>Spain and the UK are arguing over a fucking rock
Spain and the UK are arguing over a fucking rock
A strategic military rock mind you.
Also when you give something to someone as a gift you're unlikely to get it back.
Wait what?
We just want the monkeys, they're funny.
I've gotten plenty of gifts back.
yeah you can keep Ceuta, nobody is asking for it
No, the ones that are funny not the ones that are invasive mick.
The most strategically important rock in the whole Mediterranean. Just as important as the Suez canal if not more so.
What he said.
Spain will win. Fuck anglo imperialist scum DEATH TO ANGLOS
Gibraltar is actually the mainland of the monkeys that made brexit happen.
Work on giving better gifts. I feel like people dont like you.
It's a fucking nice rock
Anyway nobody ever seems to mention Rota, the base rented out to America
Is not just a rock bro
not bad
True but we weren't given that part now were we.
People like rocks.
>Landlocked countries in charge of naval operations
That place is not a natural harbor, is open to winds and strong currents. how deep the waters are allowing for ships to come in is anybody's guess. fortifying it is probably a fools errand, and especially was one back several hundred years ago.
The bay of Gibraltar is a perfect natural harbor situated in a strategic position. The importance of that position has been steadily going down the last century, so it's more of a point of pride than anything else.
looks pretty comfy desu
>We just want the monkeys, they're funny
you already get plenty of British tourists during Summer
Yeah and it's not yours so FUCK OFF
It is pretty comfy, been there for a few years. Would live there again.
>France and the Italy are arguing over a fucking mountain summit
If you add a nose piece that would look like a Norman style, First Crusade era nasal helmet
mfw the cape just west of gibraltar is a much better fort spot than gibraltar
You would be speaking French without us, so go fuck yourself.
That's not how ports work user. It doesn't matter if it's a little bit further away if the conditions of the port are naturally superior. The boats have a decent range anyway.
We used Malta to control that entire passage yet you're thinking moving a port that distance will somehow improve efficiency?
Yes it is, it was ceded to us fair and square.
Maybe now, probably not back in the 1700s.
listening to Canada ever
Good, this should be a French country.
I'm not Canadian I'm Quebecois.
dude no. plz.
I've been to Gibraltar . The guide told us that when all the monkeys on the rock of Gibraltar dies, Gibraltar will be returned to Spain.
Is this true? And why are they cheating and importing new monkeys all the time?
It's not the rock but the access to the med that we're willing to wage a war over.
muh Europe rising. muh white solidarity.
I knew you were filthy Frenchman
A British rock, mind you
>Maybe now, probably not back in the 1700s
Except the Bahia de Cadiz was THE port for all New World exploits. I mean it was split a bit with Huelva and the goal was to go upriver to Seville but still.
Exposed to the full power of the Atlantic ocean no less.
Welcome to geopolitics.
Russia's jaunt in Ukraine was about the shipyard at Sovastapol.
If my tiny and barren rock had pic related, then I would probably be hesitant to give it up as well.
The monkeys aren't what we took it for, so no...
Leave my country and take your filthy anglo children with you.
Useful reminder that the badteeth raised a war for a few sheeps against argentina.
Opportune reminder that the subhumans known as the english are utter trash, serfs of a german-reptilian family and a long gone empire turned into shit.
Timely reminder that London is a multiculti shitty pawn, owned by jewsih bankers.
TL;DR If the english '"people'" will be erased from reality, then the world could gain more sanity and less bad teeth.
>And why are they cheating and importing new monkeys all the time?
That's not a very nice thing to say about spanish tourists.
It's our rock m8
Indians are more white than angl*s
This. Also anglo parts of Canada are the worst and French parts are the best.
Do the monkeys not fuck?
Why do they die?
Why were they even there in the first place if they die on there?
According to wikipedia, the gibraltar monkey population is actually thriving.
It's the native ones in North Africa that are dying out because shitskins can't be bothered to protect their own wildlife.
Once again, its up to the white man to protect wildlife from extinction.
We've literally got the country o Spain in a cock-cage. HAHAHAHAHA
Dude that's pretty cool tell me more dog
>Anyway nobody ever seems to mention Rota, the base rented out to America
That's because they know better.
Something cool is the main road in and out of the territory goes across the airport runway.
>I'm not Canadian I'm Quebecois.
That's even worse. Not only are you a snow beaner, you are a snail sucking snow beaner.
It's great, isnt it?
Gib the rog bag ree
Found the catacuck
Spain can kill all the fuckers in that base in 3 seconds
literally Canadian who thinks hes french
Thanks for the fantastic chuckle. I needed one today.
What is a nuclear sub.
Tell me your master plan to dodge artellery and bullets
What sbout it?
russia has nuke subs too
Threats of Nuking them back to 1713
>Back to 1713
You're restoring our empire? Well thank you, kind anglo
This is why micks live in squalor. No forward planning capable in their alcoholic rabbit-selected tiny little minds.
In 2048, the ATS expires, and drilling an entirely new continent begins. The only deep berth port capable of supplying the tankers is currently being grazed on by those sheep. It's the only reason the Argies tried it on, too. The money is in the transportation of the black gold, ask Rockefeller.
It's a similar reason we haven't washed our hands of those annoying counties to your north: they are sitting on deep gold reserves, that for the moment are too expensive to extract. The moment we eventually rip the metal out of those rocks, you are more than welcome to them.
As for Gibraltar, who doesn't like monkeys?
Sure..... we're keeping The Rock though
our military is pretty shit these days but we can still destroy the Spaniards
I wouldn't give up the only place in Europe that has monkeys either.
No need to fear niggers and bean army, spain needs a nuclear program to get these filthy warmongering niggers out of spain.
is this true?
That guy looks bretty good for a brit.
Get nigger usa out of europe.
Funny thing is, Franco had a plan on arming the army with nuclear missiles (Project Islero) in case Morocco invaded Western Sahara (they did). He probably knew the US would have FREEDOM'D Spain so he didn't do it.
We used to have a nuclear program.
Kissinger ruined it all.
It was the CIA-planted Felipe Gonzaled who cancelled it following orders.
That fucking cuck, he literally made Spain what it is today, an international irrelevant SJW fucking shithole.
To maintain sovereignty spain needs nukes ally with russia or china to not be a dominated bitch
I bloody love the Sunday Sport
Beat me to posting that.
My sides
I think it's time to close the fence. Thanks, EU
Spaniards do you actually want the rock back, and would you risk a Falklands with Britain over it, you've never beaten them in a fight??
Im sure they've beaten us a few times
>you've never beaten them in a fight??
Post sauce also didn't answer my question
>But it's MY rock!
Humans never change.
Wrll ebgland didnt do much prior to 1800s/1900s
neither are my country and i do not care
>UK owns cape in Spain
>Spain owns cape in Morroco
>Morroco owns cape in France
France got the shit part of the deal
>Spaniards do you actually want the rock back
Not really. Gibraltar inhabitants are actually spaniards in disguise. Living in a tax heaven has considerable advantages.
>Would you fight
No, the gov just follows orders from the american embasy. We are a puppet state and the UK is higher in the hierarchy. As an example, our navy is too busy ferrying rapefugees from Lybia to Italy and the army is parading tanks in the Baltics to scare off Putin.
>british and spanish troops square off in gibraltar
>have to form a truce to fight off the monkey vermin together that keep pick-pocketing their ammo
Well to answer your question, no, we aren't as sperging autists as the argies. Also, some battles won in pic related.
>mountain niggers
Better stick to twig foraging m8
>Spain not slapping Morocco around like the little bitch it is
Just what happened to you, man?
Carlos V lost the war.
Thank you, following countries: