>Merkel has been cultivating the "European dream" for the last few decades. >Trump pulls out of le ebin Paris treaty fucking over the endless "climate change" money tree >Trump stops the NATO welfare fucking over the European Reich army >UK pulls the plug on Germany with Brexit, fucking over the continental welfare state and trade power house EU >panicking Merkel imposes some retarded bill of €100+ billion >UK says "fuck off cunt" >Her only ally is now an immature granny fucker, ruling a sea of brown
>Merkel's globalist dream of one brown puddle of shit is falling apart before her eyes
She will try to burn it all. She did amazingly well for a STASI subverter.
Parker Lee
Germany needs a plumber to clean all that shit out
Aaron Martinez
time to nuke germany
Brody Murphy
It saddens me to see the Fatherland going to hell like it is. Women leaders everyone
Xavier Phillips
this guy will do it
Austin Russell
Shes still popular af in germanstan and will probably be prime minister until shes dead. Keep celebrating over nothing I'm sure it well help change something fag.
Wyatt Anderson
People think she gave a crap about the refugees, they were just an excuse for Germany to get a massive trade surplus at the expense of the economies of southern europe. Kind of like Volkswagen donating to environmentally friendly causes while fiddling their emission figures.
Trust me the Germans have been up to their old tricks.
Jordan Jackson
she will still win it easily, without coalition with SPD
Nolan Jones
It is also an excuse for Germany to get cheap slave labour
Brody Gonzalez
Grayson James
AfD when?
Bentley Sanchez
we can only hope
Wyatt Garcia
The Germans are more submissive than Sweden, and look at those cunts.
Jordan Butler
Average IQ by region: Middle East: ~80 Africa: ~75 Germany just before the rapefugee crisis: 98 Germany in 2003: 102
Everything the Germans worked for will be destroyed by stupidity. When the average falls below 90, countries start experiencing some really funky shit. Like, the military stops functioning because 85 iq people can't into small unit tactics and independent decision making. Businesses start falling apart, because those people are risk-averse. Corruption sets in, because it's easier to steal than to build. Once the corruption sets in, all smart people start leaving the country, because they don't want to be treated like shit by morons.
This process isn't something hypothetical that's going to happen somewhere in the future. It's already underway. If Germany doesn't have a civil war, it's going to turn into a South American failed state. If it does have a civil war, the entire country is going to suffer, bigly.
Regardless of how you feel about Germany, that's is just fucking sad. So much work undone by a bunch of twisted ideologues and corporate greed.
Hudson Edwards
>I don't like see the (((Fatherland))) going to hell like this
Implying you're anything related to that place and what the fuck was Dresden when you're dumb fuck grandfather was killing Germany for jews?
Henry Bennett
that immense IQ decrease..lol, one day we will see a 70 iq Germany
Jackson Brooks
obviously Germans won't fight, to much to lose physically we will just leave the country and that's it
Carson Brooks
Do note it's most certainly below 98 now, 98 was like 2010-2012 (my guess is Turks + lefty education).
Dominic Allen
America's doing just fine with those IQ levels
Dylan Scott
Cruzposting is dead
Luke Perry
Before she goes down the marxist cunt will take us all down with her.
I bet before she leaves office she will open the borders even further and take in 10 million ''refugees'' at the same time.
Jacob Wilson
going to be strange trucking food into Germany in 40 years because of mass starvation, practically a new Africa with old breaking down historical monuments reminding us of its glorious past
Tyler Phillips
they are probably scared to print out the new statistics
Adam Lewis
you gotta red pill the army
Tyler Murphy
To be fair she may still achieve a brown puddle of shit, just smaller than she was shooting for.
When is Merkel up for election anyway? Soon?
