We're blowing ICBMs out of the sky
We've got spaceX launching rockets left and right
And now there's this fucker
Serious question. Why can't any country compete with our engineering superiority?
We're blowing ICBMs out of the sky
We've got spaceX launching rockets left and right
And now there's this fucker
Serious question. Why can't any country compete with our engineering superiority?
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I wonder if the Germans thought the same thing in the early 40s
>Why can't any country compete with our engineering superiority?
Because we let smarties from shitholes like India come and go to our schools for almost nothing and other countries use their money to fund crazy shit like public healthcare.
We brain drain the planet with our permissive immigration policies and the lure of slutty American white women.
Probably. But the reality was they were just building useless R&D shit that wasn't effective
They had the best but we had the fastest production. They also had the entire fucking world fighting against them.
>Why can't any country compete with our engineering superiority?
Because you helped destroying Germany in ww2 by sending tons of equipment to the Soviet Union.
i think the majority of tech today comes from war and since we are obsessed with being the worlds police so there is benefit to feeding the war machine to create better toys. that and we had a head start on computers since we took the tech away from the brits. man, the brit who invented the tubes (forgot the name cuz im a pleb) for the first PC vs hitler died a poor man and was killed for being gay. shame.
They certainly did and they certainly were before all their (((scientists))) switched sides. Didn't help that half the world was trying to fuck them as well.
We also make a ton of money by selling our tech to allies, while we keep the newest of the new for ourselves.
... and then right after decided that the Soviet Union was the enemy... (same idea as Hitler)
So how are you going to land when it eventually snaps in 2?
Absolutely brilliant engineering let me tell you.
still no robot waifus, i wonder who will make true AI first. i hope its not used in war.
That thing is going to crash on its maiden flight.
Only the port nacelle is pressurized.
Seems like it's working pretty good so far desu
>Snap in half
Sorry bulgaria, we make planes out of high quality materials not wood and pig crap like your shit hole of a country
That design needs to be reinforced.
Oh look, the extremely fresh idea of taping two airplanes together wing-to-wing.
No, he is right. The tail should also be connected to strengthen the plane. It's either that or make the connecting wing larger.
>I wonder if the Germans thought the same thing in the early 40s
You mean the fags who literally forbade fixed tooling until 1943?
What is the purpose of such a plane?
Yes, your billion dollar warship really proved your point.
Towing it to shore was quite the achievment.
>that plane design
Estonia is greater than Finland at everything except hockey.
We kick so much ass, we just took everyone's name first. Our cock is fucking huge. Look at it!
quality < quantity, as we see t34s fucked german panzers in the ass. They didn't even have radios inside.
this plane seems to be the epitome of just because you can doesn't mean you should.
It's like Virgin's White Knight Two; you slap a rocket in between the pods.
Which one was that? We have so many of those things I loose track
We strap a rocket in the middle and are able to cheaply launch it into orbit once it's in the stratosphere
brings a payload up to high altitude and releases it
your MSM downplays every achievement made by rival countries, for example, every achievement made by China is either a copy or a steal, even when you don't even have the technology
I didnt know you took pride in broken equipment, not suprised you got lost in the numbers.
There there, it is a very nice plane you've build, no need to sulk. Maybe next time you can tape three planes together.
This thing is in testing until 2019; I'm sure if adjustments need to be made they can do so in 2 years time. This is just the first time it was out of the hangar
I'm honestly curious as to how effective this is going to be. How much payload is this thing expected to put into orbit, after accounting for the booster's fuel? The problem with getting to space isn't altitude, it's SPEED. And by design, something like this can't go very fast.
You definitely get a big benefit from an air launch; you don't have to plow through the much thicker lower atmosphere, and you can save more of your fuel mass for horizontal acceleration (to get up to orbital speed) but this is counter-acted by the very limited mass the aircraft can actually carry - whereas a big-ass ground-launch rocket, you can build as big as you need. Of course that's expensive - unless you can land the fuckers, like Space-X does, to recover the expensive engines.
