I was raised Jewish, AMA
Since age 16 I no longer identified as Jewish despite my parents telling me "It's a race and you'll always be Jewish"
I was raised Jewish, AMA
Since age 16 I no longer identified as Jewish despite my parents telling me "It's a race and you'll always be Jewish"
So how does it work? If someone who is not jewish says "I am jewish!" and does whatever you do to become one, then decides to not be a jew anymore are they still? Is the whole bloodline jewish after?
>jewish is a race
Jewish isnt a race. Its an oligarchial designation.
>that flag
What a suprise
How can it be a race when people of any race can convert?
That nose.
>despite my parents telling me "It's a race and you'll always be Jewish"
Your parents are correct. Your subversive shekel-seeking behaviors are inborn. Sorry, but Zyklon B is the only solution.
How Jewish do you have to be to get a dual Israeli citizenship? Like 5%? Could I submit a DNA test for the proof?
Whats up Brother Nathaniel.
There is nothing wrong with being jewish
You can't stop being Jewish you idiot, if I could I 'd do it long time ago, being Jewish is a curse
Is the Talmud as fucked up as i have heard or is it a book of anti racism and equality between goys and jews?
well,they are right.
you will see the light one day.
Next time you get ripped off by a scheming merchant, check the size of their nose. You'll be surprised. I think a lot of people hate the kikes without even realizing it, because their eyes aren't trained.
>a book of anti racism and equality between goys and jews?
"We will give you all the peoples of the world to feed on, until their corpses stink to the high heavens." Or something along those lines is even in the old testament. So...whaddaya think?
self hatred is pathetic and won't win you accolades from the nazis here famalam
This. There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.
hello my yemenite brother
So true. Fuck racists! And fuck anti-semites!
Why do you think that, I'd love to be an ethnic Jew
>Trying to get sympathy
>In Sup Forums
Try again Jewbro
why u are gods chosen ones
sooo.. why are you here ? do you hate your "race" or something ?
Because you're paranoid, you look and sound evil, the culture is fucked up
Where? I want the verse number. Also i was asking the jew about the talmud. I would like to hear his opinion on it, not that of some stinkin goy.
>that flag
What a surprise
A Jew! why don't you get sympathy from kikebook, or jewtube. as long as you're not doing anything for people like george soros you're part of the fucking problem. stop your whining your race will probably flourish in the expense of european race and culture.
Synagogues may come and go, that nose is forever.
>It's a race and you'll always be Jewish
Are you Ashkenazi? Tell them you are not Hebrew, you are eastern European and your ancestors were pagan
Sorry but we don't accept transjews
drop some dirty jewy secrets please
That's not true
who you callin jewbro
>1 Post by this ID
Where is OP hiding
Self hating Jew! This is rightfully banned in Germany! youtube.com
You must secure the existence of (((their people))) and a future for Jewish children.
Martin is siding with those who hold the power. That's called being smart
Hail Wiesenthal! I pledge eternal allegiance to Yad Vashem!
Jew here too, you guys are all looking the wrong way, the chines are the new jews.
What about the Rothschilds
Ot's a syeroetype. Like how people think mislims are only arab
>jewish is a race
You will always be an ethnic jew but you can convert to a different religion you fucking retard.
Accept Jesus into your heart.
Holocaust, Schmolocaust! HAIL FUCKING HITLER!
Great idea! He would still be Jewish then!
Holy fuck I fell asleep gonna start answering shit
You're still a Jew btw
>ancestors constantly oppressed and suffering for the thousands of years
>have to change your creed multiple times to survive
>have to change your lineage from male to female to survive
>be blamed for being evil and scheming despite just being reactionary
>some edgy cunt chooses to abandon loyalty to you
I don't give a fuck what you think it is, you should burn, traitor!
If you don't come around soon, justice will come to you. I promise you that. You got a few years to sort your shit out.
>There is nothing wrong with being jewish
Indeed. But jews don't belong in white nations.
You jews all have to go back.
From the Jewish perspective, you will always be Jewish. But in my opinion it's not a race
OP you identify as a jew, you just don't realize it. take the last redpill.
stood to watch these preach in nyc one time
called me a white devil
said shit about how they wuz kings
They are schemers who just happen to be jews, there are jews and then there are Jooos.
You guys hate the Jooos, the invisible hand that causes all your woes but you can never quite strike back at. Most of us jews don't give a shit and just want to do us.
