>Tropical Fantasy is an inexpensive soft-drink, originally from Brooklyn, New York.
>In April 1991, rumors began circulating in Black neighborhoods that the beverage was laced with a secret ingredient that would sterilize black men.[2] The beverage quickly earned the nickname "Tropical Fanticide." The rumors claimed that the Ku Klux Klan was actually bottling the product and using the low price to attract poor citizens.[3] Similar unfounded rumors about Klan involvement periodically have plagued the Church's Fried Chicken chain and Snapple soft drinks.[4]
>Later that year the rumor spread rapidly and provoked violence in many city neighborhoods. Attacks occurred on delivery trucks and storekeepers who stocked Tropical Fantasy. Due to these rumors and rising suspicions, sales of the beverage plummeted by 70%.
>Investigations found the claims to be as preposterous.[5] Sales recovered only after an extensive public relations campaign that included then-New York City Mayor David N. Dinkins, who is Black, drinking a bottle of the soda for television news cameras.[6]
>By mid June 1991 the attacks had stopped and the sales had rebounded, but the dark rumors about Tropical Fantasy were not forgotten. Even today, the rumors are still circulating. Many young teenagers refer to the beverages as "Bummies" and "Nutties", mainly due to the rumor that it kills sperm. This is not however limited to the Tropical Fantasy beverage. Other beverages such as "City Club", "Top Pop", and "C&C", are ridiculed in exactly the same way.
For some reason, probably due to ancestry and habits formed as slave communities, blacks have almost no diversity of opinions and tastes. there is nearly no difference between a black 25 year old in Chicago and a black school teacher in Atlanta and a black truck driver in LA. They think the same, smoke the same brand cigs, drink the smae brand alcohol, listen to the same exact music, vote the same etc. Conspiracies are just the latest phenomenom of niggers sharing the same exact info with each other online in music etc. They are herd-people, not real people and cant help themselves. this is why we must give our daughters and sisters and wives to them for mixed babies. its the only chance we have of jumpstarting some evolution in the nigroes.
Luis Smith
>Why are there so many conspiracy theories in the black community Because they are uneducated for proper critical thinking and even if they get the free college nigger pass they most likely remain uneducated, because they'll pass with the nigger pass as usual.
Aiden Ward
None of what any of you said sounds neither logical or scientific.
Ethan Scott
nigger detected
Noah Miller
Are there any black conspiracies that don't involve white people?
Lincoln King
Blacks tend to be carbon copies of each other, even in Africa.
Robert Cook
Average IQ of 70-85.
Benjamin Jones
Trips of truth
Luke Adams
Incorrect: Pure Africans : 67 iq Mixed American Blacks(1/4 white): 84 iq
Julian Ortiz
How can a question be the truth?
Adam Myers
The irony of this thread on Sup Forums
Charles Torres
>Unzips dick.
Ayden Rivera
T. Gorilla
Ooh ooh ah ah ah
Lincoln King
I'm french and you still try to search logic in my tough... Wake up already
Camden White
Sounds like Jews from Coca-Cola and Pepsi spread it
Jonathan Gomez
Fuckin sauce
Daniel Johnson
Does it have a feminine benis? I can't tell anymore.
Benjamin Richardson
>Why are there so many conspiracy theories in the black community
David Brooks
Because they need someone other than themselves to blame their problems on. If they can live in a fantasy world where they are being systematically oppressed by a higher power, then they can claim that it's not their fault that they are a violent, degenerate, dishonorable race.
Jackson Flores
certainly more feminine than most women.
Christian Price
literally this
Anthony Cox
sounds like Sup Forums and their jew problem
Nathan Phillips
Benjamin Robinson
The black community seems exceptionally susceptible to absurd conspiracy theories. Most people I know of who believe the Flat-Earth bullshit, either in real life or celebrities, are black.
A strong external locus of control is a pretty common coping mechanism of the disenfranchised.
If you find yourself in a shitty situation where you find it hard to escape from it's comforting to thing there is some secret force keeping you down rather than it being your own fault.
It makes being a loser more acceptable if it's all the fault of whitey, or the Jews, or the illuminati, et cetera.
Jace Jenkins
>so many >names one >meanwhile white tinfoil hat retards see conspiracies in anything and everything
Not trying to defend niggers, but white Americans are even worse. I even see that shit on this board on a daily basis.
Julian Hughes
I expect the rumor was created and spread by the (((competitors))) of Tropical Fantasy.
Julian Foster
how is her hair is so straight and silky
Oliver Nguyen
*to think
Also, lack of education and absence of critical thinking skills facilitate conspiracy thinking even more because people don't have the skills to filter out bullshit.
Being dumb also helps.
