Puerto Rico

Are you ready for the 51st state?

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When was this taken and can you give source? These are good news .

>Become state
>1/4 of Everyone's paycheck disappears to federal income tax

99% of the reason people born on the mainland want to keep it a commonwealth

Yes, that's just how territories are ratified as states, online polls about what dumb greasers want.
Unless the Republicans want them as a state(they dont) dream on

>rico becomes 51st state ensuring Dems win for 100 years

let it happen

They're never getting statehood, even if they vote for it, we wouldn't except them

>wanting even more spics

I'm confused as to your intention in replying to my post . . .

>Puerto Rico

Ethnic groups
75.8% White
12.4% Black
3.3% Two or more races
0.5% American Indian & Alaskan Native
0.2% Asian

user... they are peurto rican white ie hispanic

Hispanic white.

I'd rather set them free desu

i am fine with puerto rico becoming a state as long as they dont vote democrat

Puerto Rico is probably like 40% White. The native Taino weren't really killed off so there's a lot of mulattoes and mestizos

No more non-whites you fag, it doesn't matter if they vote rethuglican

They will vote overwhelmingly democrat unless Trump drops out and Cruz or Rubio run in 2020

>Are you ready for the 51st state?
I know one state that is


There are fair skinned Puerto's. Some of them look straight German, rare, but its like most Spanish cultures. The whiter ones are more conservative/wealthy

>Unless the Republicans want them as a state(they dont) dream on
They do though

>I like the city of San Juan
I know a boat you can get on.


Who votes on statehood(in the US) after they apply for it? The Senate and House?

House I think

Latinos always vote dem so they will never be accepted. Also they've voted to become a state like 5 times now.

Reminder that Samoans are literal second class citizens by law.

Even nigger claims of second class is still technically heresay compared to American Samoa.

Whiter than mainland USA

kek this

White Puerto Ricans came from the Canary Islands and I'd say are anywhere from 5-20% Taino

Puerto Rico has been a part of the US since 1898

>Puerto goes fucking bankrupt
>all of the sudden news articles start coming out about PR joining the US as an actual state

Niggers have been in the US since the 1700s and I still don't want them here.

It's not too late

>American slaves freed and sent back to Africa
>Enslave local African population after establishing government