So it's basically another take on the re-usable first-stage, I guess. One that will be cheaper to operate, maintain and turn-around than refurbing a Space-X first stage; on the other hand, Space-X can launch more payload...
>I didnt know you took pride in broken equipment
I take pride in broken countries, like when we balkanized you.
Hey, who built the Pearl of the Northern Skies, again?
From what I've read it can carry around 550,000lbs after accounting for its own fuel.
I'm sure some faggot from Bulgaria knows more about airplane design than American enginerds.
About half the weight of a Falcon 9.
>So it's basically another take on the re-usable first-stage
Well, yeah. That's the whole point. It's also just one more thing that will allow us to quickly get things into orbit in the event of a space war
Maybe you can tape two hockey players together and win a game against Sweden.
>We're blowing ICBMs out of the sky
Yeah, and how many Satans you've intercepted?
The last what I remember is how Tochka U destroyed american bas protected by Patriot in Saudi Arabia.
>And now there's this fucker
For what purpose?
Says the country with the most unstable currency in the world.
Better how that petrol stops loosing value anytime soon.
And maybe you should stick to the actual solid design on your next toy plane.
>half the weight of a Falcon 9.
Huh, that's pretty damn good, all things considered. What they lose in payload they make up for with cheaper maintenance of the first-stage. No refurb, no need to put floating platforms downrange, etc. Should be cost-competitive
>one more thing that will allow us to quickly get things into orbit in the event of a space war
Finally a fellow burger who can read the subtext.
Funny, considering who they're shopping around with:
A left-wing friend of mine said that even if western countries fall behind and stop being ahead, others will surpass them and bright westerners will just move elsewhere to work like China, so in total humanity will not be affected and will just keep progressing as usual.
I told her that not all cultures are the same and they do not prioritize the same things, a bright westerner working for NASA in the US could end up building military ICBMs for China instead.
And it's true, China's satellite launchers all use solid rocket fuel, which is military fuel and completely unsuitable for space exploration. They've no desire to explore, they only use it as a front to test and develop military technology.
Same reason nobody ever explored the world except whiteys (I never said that last part out loud)
She didn't understand why cultures would be different.
Now that I think about it, I should've told her that Western countries are wide open and bright (or the completely non-bright) people from all around the world can come here, whereas in the future a bright westerner may never be able to move to whatever the most-advanced country will be at the time.
Musk is South African and all major "american" inventions are the works of either european descendants or kikes.
You are a big town square/marketplace where europeans get to do great businesses by exploiting the sweat and tears of hicks.
>Why can't any country compete with our engineering superiority?
Too busy struggling to survive or getting cucked
10/10, you got me
Your gdp is 49th in the world. I wouldn't start talking economics untill you fix your own economy
ok m8
Um guess again sweetie
In a thread about engineering superiority, there is not one mention of the visas we allow foreign engineering students and engineers to use. Michio Kaku and Neil deGrasse Tyson both have said if it were not for these visas, the United States would immediately fall behind in engineering and innovation.
Japan Jumped the gun, Yes Pearl harbor was a target of opportunity that was very tempting, but they should have focused on attacking Europe's eastern flank before attacking the US
It's spelled "Lose" not "loose." To "loose" is to let something go. Like a dog, off a chain. Or an arrow, from a bow. I was all ready to come out swinging over that, because it triggers me, and then I realized it was deliberate.
Well played bulgie, well played
This coming from the country who is 82nd in terms of gdp
>You are a big town square/marketplace where europeans get to do great businesses by exploiting the sweat and tears of hicks.
Pretty much
Beats being a tumor of Spain that hasn't been relevant since pirate times
>calling the us dollar unstable
I know it's hard, but taping things together doesn't really work with hockey either.
Its coming from a country with a more stable currency than you, which is saying something.
