voters.

We're in safe hands, lads. The uni students know just what's right for us, I'm sure.


Angus is such a fat cunt


He looks like his head is about to disappear under his chin fat

>Against lowering age of consent in homosexual relationships to 16

Based Mummy

Why do scotcuck politicians have to conform to stereotypes

They're ALL overweight at the least

kek what a fattie

Callum McCaig is the MP for Aberdeen South, he's defending against the Conservative Ross Thomson.

Is he respected in his community?


Ah fuck
>An investigation commissioned by former Prime Minister David Cameron into the revenue streams behind jihadist groups operating in Britain may never be published, the Home Office has admitted.
>The inquiry is thought to focus on British ally Saudi Arabia, which has repeatedly been highlighted by European leaders as a funding source for Islamist extremists, and may prove politically and legally sensitive, the Guardian reports.

Oy vey!

When will she get gassed?


Criticising the (((gulf states)))

It's all bollocks. The establishment are absolutely fucking demented they are even planning an ultra violent "Summer of Rage" in the USA.

Don't criticize a girl who can knock you out with one punch, particularly if she gives the best hand-job you've ever had, and it only costs £5.

What are mental health services like in Britain? Activists are always going on in Ireland about how not enough is being done by government for mental health, so I want to see what it's like in Britain.

Nigel is always meeting people though, I can see how he legitimately could've forgotten.

>Louise UnterMensch


Reminder that her husband literally managed baby rapist Ian Watkins and hindered police investigations into it

Reminder to IGNORE the Labour shills and take the black pill.

Anyone have experiencing with volunteering for anything, going shopping with the elderly or being an appropriate adult or advisor or any shit like that?

I'm currently bored and frustrated to the point of tears due to medical reasons, I can't work currently and i hopefully return to university in octobor, until then I really need to do something productive and preferably active or I'll go insane.


Some of you lads might remember my post earlier about spilling wine in an escorts room. As she cleaned up I told Britpol.

It's important that you know I hadn't wiped my botty properly and so her sheets ended up with skidmarks courtesy of yours truly.

She was really nice and the whole situation stressed her out no end, poor lass.

Volunteer with your local suicide hotline. It'll make you feel better :)

Bought some skimmed milk today in honour of are Tim.

It's quite nice actually. Not sure what people complain about.

>Denied having any contact with Ruskies, until he remembered that one time he met the Ruskie ambassador for a 5 minute chat.
I can't remember people I met in passing a month ago, let alone 4 fucking years ago.

It's milked down water.

Stop having hope for the future of Europe.

Why is she even included in the debates? PC win like 3 seats in Wales every election, at least SNP win majorities in Scotland.

It's too thin imo. I guess it doesn't matter if you put it in tea, but it's too watery to drink solo or with cereal. Semi-skimmed is best.

What exactly was she even implying? It seemed like she was implying rape.


hope none of you anti Semitic racists are going to vote corbyn

Reminder that if you don't turn up to the polling station you are a lazy nigger and deserve to be liquidated in the coming race war.

fuck off tory shill


Imagine my shock.

Holy shit you're right
>After the band were snapped up by Columbia Records and heavyweight manager Peter Mensch, whose company Q Prime looks after Metallica, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Muse, the album was re-recorded and re-released.

If I didn't live in the UK. I'd tweet the shit out of that cunt with baby rapist profiteer posts but unfortunately if someone gets offended(even by truth) these days online, you get arrested and charged with hate crime.

Blokes who don't want to pay massive divorce settlements when their wife leaves them - What scumbags!!!!

Full fat or go home

thanks for the update

Why do we hate Suzanne Evans again?

Lads I know we all like to have a laugh on here and that's all fine and well but can't we be serious for a moment.

If you're not earning £85,000 a year then you are going to lose absolutely nothing by having Jeremy Corbyn as our primeminister. I don't know about you but I very much doubt I'll ever earn that much money.

There are people that are suffering because of Tory austerity and there will be even more suffering is Theresa May wins this election with a larger majority than she currently has.

Corbyn has said that we are leaving the single market and once that happens free movement ends too. Brexit is a done deal in that case and everyone gets the Brexit they want.

This election isn't about Brexit, it's about the way our society is headed over the next five years.

