Now I'm not a huge fan of td but I pop in from time to time to see what they're up to and today I noticed this.

This post has been up for over 6 hours, it has nearly 3000 comments. Yet there are zero upvotes. It is 53% downvoted. Most Seth Rich posts on td get thousands and thousands of upvotes so you know there have been thousands and thousands of downvotes. Voting is now locked at 0 to ensure that it will never reach the front page (and thus a wider audience) and hundreds of comments have been removed by (((admins))).

Massive influx sliding and shilling here on Sup Forums since new developments in Seth Rich case and now blatant censorship on reddit. You can't tell me this isn't a coordinated effort to hide the truth.

Other urls found in this thread:




>You can't tell me this isn't a coordinated effort to hide the truth

So the failure to release any information (surveillance video, dashcam video, body cam video, hospital he was taken to, etc) and the MSM "debunking" of an unsolved murder wasn't enough? You needed down voting on t_d to convince you?

no but there are people here who genuinely believe the seth rich situation is nothing... this is just more proof that it isnt

Sure would help convince people that it was something if you had evidence or something lol.

Maybe John Podesta raped Seth in a pizzeria before murdering him? ;)

You morons are so fucking desperate to bring the democrats down.
All of these news agencies have debunked this retarded conspiracy theory. You guys need to get outside and get some sun and a girlfriend. You people are unbelievably pathetic.

Yeah, this is for real. My ip is now blocked from posting on Sup Forums, I was posting the following and then it popped up my ip is banned. There is no way I ever broke any rules, I am actually very new to Sup Forums and only posted 2 times on SR threads. And nothing I said was even all that big a deal. WTH!!!

Anyway, I am trying this from another isp. Here was my post, probably my last post when they ban this IP too:

There is a big effort to shut down everything related to Seth. I think the best thing that any of us can do is keep spreading the story to every last creepy crawly corner possible. Their success is not without it's hurdles. Although effective in censoring the big sites... the people are posting and this is the word on Seth. I think they can only slow it down, we can still get this out there.

Spread it everywhere. The far corners that aren't even on the radar. Cause even the shut down discussions are valuable.. they can't stop this from spreading, unless we concede. They hope we just give up and forget, I suggest we spread this story out in all directions, places no one is monitoring.

>CNN lies & gave the DNC questions before debate
>MSNBC not one objective person on the network
>ABC, CBS, NBC all owned by joos
>WAPO Podesta works there need I say more?
Dude seriously? You think these fucking tactics work? You are going to have to try a lot harder. Fuck you for wasting my time replying, I dont even know why I did, everyone here knows all the shit I just posted..... and you call others morons, fucking cunt

Ban evasion bump for justice

wow sick i never knew you could debunk an unsolved murder. good one shill



>implying they didn't debunk unfounded conspiracy theories

Prey pathetic you're still pushing this after the guys family asked you to stop dragging their sons name through the mud. But then again this isn't actually about Seth or even the fact that he's dead is it?

>citing media conglomerates all run by dems
Justice for Seth

It's getting to easy to rile you guys up.
This post is quite obviously bait

>I pop in from time to time
go back, kike, and stay there

Congratulations on your perma ban for saying nothing.


SETH RICH: George Webb's message to Podesta, Guccifer 2.0 Game Over, Lack of Footage and everything else we know! !