if the eqst was communist why was it the west that imported muslims to replace its population?
East and west germany
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east is already a shithole
nothing for the muzzies to ruin in east germany
I'm from East Germany and i agree with the burger
make space for greater israel
Not your fault. Communism is cancer. Even generations later.
Isn't it becoming more and more similar now?
Are there really huge differences today?
When Germany was still divided, nobody cared to educate the eastern population on facism and the NSDAP as much as they did in the west. Mostly because the east was communist so the government regarded themselves as "the good guys" "we didn't cause WWII, it was the facists". Pair that with a terrible economy and infrastructure left over from the DDR and you get a generally shitty place. Shitty places, few jobs bad infrastructure etc. produces xenophobia since you gotta blame someone for your problems. Thats why most of the public there opposes immigration. Also, why should immigrants go to the shitty places in Germany? Thats why places like Stuttgart or Munich have a shitton of shitskins because those places also have a shitton of jobs. I see muslims working in a Porsche or Bosch factory making 2500€ a month down south.
eastern egrmany is honestly the best.
>get's all it's money from the rich west and thus has just as good or often even better inrastructure, especially autobahn.
>Saxony and Thüringen have a decent economical strength themselves
>the people are not as blue-pilled.
even alot of the teenagers are no blind and dumb liberals that welcome muslims and refugees
>the amount of shitskins is the lowest in entire germany
the people in the east still have a spine and some culture while all the westerners except for some bavarians etc. are brainwashed and blue-pilled faggots.
Here is Berlin from space
Notice anything?
Unemployment is a lot higher whereas wages and rent is a lot lower in the east. Population density is also significantly lower than in the West (+Bavaria) since most people are migrating where the jobs are
yes, it's not nuked yet, that's a clear issue.
wtf I love communism now
There is a huge difference even now. And we take a lot of money from the tax payers of the west. The only good things is that the east has become very conservative with the time. Maybe because the people know what the left can do. But there's a big diference in the wage so to much people from the east go to the west and then here we don't have people and we have a lot of problem like that.
East uses superiour Sodium light bulbs while West uses annoying white LEDs that shine bright like the sun through your window and rob your sleep?
HAHAHAHHAHAHAH nur die Wahrheit
Yes, a clearly marked bombing target
You sound like mexicans in america
Why are you so proud of taking money from the west?
Is that why you hate refugees
You fear they will take all your gibs?
Lass uns so tun, als spreche ich deine Sprache. Erzähle mir etwas zufällig nach deutschland HA HA HA HA.
God damn hahahah
>Erzähle mir etwas zufällig nach deutschland
Bisd af da Brennsuppn daheagschwomma
>Erzähle mir etwas zufällig nach deutschland
wir sind voll
'cultural marxism' isnt something you preach amongst your own population, obviously.
yes, im jelly of your comfy enthostate
Halt dei gosch du seggel.
Bestimmt bisch du a negger
>if the eqst was communist why was it the west that imported muslims to replace its population?
I read in article from some standard intellectual liberalish magazine recently about this which I wish I could find again.
Some 20 something American girl goes from western Germany to the east - maybe East Berlin, or Chemnitz or something. She goes into some old lady's apartment and talks to her. She says the old lady is really racist, and the lady complains from the 1940s to 1980s they rarely saw a foreigner, but since the wall came down her area has been overrun by foreigners.
I think it's definitely true. While the conservatives, Christian conservatives, neo-nazis etc. in the west all fought against east Germany, western Germany was becoming more and more Turkish, while east Germany remained German. Eastern Germany did have immigrants - the ethnic Germans who were being expelled from Poland. It's a reality that the right don't accept.
P.S. If anyone knows the article I'm referring to I'd like to see it again.
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Bevölkerungsdichte: 69 Einwohner pro km2
I am not proud, i just wanted to say that our economical weakness does not really matter anyways :^)
and no, i don't care about the gibs, i live inw eastern Berlin anyways.
I guess that i do not need to really state why we don't want shitskins in the east but well:
They costs billions while contributing nothing whatsoever
They have a destructive religion and culture
They rob, steal, attack, kill and rape
They muddle our gene pool that has been damaged by 2 World wars already and needs no further shit in it, we've got enough Russians to shit in it, no need for more non-german diaspora, especially not if it comes with a incest-rate of 20-50%.
They negatively affect our society in general, drag down the complexicity of our language "Kanackendeutsch", and spoil our children.
No modern country needs this filth as it is now, destructive and backwarded.
That's not eastern germany, that's middle germany.
>They costs billions while contributing nothing whatsoever
Okay but you understand that largely applies to eastern Germans too.
We wasted so much money on you guys and your thanks now is to go "well the west isn't really german they don't need our help let half of our country get raped I don't care"
Its not quite the cologne rapefest but it is very similar in that there is not an ounce of thanks for helping you guys.
not eveything needs to be overpopulated like the rest of the country.
Some space with nature, fresh air and peace is important.
if you want a shitload of humans, move to NRW and enjoy your moloch.
And as every educated, smart, rational human being should know, these "facts" can be applied to every single middle eastern person in Germany. Every single one.
and that is the only thing you respond to?
kek, just money is worth nothing if your country becomes a actual shithole you globalist cuck.
Also, Saxony and Thüringen at least have a strong economy, just Brandenburg, meck-Pomm and especially Berlin consumes billions.
Actually i bet like 50% of the money get's wasted on berlin alone.
Also, without proper road and railways int he east, germany could not trade so well with any country that lays east of our border, so they even contribute to your economy-wank and probably have made up their worth a thousand times.
eat a kebab dick you cuck
I am fine with Western Germany dying and becoming turkish if even eastern Germany wants it.