No i don't want to kill off whites, you know why? because whites women are the only women i find attractive and it seriously depresses me as much as you guys about whats going on in Europe and America. I get disgusted just as much by interracial couples as you guys are....except for maybe asians (but only japanes chicks, chinese i wouldn't fuck with your dick)
You can convert... and your family will be mocked, spat on and call stupid goyim trash by your new cult. Especially if you are a ginger or a butterhead, soulless carrot tops and toeheaded idiots are driven to suicide by their master race rat kike masters. As is planned and programmed, PIEfaced, cheese eating, fat Proto Indo Goyim gentiles deserve only demoralization and genocide... and it's because they started it, and it's totally justified, and if not then oh well too bad, keep crying shiksa.... AND WELCOME TO THE TRIBE, PLEASE DEPOSIT MORE SHEKELS TO REMAIN AN ACTIVE MEMBER.
Some say it's a change in race, because you are now Jewish is the eyes of ((Adonai))
kill yourself you disgusting kike
I am very stingy with my money desu
>not using "Jew have to go back"
What are you even doing with your life?
t.hans schekelstein
Hell no, they do not promote coexistence.
I do like how they emphasize keeping your nation from becoming degenerate.
Look into Leviticus chapter 10 I believe
>DNA Links Prove Jews Are a 'Race,' Says Genetics Expert
'brother nathanael' is nothing more than john landis playing a role, exposed video on jewtube
pick one
And what about sabbatean judaism and anti-nominalism? Don't they want to summon their messiah by causing corruption in this world or is this just a hoax?
If globalism and world Zionism succeeds, I'll at least be considered one of (((their own)))
That newspaper looks like cancer.
This is bible, not Talmud
very observant.
for an extra iq point, you might note that there's been 50 shitposts and not one question in this AMA thread. So op has probably and justifiably gone back to /s/ and /gif/
my question to op:
what do kikes think and say about the history of Sup Forums? It was amazing that what started as a site for teenagers to compare anime drawings in the space of 5 years attracted military, police & jews to get it shut down and controlled.
>What are you even doing with your life?
I don't have one at the moment.
They you have people with kike blood and kike faces like Bobby Fischer, all the "jewish is a religion, we aren't racist" hasbara rats start claiming him as their own with comments like "He looks just like my really jewy uncle Morty"... anyone of their halfbreed castoff bastards with a shred of money or success they scramble to try to gobble back up.
read Rev 2:9 and Rev 3:9
I'm safartic apparently. There's speculation my ancestors were "victims" of the Spanish Inquisition.
Ight I'll go back to deceiving the masses
(((You))) can't undo the satanic urges that flow in your jewish blood, (((You))) Goddamn son of a jewish bitch. Your blood sentenced JESUS CHRIST to death. Your blood makes (((You))) an usurer, a rapist, a child molester, a child sacrificer and a deicide, forever.
There is one and only one solution for the jewish viral problem that attacks the human host from millenia until now.
The complete eradication of your subspecies from the face of earth.
Prepare to get gassed, hooked nose.
Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.
-Luke 22:36
The inquisitors were cryptojews AKA marranos.
Everyone has jewish blood in them. The chance of one of your ancestors not being jewish is mathematically impossible.
this does not undo the previous verses
at best you have a contradiction
I've never even heard of that before, i had to google it to see what it was about but even a quick glance at wikipedia shows that they aren't real jews, they were declared apostates and ostracized and he converted to islam, one jew proclamed himself to be the messiah and conned a bunch of followers doesn't sound much different than a bunch of other religions.
In the end it all boils down to the individual, it's stupid to try and pin a single one size fits all ideal on an entire people and maybe the rich and elites of the world are jews, but not ALL jews have the jew privilege, oh ho ho how i wish i had some of that supposed jew privilege now so i could escape this fucking city.
the rurn the other cheek is oit of context. He is pretty mich saying don't be a retard when attacking. And he wasn't being peaceful when he whipped the jews out of the temple.
he whipped them out? wew, looks like i missed some parts of the bible
pretty sure the new PC term is Counter-Semite
I have quite a few connections with people of high importance. It has mostly benefited my parents.
It is a very tight community and everyone tends to help eachother out, mostly in achieving high status careers and positions.
Nobody really openly talks about schemes and other forms of trickery. It's almost like a silent understanding.
context krautnigger