I don't care. I left that state the moment I graduated college. Most of my friends did/are. Once all the boomers with money die there's only going to be city workers and the few in the financial sector paying taxes.
This place is fucked, but I'm staying. One of these days someone will have enough power to oust Madigan and his Democrats forever
Fuck iIllinois. They fucked their own state up, now they are moving in droves to Indiana, making our housing spike in price, and they come over here keep voting democrat. Fuck that Shitty state, fuck Chicago, and fuck retarded liberals who move to the surrounding red States and shit then up too.
Agreed, the worst part is that it's pretty much just Chicago that votes democrat. The rest of the state is pretty republican, fucking liberals.
This state is doomed. Leave while you still can.
The state has no future.
Where are my fellow illinois bros moving to?
Just like California's coast, Chicago needs to sink into the water.
>first time amerifags are not spending their money on some stupid shit
I'm gonna ride this budget shit out, but if I were to move it would be either Texas or Indiana.
Illinois will become a giant Detroit. Screen cap this post
It already is
Nice try Mohammad.
This is what fucking bums me out but typically the shitskins aren't the ones leaving because of taxes but its white people who can't afford to pay taxes and are looking to be employed. You don't really need to worry about the transplants because they'll come around eventually. If you suddenly start getting a massive wave of brown people then you should start to worry, but brown people typically remain in their socialist fuckholes while white leftist retards end up growing out of their communist phase by the time Andrew Jackson Jihad records become to embarrassing to discuss
>amerifags are not spending their money on some stupid shit
To be fair your average American pays dramatically less in taxes than your average Finn. We might spend a lot on stupid shit but at least we're not spending as much as we could be.
no it is not but it will be within a decade
My dad is an illinois cop, what he doesnt understand is how these fucking teachers keep voting democrat. The democrats STOLE their pensions. Teachers will not get a pension soon.
The whole state is infuriating. Hopefully shit gets so bad with them not paying pensions that politicians get killed.
how do you feel about the likelihood that your father loses his pension?
This is patently false. For instance Chicago is the only major city in America to experience population loss this last decade.
But it's blacks moving out. Whites and Asians saw only increases.
We really gotta ride this out until a Republican replaces Madigan. We gotta autism him into impeachment
What is it like to live in a state where city retards ruin everything for the sensible rural and suburban folks?
I feel that Illinois is changing for the better, most at least acknowledge there is a problem and want to fix said problem. That's where places like California and New York fuck up, they are living in la la land.
Is Detroit not considered a major city anymore?
No it won't kek. It is arguably better and more prosperous than it was in the 90's when crime was worse. The biggest issue outside of certain neighborhoods is they forced a lot of the criminal elements into the suburbs. Where police don't have the resources or the scope to handle multiple county wide loose gang affiliations which pump drugs into all the communities. They can't fathom how there isn't a hierarchy more or less so they can't Rico anybody here and without direct affiliation they'd never know who the main suppliers are. Some towns barely have any cops and if you don't do stupid shit you're never going to get caught.
I agree though the budget is fucked because of Madigan. There is so much corruption entrenched in the Illinois political system I don't know how we'd ever get it under control without a clean sweep.
It used to be in the top 10, almost reaching top 5 in the 50s during the auto boom. Then you know what happened. And you know what's happening now.
He just explained it to me, and its hard to gauge. We have back up plans in the case of that happening, but if it does it would be disastrous.
In his words basically he said that once the checks dont start clearing, which is coming, people will sue the state for their pension. If they cant sue for their pension, he said people will go for blood then.
I have friends in and around Gary, Indiana. THEY complain when Chicago nogs move in to their ghetto. I guess the Chicago nogs are more violent, try to grab gang turf, start shit, and ruin the hood even more. It's a problem. I live right on the border.
Wisconsin when I can, don't worry I'm not a lib
Iowa here.
Illinois pays permanent welfare niggers/criminals to move to Iowa.
>People who have never held a job, or never a long term job, often with many dependents
>They guarantee the state of Illinois continues their welfare/benefits until Iowa's welfare systems pick them up
>They cover their moving expenses
>They do all the paperwork for them
>They move straight from subsidized/federal housing in Illinois to subsidized/federal housing in Iowa
I've been to every area of subsidized housing in the state.
Most of them are from Chicago/Detroit/New Orleans/LA-area.
Or they're straight from Africa.
It's fucking disgusting.
And they're all genuinely worthless retards that will only suck off the tax payers their whole lives, shit out 5+ kids each who will do the same, and commit crimes because they crave all the trendy luxuries their lazy assessment would never have otherwise.
Shootings are just common place now.
We never had that shit 20 years ago.
Fuck Illinois.
I would have your legislature, attorney general, state judges, entire state executive and Chicago city council/mayor publicly executed by hanging, every last one.
Then I would raze the city and state capital building to the ground.
Any trying to escape the state instead of fighting for its future would be shot on sight.
Repeat for Detroit, Baltimore, LA, San Francisco Bay area, Austin, New Orleans, St. Louis, Milwaukee, Savanna, Atlanta, Cleveland, Miami, Portland and DC.
I mean it doesn't matter how powerful you are, you cannot defeat our speaker of the house. Literally has been in power for 40 years.
Look at our governor. Look at the counties that voted for him
But it doesn't even matter what he does because Democrats hired by Madigan shoot down anything they don't like.
That's why Bruce Rauner should go on a spending spree before 2018. Fucking use our last remaining dollars to improve roads or for police overtime or something. Fuck Madigan and the Democrats they're just gonna put up some new patsy for the next cycle anyways.
AZ. I want to enjoy my guns and sun.
AZ people, don't worry, I'm not a IL liberal by any means.
Im sorry Iowa . . you dont deserve this
Did you see OP's pic? The only states with worse finances are CA and AZ
I just moved back from Silicon Valley. I can more or less retire now because it's so cheap
>moving BACK to Illinois
The fucking mad man
All the insurance companies in Des Moines, and Iowa City have been importing muzzies too.
Nothing like seeing an entire school bus of mudslime kids empty out in an area that was* 95% white in 2003.