Your attitude towards western Germany is exactly how Europe responds to all of Germany
I'm already eating Kebab, fucking delicious
because you deserved it.
I also do not feel sorry for any raped german woman if she was a pro-refugees fuckhead at that time.
you get what you order, it's just a shame that such idiots drag whole europe down with them.
Here is your "based eastern german" everyone
The Jews who ruled the Soviet Union and eastern bloc wanted to keep whites as slaves
The Jews who ruled America and western Europe wanted to genocide whites and replace us with 3rd worlders
>Pair that with a terrible economy and infrastructure left over from the DDR and you get a generally shitty place.
This makes me think of something else, but there are reasons for this.
After the war, the USSR was devastated, broke, and Stalin and Molotov also expected the west to take them on soon. They had a few cards up their sleeves though. One was dragging their feet on fighting Japan. As long as the US was tied down with fighting Japan, Russia could work on rebuilding. Well, I could go on and on. The upshot for Germany is the US had a lot of $$$ and was undamaged, the USSR was devastated and broke. So it took much of the heavy equipment and skilled professionals from eastern Germany and put them to work in Russia. Many of them did not return until the mid-1950s, and the equipment stayed in Russia as well.
Also - the communists did not want to be in Germany. They wanted treaties saying a united Germany would not be part of something like NATO, would not militarize etc. In the 1940s, the industrial Ruhr valley was the real prize of Germany and the west had that. The Russians were not rebuilding their sector as they expected to be moving out of it. But the west took a harder line than it expected, and the communists were forced to stay in the east.
Also, Ulbricht wanted to build up east Germany and Stalin wanted a slower pace. When Stalin died, Ulbricht increased work quotas in order to build up capital and build up the DDR's work quotas. But the west seized on this and organized riots in east Berlin, using agent provocateurs, directing it from Radio Free America etc. So Ulbricht had to back off his plans to build up east Germany - the west was really fighting against it, and Russia just wanted things to be peaceful.
I wasn't going to say all of this, what you said reminded me of something else - that the Irish Troubles ending in the late 1990s led to the economy reviving somewhat, as well as massive immigration.
>if you want a shitload of humans, move to NRW and enjoy your moloch
Ruhrpott and that shit, yeah.
Countrysides and rural parts of NRW aren't plastered with a shitload of people and scum, well not yet I guess.
>not posting the official map
B-but muh lecker Döner...
Children, calm bown. Both sides of Germany are shitholes.
Compared to the Netherlands every place is a shithole. Still beats living in the US, China, Russia, Oceania, anywhere else in Europe...
The communists didn't let just anyone in, you'd be shot for trying to cross the border unlawfully.
Cultural Marxism was exported only to nations in which Marxism proper had not taken root. This has led to some ironic results, particularly in Europe.
It is now being spread back into the former soviet union from the subverted west, but we still have a 50-year head start on them
Not really, they mostly didn't let anyone OUT
> if the eqst was communist why was it the west that imported muslims to replace its population?
> Western Germany was Communist
> Eastern Germany wasn't
> Germany controls the EU (basically)
> Eastern Germany's citizens are replaced by immigrants who don't care about politics or vote
> Only Communists are left to control Germany (i.e. control Europe)
> Europe becomes Communist in the next 10-15 years
> Europe forces the rest of the world to become Communist
Have fun goyim!
>Besser Wessi: the post
> ** My bad, vice versa on which section of Germany was and was not Communist.
because East Germany is still only ruins.
pic related
not even niggers want to stay here.
That looks exactly like every Aldi I've ever seen here, right down to the weeds
Kek, thats a new one. You got a better theory Ami?
My father used to travel through Yugoslavia and other states of the soviet block, basically you had to tell the border guards how much time you were going to stay and where you were going to go and you were only allowed to stay for the time it was necessary to get to the other side
pls send money and help
Sounds easy enough, now try leaving the DDR as a german
Am I the only one who sees a rare merchant on this map?
You haven't seen ruins nigguh.
You got renovated quite nicely
>Blühende Landschaften
Detroit tier dude
Soviet tier rather
This goes well with it:
but nothing got renovated
more like Silent Hill tier
Nigger, it's been 27 motherloving years since the end of communism. Even Poland has turned into a decent country in that time. What's your excuse?
Well at least those few, probably in the cities mostly. I mean we're a mix of really nice and shithole too.
Poland GDP per capita $29,349
Eastern Germany GDP per capita $29,939
Compared to Poland it's a pretty decent place, compared to western Germany it's not
What dude? That's lower than Spain or Italy.
Communism was forced on the east at the point of a gun. It wasn't voted in. People there never really liked it but they got an opportunity to see it first hand and do not want it back
20€ the square meter stop complaining
Source (EUROSTAT) seems legit. Like I said, eastern germany is a shithole, I'm not surprised it's lower than those places
GDP is meaningless, it doesn't measure wealth of 'niceness'.
Poland is undoubtedly a nicer place than East Germany.
In Soviet military doctrine east Germany was a giant human shield. No point developing much there
You got a point. In my opinion if the difference in GDP is so small it'll just boil down to personal preference what place you might think is nicer
Poland is definitely nicer. People from the shittier xUSSR countries readily immigrate to Poland, but not to East Germany. (Unless only as a gateway to flee to West Germany.)
Eastern germany is pretty much a combination of these 2 extremes. You've got wonderful parks and renovated old cities and further out all these abandoned factories and commie blocks.
Germany is heading there again.
The upper picture looks much mroe comfy