Kayden Allen
He had a good run. were proud of him
Nicholas Lewis
German Army is already redpilled "Today I came across an officer of the german armed Forces, who told me that soldiers are questioning the existence of the officer Franco A., who is accused of plotting a Terror attack and blaming it on refugees. This case is a big Thing in german Mainstream media right now, cause they use the virtually non-existent "Right-Wing-terrorism meme" to divert from islamic Terror. Here Comes the interesting part about this: Supposedly Franco A. and his "terror-cell" were part of the 291. Jäger-Batallion. What most People don't know is that this batallion is part of the French-german Brigade, and is permanently located in France. Now guess how the Brigade is called in French....
"Brigade Franco-Allemande"
The Guy also told me that non of the Officers he knows has ever heard of a Guy named Franco (which is a quite unusual Name, especially among better educated people). Also Franco A.'s plan supposedly blew up when he tried to hide a weapon in an Airport and get it back later. Who in their right mind would hide a weapon in an Airport??? He could've easily gone to Germany by Train. Ironically he is described in the media as "above the average-intelligent"."
Brandon Kelly
It's also about creating an untermenschen class of Morlocks like in "The Time Machine." She probably saw the demographics were starting to look like Japan and needed a fix of low-IQ 3rd-worlders who breed like rabbits.
Those same 3rd-worlders are also too stupid to realize they're being used and anyways, they'd gladly accept German social welfare over their own shitholes back in Shitstan. Either way, she's a commie sellout and any German who votes for her and the CDU deserves every bit of cultural diversity coming their way.
America is sitting at 98 or 99 iirc. Don't get me wrong, 98 isn't horrible - but going below in 95 is pretty bad. And they're either already there or getting close.
And it's not like they're facing a smooth transition either. They're being flooded by 75-85 people and some of them can't even read or write. You can't do "fine" with a burden like this. Not in the long run.
Jordan Campbell
It is what it is in America. Immigrants assimilate very nicely here.
Caleb Ortiz
I fucking hate her face.
Brandon Peterson
Mexicans too? Cause from what I've heard/read/seen, they do tend to stick to their own people and they're kinda selective when it comes to embracing American culture. Furthermore, you have to remember that immigrants before that internet didn't have any means of staying in touch with the people they left at home. Today, you're always in touch with anyone that you want to be in touch with. This has an impact on assimilation rates. Now consider the fact that you're dealing with a massive influx of people coming from a single region, who tend to setup their own enclaves... you can't really compare that with any other immigration wave your country has experienced in the past.
Josiah Barnes
So does he exist? Is there any pictures of him?
Anthony Diaz
Germany NEEDS Ted
Asher Wilson
Breaking point is 90. Ireland is sitting a fraction above 90, and they have horrible problems with inbreeding, paedophilia and violence.
Angel Brown
There are Pictures. Though the most used one seems to differ from older Pictures.
Alexander Morgan
I knew it , didnt make sense at all
Easton Fisher
never heärd this before
Zachary Green
Can you post the other one? Also wanted to say that Franco is the Italian form of Frank, so it makes sense for an Italian-German to be named that.
Bentley Murphy
Grayson Reyes
Eh, looks like it could be the same guy.
Austin Gray
auf deine verfickten klöten user, kein shitpost?
Angel Wright
btw Is the man you talked to even in that unit?
Cooper Ward
but they dont work.
Cameron Thompson
Germany: destroy Europe WW I, destroy Europe WW II, now destroy Europe with sand nigger immigration. German cucks keep electing Merkel, destroyer of Europe
Jordan Harris
That only ensures her ideology dies with her.
Jordan Cruz
Bomber Harris did nothing wrong, krauts are the scourge of humanity. Embrace the final solution to the Aryan question
Lucas James
No, probably not a lot of them. The more you think about it, the more gim the possible rationale, if indeed there was one, gets. Also note that the whole sirenesque gestalt of this policy drained assad's army, often overlooked
Dominic Gonzalez
>inb4 German media braindead and in essence run from your side of the pond
Luis Hill
Jonathan Ortiz
Cruz was always our guy
Owen Collins
Good thing polan right next door
Carson Wilson
Can someone explain what the fuck they mean when they say America is giving up "global leadership" on climate issues?
What does China get for being the new "Climate Leader?"