because we know blacks are the pitbulls of humans.
Yes, because people with criminal records are given free college and diversity hires.
as it should be
This is not true... I work for the airlines and nothing but blacks work there... they really need to stop making excuses for their lack of work ethics
A white guy with a record can speak better English.
A criminal white is still white. He can be rehabilitated. Can't change a nigger.
What is affirmative action?
Because niggers are lazy and wont work as hard as a white man. Plus hiring them opens up a whole world of HR issues
>Human beings have a better chance at getting a job than your neighborhood stray dog. Let that sink in.
whoa really made me think
>one of these people finished highschool, the other probably didn't
Really compels my synapses to begin firing
Nigger says so in a tweeter
time to write it in stone
A nigger without a record isn't honest he just hasn't been caught yet.
Blacks often have more extensive records. It's the same reason they get harsher sentences for the same crimes, they're more likely to have prior offenses.
well no shit. i've been to prison. i have a record (not a felony luckily it was expunged). the thing is, niggers in the system don't learn. niggers LOVE it in prison. white people learn from their mistakes.
Did you just apologize? You are not from here are you?
It must hurt when all you were ever good for was farming equipment and become obsolete.
>Says a black man with the last name of a potato nigger.
That's, like, doubly negrish.
A white man with a record has a better chance of putting in application for a job than a black man
Let that sink in
Welcome to Sup Forums betacuck. You've saw what it's about now it's time to fuckin go back to dreddit
>black man with no record
black man with quick feet*
That's so dumb, if a white man has more capital, education and lives in a better area of course he'll have greater chances.
Record is an antiquated term. Album would be a more appropriate description due to the advancements in technology.
Doesn't every black man have a record?
Black guy without a record just means he hasn't been caught yet.
The reason niggers don't live in nice neighborhoods is bexcuse they ruin every place they live.
surely those are the only two differences. (they aren't)
Yeah, because the white guy actually goes out and looks for a job.
>New Orleans
It's just bullshit, black people have affirmative action and get first priority over jobs. Black people have been indoctrinated to think everything is about race. They think when they don't get a job because they aren't qualified, it's discrimination.
Implying black guys without records to exist.
>good farming equipment
Even that's not true, the north significantly out-produced the south and was stronger economically as a result.
Also factor in that blacks tend to segregate themselves in economically depressed neighborhoods.
Burning down the local CVS and scaring the rest of the employers away will tend to do that.
Well considering blacks forget to show up to the job interview I'd have to agree...
Ao what study is this based on? What methodology? Because HR typically drops anyone with a real criminal record. Are they counting speeding tickets as crimes?
LOL, try throwing out minor offenses like speeding and parking tickets and see if that still holds true. I guarantee they cherry picked the shit out of those stats and included the above offenses.
Sorry Jamal, I'm smarter than you and smart enough to see through your bullshit.
The white guy has work experience
The all blacks should start recording.
White guy with a record is still better than a nig with a mixtape.
A nigger in a suit with a computer, is still a nigger
St. Louis
for the love of god would someone let this poor sink in?!
I'm sure this guy also is mad about how the vast majority of black kids are born out of wedlock and/or in a single adult household when that was almost unheard of 50 years ago.
Not castrating slaves was our biggest mistake.
I was talking to a nog co-worker about when he applied for the job online. He said there was "only" 10 spots to list his felonies so he left out the "bad" ones. Fml.
What if the black guy has a mix tape?
Affimative action insures even the lowest common denominator gets hired first. STFU
That's not true. White or Black if you got a records you probably wont get a job easily.
>being black does not count as having a record
please try not to stab too much over your primal monkey anger.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and risk his sources indiscriminately compare all types of 'record', no matter the severity of the crime.
Several years ago I hooked up with a nigger bitch over a Craigslist ad. She showed up in a Wendy's uniform, reeking of cigarettes and french fries. When she took her pants off it looked like she hadn't shaved in weeks and her clit was the size of my thumb. I fucked her anyways tho.
Has this nigger ever filled out a job application?
There are usually like 3 pages devoted to asking if you've ever been convicted