What the fuck is Trudeau's problem?

Trudeau repeatedly calls Trump on his cell

>Trump gives his personal cell phone number to world leaders
>No one except for Justin Trudeau keeps calling Trump

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He wants to arrange an all American gangbang for his wife

That's a bit cute actually. Shame though it's canuck the cuck.

Implying Trump answers this cucks calls in first place

>d-daddy why won't you pick up
>I-I want to be a big boy too
>h-h-hey trump!! It's Justin again, j-just checking up on you m, I-I got new socks I think you'd like

Why don't we just Annex Canada already?

Of course, Trump needs a cuck to prep him before he fucks Trudeau's wife.

>Uh, hey Donald, I think I fucked up.
>Yeah, I sold all the gold a few months ago, because we needed money for more refugees, and I'm worried because our dollar is kind of tanking now, and we have nothing to back it up with.
>You guys have a lot, could, uh... could you maybe give us some gold?
>What do you mean no?
>No I won't cede Alberta to you for gold!
>Shit dude, I fucked up real bad, I gotta go smoke, talk to you later, Don.

Please do. This country is full of faggots

Because they'll all vote democrat

reminder that canada and the USA are the greatest allies

How the fuck is it a security threat. The secret service probably secured the fuck out of it.



hey Trumpypoo, oh you know was just thinking about you...


You used to call me on my cellphone..

you used to call me on my



Just yoga and wedding conversations anyway ffs relax.


>gay summit

Unfortunately this.

But then again the population of California is higher than Canada as a whole so just change up how the electoral college works and we can flip north America red all together.

>keep in mind "red" is Liberal in Canada and "blue" is Conservative.