We need to keep you are your toes
>Tfw not american
Correct! The immigration you guys hate so much is literally the thing that makes America great. Getting slutty white women is like getting a pretty house by the beach that collapses ten years later and takes everything you got with it.
>We need to keep you are your toes
Keep up the good fight, user~
Portugal is the size of Indiana and has fewer people than Ohio. 49th isn't bad relatively.
>Its coming from a country with a more stable currency than you, which is saying something.
Kek. We could literally buy you if it wouldn't be such a worthless investment
>oh fug i left my ipod in the other fuselage
>waste of fucking money
Maybe, due to materials science and aerodynamics modeling, it doesn't.
You're joking?
At least with vidya it's 100% confirmed you rat eaters will flat out steal shit and sell it to your people as something you made
Your currency is tied to the euro, so its stability is nothing to do with you
>Being this delusional
Don't you have a rice patty to farm?
You can tape two bottle of kossu together and get drunk twice as fast after a Swedish 5-1 victory.
So youre saying 50 countries all in a single federation are richer than just 1?
Who would have guessed? Sadly this dosnt make your currency stop loosing value now does it?
Our currency is tied to the central bank.
AKA gold
Alan Turing killed himself because he was going to do some jail time for being a homo. He wasn't killed, he committed suicide because he was a sperg that couldn't keep his faggotry to himself.
bc it's plastic bullshit, CGI graphics and larping at cosmic levels.
The only outcome will be a pepsi ad of statosferic bullshitism during next superbowl.
it will cost an high sum of shekel, it will be discussed on various (((media))) and you will enjoy it.
America -the US- is such a shitty place.
>50 countries is stronger than 1
Did you forget you're in the EU? If you want to see unstable, just wait until we pull the plug on the climate accord and stop funneling money to you plebs
If China ever becomes the dominant power they'll just stagnate like all of their dynasties tended to do. They're only playing this economic and societal game as a climb up the dominance hierarchy. The same way their students and diaspora act, they don't care or believe in progress
Whether we hate the way "progressivism" has gone or not it's a uniquely western ideology
Yeah, not very much of it m8
He's pretty redpilled desu. Not completely, but I'm almost 99% sure he inherited the views on race from his father.
>Not realizing he blew up a kikebook satellite that day.
God forbid you pull back your McDonalds.
Clever gif
what the fuck
Thats still not a small amount.
>Japan Jumped the gun
Nope, Pearl Harbor went off exactly when it was planned to.
By whom is the real question.
>Muh Satan.
>Muh proud history of Russian engineer.
>Muh muhtherland.
>Muh dirty American capitalist pig dog imperialism.
>Muh fuckin' space dog.
>Muh squats and oats.
>Muh Soviet Union.
>Muh spikey space ball.
>Muh moist nugget.
>Muh Mikoyan aeronautics.
>Muh cosmodrome.
>Muh GDP shittier than Mexico.
I don't mind Russians, but I am tired of hearing your whining. America has you bent over a pool table with your skirt up, bro.
aeronautical engineering sometimes gets weird
i.e. AD-1
Let me put this really simply then
Bulgaria has 41 tones of gold
America has 4,500 tones of gold
aka 109 times more then you.
what I'm about to say might scare you, vidya is part of the propaganda
don't you have a target to hack?
Its like 50 countries would have more gold than 1.
Never considered that tbhh
Not sure how that's supposed to scare me but you're either completely delusional and have bough into your propaganda or, you're a gov goon trying to defend your blatant theft of intellectual properties.
Ahahahahaha! When you talk about the US you divided us into 50 states and call them "countries"
Come Olympics time you pack of rats gather all your medals together and try and compete like that despite us not getting to send 50 contestants from our 50 states.
okay I might misunderstood you a lil, why are you suddenly talking about video games on a /k/ related thread?
Surely the Bulgarian dinar has long since surpassed the USD.
Why send 50 americans when you send the africans you imported from Africa?
We havent seen a REAL american in those games in years. Its like youre almost non existant in your country or something.