Hudson Johnson
>this is why we must give our daughters and sisters and wives to them for mixed babies
This is the most retarded and cucked thing i read this week, bravo, well done.. I really fucking hope this is bait faggot.
Parker Thompson
the hormone pills
Jayden Murphy
What you should be asking is, why are their conspiracy theories so retarded?
Michael Rodriguez
Didn't the CIA give infect random niggers with syphilis? Combine that with how they view whites as the real kikes you get this shit.
Charles Davis
I'm so mad OP's video isn't a sharking video
Jaxson Brooks
>this is why we must give our daughters and sisters and wives to them for mixed babies t.sholomo shekelstein
Camden Bennett
Do you have the other webms of this girl? There's a couple more. She's really stuck in my head.
Ryan Davis
is that not a lady?
Hunter Flores
>girl Are you sure, my yellow friend?
Leo Sanchez
more like this :DDD:DD
Jaxon Thomas
>Also shooting near airport. Looks like coordinated attacks in Manila
Oh boy
Ryder Campbell
Sorry wrong thread. And yes that's a girl. Looks like Hong Kong btw.
Evan Martinez
>Why are there so many conspiracy theories in the black community? cause niggers are prone to the semi-literate pre-rational magical thinking that is required for conspiracy theories
Nolan Taylor
Only if it's relative to them.
Eli Jones
if that's a dude, hat's off. Wouldn't fuck him, but this is very impressive.
Adrian Davis
Man, remember when Sprite Remix was said to kill sperm in men?
Parker Perez
>blacks believe that white people form a massive conspiracy to keep them all down >also believe their celebrities are all part of the illuminati (which I have to assume they'd think is a massive elite power structure of control, because what else would the illuminati be) >they believe the illuminati would want dr.dre and beyonce and other retards.
Literally why.
Jonathan Campbell
This is almost certainly info warfare by Pepsi and Coke. They know the inner cities are vulnerable to it and the ROI is too high not to do it
Chase Myers
welcumb to 4skin, we own yer mind
Juan Torres
Sounds like a grand idea. But the place to start is with Malt Liquer.
Samuel Martinez
Go back to plebbit already
Charles Kelly
Noah Stewart
A black adult has the brain of a 14 year old white male and kids have lots of stupid rumours
Henry Sanders
10/10 post, good job.
Luke Brown
>sauce Mall.
Joseph Martin
They remember the Tuskegee experiment.
Logan Turner
when you don't work for a living you have time to think up things:^).
>asking this question >on Sup Forums Is it possible for irony to kill a person?
Juan Jones
Hunter Myers
I know that's a man, but damn. Science has gone too far.
Parker Cook
Kevin Flores
Its known as BAIT
Zachary Lee
Have you ever worked in a college user? I was a maths tutor for a big 12 school in the midwest. "Nigger pass" is definetly a real thing when athletics are involved. Haven you ever tried to teach a monkey how to do Advanced Algebra?(yes adv algebra in college) Because that is exactly what I was asked to do, and when one student wouldn't even try to prepare and do work, he tried to bribe me to do his work. I reported it, and was asked to "sweep it under the rug" because he was "disadvantaged". It is a mockery of education and devalues all of our educational experience when people like this are allowed to slip through the system.
Adrian Jones
This website is run by a white guy, I don't think he can be topped. jesus-is-savior.com
Levi Wood
Justin King
Scientifically speaking, it's because if you don't respond to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight.
Ayden Cox
Fuck that. Them niggers ain't taking any of that clean white pussy. That stays with us. But them nigger bitches can take some of the males. We got enough of us
Alexander Anderson
>We must give our daughters and sisters and wives to them for mixed babies. its the only chance we have of jumpstarting some evolution in the nigroes. >OOGA BOOGA WHERE DA WHITE WIMMENZ AT MUH DICK NIGGA BIX NOOD Nigger detected.
Hunter Murphy
Nathaniel Ramirez
My favorite black conspiracy is that the music industry is controlled by the illuminati and they refuse to let rappers make it big unless they literally sell their soul to the cause.
Hudson Sanders
@128007392 This is bait. And retarded bait at that . Kys for making such a shifty post.
Asher Cruz
Yup. The Jews.
Austin Diaz
M. Night Shyamalan-tier twist at the end there.
Jonathan Jackson
Tyler Martinez
Same reason there's so many conspiracy theories on Sup Forums, lower than average IQ.
Owen Perez
Cept, we don't blame the Jews for our personal problems, but the world's. Sure it would be easier without the atheist Jew ran cultural Marxism. Even blacks would most likely be more palatable. Niggers however, specifically blame whites for their problems, and use it as an excuse as to why they fail. Learn the difference faggot.