Does this sound like the son of someone dying of natural causes?
In a sit-down with The Daily Beast, Kelly was also asked about the comments made by Ailes son at his funeral, with the teenager eulogizing his father by stating: 'I want all the people who betrayed my father to know that I’m coming after them, and hell is coming with me.'
Welcome back sourceanon. I am the user who a while ago you were wrongfully banned over; for giving me info on how to safely distributing printed info among the community. Have a bump and a hand; if there's anything I can do as boots on the ground, you can find me stealing the stars from the night sky.
Henry King
Just conspiracy, no it is a pattern of wiping out all Trump support
Bill Shine
On May 1, 2017, Shine was forced out of Fox.[3] Suzanne Scott, who had served as the organization's senior vice president of programming and development since 2009, was promoted to co-president to take his place.[3]
Jaxson Smith
To the top past the slide
Nathaniel Bell
Ailes was actually sick, but I suppose it's possible that he could have been murdered. Seems more likely it was just natural causes though.
I'll reserve judgement on this one till more info comes out.
Adrian Davis
I hope it helped brother. I am glad to see the work spreading. More have joined us as well as I have seen with the new push towards investigation here.
My only ask would be to stay safe would be my only ask. You are challenging people who value money over morality and humanity.
Jayden Wood
Evan Wilson
If he was sick, they would have announced cause of death
No cause of death was announced Thursday morning for Ailes, 77, the exiled Fox News emperor who was banished last summer for creating and leading a culture of sexual abuse at Rupert Murdoch’s wildly successful propaganda factory.
Another head wound happened to a federal prosecutor recently as well. Sup Forums is getting too much attention from honest members of the government.
See the bike lock professor if you think they aren't watching.
Jose Gray
Hannity, Limbaugh, etc. they know whats going on but only speak in code
Roger Ailes was not suicidal. Roger Ailes was not defeated. Roger Ailes was not destroyed. And Roger Ailes and his courageous and lovely wife, Beth, were not separated. These are things people wish that they had made happen. These are things that people wish they had caused. They wish they had destroyed Roger Ailes. They wish they had created marital strife. They wish they could have caused him to become suicidal. But he was not any of those things. I knew Roger Ailes. I’ve known Roger Ailes, as I say, from about 1990, and I could sit here and recount stories for you and give a eulogy of sorts — which I’m more than prepared to do.
They couldn't bury Trump with it but sexual harassment, child pornography, etc. are typical tools of this cartel to silence opponents.
Blake Rodriguez
Lucas Ortiz
Jesus Christ.
I imagine all reports of death and death certificates filed would be muddy. Was he autopsied, pronounced by a doctor, or no?
David Fisher
Roger Ailes downfall was a Jewish hit job using a disgruntled anchor that was being replaced with younger, prettier talent:
On the morning of July 6, 2016, Carlson confirmed on her Twitter account that she was no longer with Fox News.[22] That day, she filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against Fox News chairman Roger Ailes in the Superior Court of New Jersey.[23] In her complaint, Carlson alleged that she was fired from her program for refusing Ailes' sexual advances.[23]
Carlson's allegations received widespread media coverage.[24] After Carlson came forward, six more women spoke to Gabriel Sherman of New York magazine, alleging that Ailes had sexually harassed them and that Ailes had "spoke openly of expecting women to perform sexual favors in exchange for job opportunities."[25] Shortly thereafter, Carlson sat down for an interview with John Koblin of the New York Times, saying, "I wanted to stand up for other women who maybe faced similar circumstances."[26]
In 2011, Sherman married Jennifer Stahl in a Jewish ceremony.[4] Stahl is an editor at ProPublica.
Hunter Harris
Is the thread autosaging or is the slide that fierce?
Landon Davis
Look at you you retards defending the man who made Fox News a living joke....
In due time the murdochs will show you idiots how irrelevant your old white grannies are
>Fox News
>fair and balanced
Colton Bennett
I really don't care about which side the MSM broadcasts from. They're all terrible. What I care about are induviduals that are being mistreated as part of this huge deeper web, gods men being hushed and done away with.
Joseph Hall
Read at all the mixed up statements about his death
Med Examiner said on #RogerAiles' death: "Hemophilia contributed to his death & the manner of death was accidental.No evidence of foul play"
Los Angeles Times reporter Meg James revealed the initial news of Ailes' cause of death on Twitter. The former FOX News chief's "hemophilia contributed to his death and the manner of death was accidental." An earlier report about Ailes' suspected cause of death had alleged that he'd fallen into a coma on Wednesday night as a result of the complications and passed away hours later.
Roger Ailes is one of the most powerful—and controversial—characters in television media, pilloried by critics and many in the mainstream media and lionized by conservative viewers who can’t get enough of his posse of charismatic hosts. His Fox News was accused of being the “communications arm of the Republican Party” in 2010 by then White House communications director Anita Dunn and has been criticized by Barack Obama himself (criticism that Ailes publicly countered with gusto, claiming the president “just has a different belief system from most Americans”). But as outspoken as the Fox News chief may be, little is known about Ailes the man—an extraordinarily private and security-conscious person who once personally safety-tested the thickness of the glass at the network’s Manhattan studios
Nice try mafia. You got to greedy and should have been happy to just get him kicked out.
Instead out of fear about him pushing Seth Rich, here we are.
Evan Morris
>Does this sound like the son of someone dying of natural causes?
Seems par for the course considering who his Dad was. This is what running a fake news network that champions paranoia and good vs evil war imagery does to your brain. It's why people who go through the houses of Fox viewers after they die sometimes have to go digging in the back yard to find all the guns/money that was hidden from Obama because HES A COMMIN' FOR EM
Thank you for the heads up. I have quite a bit of medical and pathologic/forensic experience and tools under my belt and I've got the afternoon off. I'm gonna spend it pulling on a string that doesn't make sense. Have another bump, I hope the thread stays up. If not, I'll update anything I find on an upcoming one.
Christopher Morris
Who does this sound like?
He is a blue-collar guy from a factory town in Ohio who has stayed close to his roots. After I had known him for a while I asked what he would do if he were president of the United States. He said that he would sign no legislation, create no new regulations, and allow the country to return to its natural, best self, which he locates, with modest social amendments, somewhere in midwestern America circa 1955.
The Deep State couldn't allow Trump to have a media counterpoint against Operation Mockingbird.