Why is everyone here so obsessed with which race is superior?
I know some niggers are just plain stupid, but i have also encountered whites who are also as stupid.
Race war
That is a false argument. Sup Forums is white nationalist, not white supremacist.
Sure you have.
Don't you have a leaf to return to your flag?
christ canada what happened to your flag
Imagine how smart humans could be if we killed all the niggers, including the stupid white ones you talk about.
If we're going to start a eugenics program, we need proper criteria. Race is a good statistical starting point and if you don't agree your being scientifically disingenuous.
This is a slide thread.
Please ignore
It's just a traditional dance goy, you can't comprehend it because you yourself have no culture.
It's only sexual if you yourself are perverted/
I have a friend who is basically German living in Peru, and he is by far one of the stupidest guys i have ever known. He is so dumb he listen to local music, only thinks about banging girls and only know to speak spanish, he cant even talk german even his mom and grandmother basically shout the Nazi Oath every day at his house.
traditional dance my balls, thats its just sexualizing kids.Fuck those kind of people
I dont want non-italians in Italy plain and simple. Niggers home is Africa not Europe.
We are thinking of adding the coke leaf to eat, but some junkies might want to smoke it.
Nah you should add the b. caapi leaf
That's just plain racist and bigoted of you.
I bet you also think that traps are gay?
I think some eugenics may use race a base line, but mostly using the mental and body capacities of the individual. Im not saying kill all the niggers, but kill the ones that really are just there wasting everyone air and thinking just because we are all humas or some shit they deserve to live.
too busy deporting sudacas,
I am homosexual, and yes, i think traps are gay. What kind of idiot would think just because someone dresses as a girl makes it a girl. This whole gender spectrum bullshit is just a way of doing something "original" when people are bored.
That would be cool, that is mostly used in the amazonian jungle.
White people feel insecure about black people. Which is why there are so many racists.
Yeah, I want to come to the sacred valley some day and undergo some ceremonies. Ever done?
What the fuck.... Nigger hate thread now?
lmao do they actually eat pigeons?
nah, but i would like if i didnt think this shamans were just money lovers. Most of them just make up a ceremony and charge a lot of money.
Based Luigi.
there was a common joke about peruvian eating pigeons. Maybe its true, poor people just eat what they can.
Sometimes I just get this feeling...on my way home from work to see my very young family.
A feeling of anxiousness, imagining the country folk pushed over board.
The day of the rope. I have visions.
The literal culling of the human race for the betterment of the world
I need to get better versed with central/south american banter
>tfw pajeet
>tfw going to be lumped in with niggers during the race war
Feels pretty bad, lads.
>implying native italians aren't niggers
>implying anyone goes to shitaly when they can go to germoney
Small penises and the fact Christianity poisoned their minds making them intolerant of others
Tell me which country this shit set?
Not about superiority, just that blacks aren't human.
Yeah, in a way. I also think is because humans are just bored nowdays, there isn't really something to do and so they just bash niggers or pajeets.
I swear, these people aren't even human.
Shut up turbocuck.
Also Tunisia is Roman soil. You should be exterminated (I mean exterminated...again)
What makes you think so? Are you a genetic biologist? Have you work or talked with one who tires not to use emotions in his investigations? Or you are just making an hypothesis based on observations?
Because a lot of kids on Sup Forums are so worthless in every sense, they desperately cling to their 'race' to rationalize why they havent just hung themselves yet.
Simple probability. If 1 in 10 crocodiles won't bite my head off and 9 out of 10 will, while 1 out of 10 golden retrievers will bite my head off and 9 out of 10 won't, rewards being equal, guess where I'm putting my head? It's not that blacks are all bad, it's that a lot of them are. At the same time the "rewards" are approximately equal to other races (at best) so none of them are so superior and amazing that they outperform other races or even outweigh the costs imposed by the lowest of their own race. There's a lot of shitty and mediocre white people, but collectively they don't really burden the species in a way that offsets the gains they otherwise contribute. Black people are a break even race at best.
>The entire Roman empire got so buttmad about some Phoenician elephant rider and his band of fuckboys that they had to salt an entire country
top fucking kek
even with all that salt our land stood more fertile then yours
>i live in a gated community with my mommy: the post
get a job
>so emotionally wrecked and knocked off balance that they can only muster "get a job" in response
The truth is horrifying to you and I can't even begin to put into words how great I feel as a result.
The beautiful country of Detroit.
That sound like a good hypotesis, I also think the same but never to a fully extend. I try not to think of this when meeting black people, for they to surprise me. Well at least here in Peru blacks aren't really hated in my social class, mid- high class, in fact people actually like then, because we dislike "cholos". Not the mexican type of cholos, but the sudamerican natives. Full blood or mixed, we dislike them in a classist way more than is racial one. They usually have english or eupean names.
>i have also encountered whites who are also as stupid.
lol no you havent.
>Not all
Logical fallacy right off the bat.
i can tell you're stupid when as a counter argument to "blacks are less intelligent on average" you say "not all blacks are stupid" and "some whites are stupid too".
Just convert to/dress like a Sikh, and blend in better by lending a helping hand. No one will look at you funny for cutting down muslims.
I really think pol would not hate niggers if there were no niggers on most of western countries, but there are, so the hate is inevitable.
>blend in better
It's a race war, user.