You may have noticed it too, but the board is different today. Sup Forums feels different. It feels too energetic, almost how it was during the election.
The posts are different. The content is different. More probish. More psy-opish. Some posts seem like they're data-mining.
>we are being invaded >mods are acting weird >some force is changing the board
Adrian Diaz
And it's not just today... it started a couple days ago I think
Owen Gomez
strangely quiet on memorial day, almost as if those who were shitposting were employed by the government.
Angel Foster
This thread is a psyop. Nice try CIA. "Le seeds of discontent xD"
Carson Scott
Sup Forums has just become full of shills making American-British-German hate threads and "X is not white" threads.
Gabriel Rivera
Oliver Thomas
I've noticed a ton of spammy threads about the same topics (Seth Rich, covfefe, griffin beheading pic)
And then a ton of threads asking for people to reveal personal info (upbringing, age, profession etc)
Jackson Allen
Ikr i have seen tons of "how old are you and your parents and what are you doing" kind of topics , we all should manipulate such polls , everyone should say they are 11 year old girls from now on
Jayden Garcia
When will the Kremlin contact me guys? I've been shitposting pro russian messages for 12 years now... i finally want to get paid for it ffs!
Dominic Price
Ya think!
Grayson Adams
all the 'how old are you Sup ForumsXDDDD!!!' shit is because the board is full of 14 yrs trump filth desperately looking for validation from each other.
Colton Peterson
CIA bot spotted
Samuel Hughes
No but the total amount of energy on the board has changed too. Its hard to describe but I definitely notice something. Imo it feels like the election.
Bentley Morris
I have noticed this, too. There have always been JIDF and various other groups, but it seems different. 4/pol/ is fucked.
Eli Carter
>first day of summer for US highschoolers/middleschoolers
not that difficult to figure out...
Gabriel Reed
Let them come. They have the state of the art in technique. They are uncovering the mechanisms of the unconscious mind and learning to pull the switches. But it is we who are changing society and manipulating their minds because western liberalism is an ideology without content. Capitalist hyperindividualism has created a disposable society that is not an only not worth fighting for, it's not even worth living in. Look no further for evidence than the birth rates of the winning classes in liberal capitalist societies. You get to the top and see it was all for nothing--culture, family, history, discarded for trash.
Ryan Perez
>newfags have been slowly ruining the board for years, 100x more when trumptards came in
I actually support trump but r/thedonald is cancee
Henry Phillips
once you hide 95% of the shit threads it moves pretty slow
Xavier Johnson
We should convince the gubbermint shills and outsiders that cuck/blacked threads are actually used to exchange secret messages between hardcore hackers. They'll throw time and money into forcing employees to watch bbc porn.
Jose Lopez
Sup Forums has always been a dynamic and because of the election were now a ubiquitous board.
Camden Morgan
Why would you reveal that? ever hear of OPSEC?
Charles Ortiz
>mods are acting weird
The mods get paid by Soros.
Elijah Sanders
That image is fucking embarassing
Owen Ortiz
It's obviously time to jump ship on Sup Forums to establish new meeting grounds for our secret meme club.
Evan Baker
That post was a psyop!
William White
why? seems about right.
Oliver Thompson
It's like an army of tards started potato posting at once
John Taylor
This is my theory: cia tried the human shill method didnt work so now they are training an ai from the archived Sup Forums threads and are trying to make a functional ai to immitate pol users. But the reason the board feels more energetic is beacause archived threads are intrinsically more exited then the norm
Tldr its a cia bot made to immitate pol and gather information instead of shills
>tldr its a cia bot trained on old threads
Adrian Lopez
you didn't get the memo?
Aiden Wright
>that guy with the steering wheel
Samuel Thomas
Xavier Martinez
can we train the cia bot to be a nazi?
Benjamin Hall
Barron has finally discovered Sup Forums and is giving it a major energy infection. i feel it
Charles Davis
>the board is different today. Sup Forums feels different. Sup Forums has always been shit. It's just a slightly different flavor of shit today. >Sitting in the cesspool of the Internet, expecting quality
Camden Butler
>tfw the CIA World Factbook goes sentient redpill the Factbook >tfw when it marries a revived Tay
Luis Rodriguez
>I have just now noticed we are being raided NO, you don't say...
catch up mate.
Luis Bell
Hmmm strangely quiet on a four day National Holiday where people pretty much drink all day and night?
Yeah I think you're on to something.
Leo Richardson
that's why old breads have been getting reposted over and over. they're fine-tuning the AI so it gets more (You)'s or sages and are finding ways to slide threads they don't like >inb4 Seth Rich shitposting was an inside job
Asher Green
russian believe me or not idc
Robert Clark
Are you fucks autistic? I don't think it's a global conspiracy when I notice a 11% increase in fucking shitposting in other boards
James Torres
Michael Hill
Jacob Fisher
Were members of the US armed forces always that ugly? I mean I'm from Britain, and we're not exactly super-models over here, but Christ.
Connor Howard