Please put the memes aside and don't cut off your own nose to spite your face. There will be hundreds of thousands of young voters who have never voted before going out and voting for Labour next week so don't think May will win by default, if enough of us take this election seriously Labour can win.

>American press

Also they specifically asked if he'd met them in London, he said no, then said maybe in Brussels

Reminder that not turning up to the polling station is functionally identical to spoiling your ballot and if you don't want to vote, just don't fucking vote.

>Labour: for the many, not the Jew

Nice body, girlie


Well theres something interesting with my Labour safe seat. In 2015 it was a split right vote. Labour got 11,000,Conservatives got 6500 and UKIP got 6000. It will be really interesting if those UKIP votes went to Conservative.

This. Skimmed milk is the low fat Jew.

back to r.eddit pls

>People think the homogeneous entity brit/pol/ holds unironic beliefs

>Surrender your country to darkies for a few extra bennies
k thanks

>implying it's not subsidized by ethnic gibs of one sort or another

Nice try

I might not be on £85k but I don't resent those who are, and I don't want my taxes being spent the way he'd spend them, even if its the same amount

Who else has been listening to the Guardian daily election podcast?

he thinks we wont vote and just make memes.
Hes scared the youth will pull the victory for Corby, but doesn't realise people want brexit and don't really give a shit about other policies.

For the non whites, not the whites- Comrade Jeremy Corbyn

The """banter""" between Alexander and Richard on Pointless is so fucking painful

I'm sorry man uni students would never stray from socialism if they can get free shit while they're still not paying taxes


How do we solve the Scottish problem?

In all seriousness we can't let this man write the letters of last resort.


Only makes me like her more!

Pretty much what I was thinking the other day.

I'll vote Tory if/when I'm on 6 figures, otherwise there's not really much point. I'm only voting against myself voting Tory whilst I'm poorfag.

Glass Glasgow.

Why do brit/pol/s anonymongs care so much about what colour tie people wear in Parliament?

it's sarcasm

Sounds like cancer, are they just REEing that Corbyn isn't 30 points ahead?

They are seriously meme tier

Is this the best Momentum shills can do?

>There are people that are suffering because of Tory austerity

If you have a job at all voting for Labour is against your self interest.

They are going to tax all of us. Not just the rich.

>wanting this communist fuck in
>literally supporting Communist backed and funded nigger terrorism to topple the only stable nation in sub saharan Africa and turn it into the present day shithole.
>Forgetting he fucked Diane Abbott who supports African supremacy.





Cameron wanted it
Everyone here has very strong beliefs, stay and maybe you can see why

No, actually pretty decent. It's largely pro-Corbyn, but still interesting coverage.


>Jeremy Corbyn put his dick in that

Why do tripfags think this is the 2015 election? this one is the Blairites vs Corbyn.

Reminder that universal democracy was a mistake lads.
Prepare for the collapse.
>‘Bread and Circuses’ is the cancer of democracy, the fatal disease for which there is no cure. Democracy often works beautifully at first. But once a state extends the franchise to every warm body, be he producer or parasite, that day marks the beginning of the end of the state. For when the plebs discover that they can vote themselves bread and circuses without limit and that the productive members of the body politic cannot stop them, they will do so, until the state bleeds to death, or in its weakened condition the state succumbs to an invader—the barbarians enter Rome.

No shit, everyone gets taxed the question is how much.

Tories look after the rich, Labour look after the poor. Even the simplest of idiots understand this.

Another arsemad anonymong annoyed with how much he's spent on his monochromatic tie collection.

>A bunch of personal bullshit
Stick to the policies pleb

I hope that you all believe the story penned by that biro-scribbling kike, Anne Frank. God forbid you should question this diary. Donate now. We appreciate your shekels.


The Conservatives are fucking BASED :-)

I wonder what the next dark ages will be like

I fucking hate communists are other assorted parasited, but what I hate Corbyn and his supporters for the most is that I am forced - yes, forced - to vote for the fucking scum Tories to stand a chance of keeping Karl fucking Marx away from power.

Kek. But we've lived in a socialist state for decades. If you accept that things have worked, previously, or can work under the tories, then you have to accept socialism can work. What this shit is is just the same thing to lesser and greater degrees, but that destroys the argument against socialism in itself.

Pick a side, cunt. Even if you're with may, you're with socialism-lite.

>Implying the Labour party isn't still full of Blairites.