What the fuck? I thought Tommy Robinson was our guy?!

What the fuck? I thought Tommy Robinson was our guy?!

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Explain this shit


Sikhs are bro-tier, they assimilate well into western society and their religion was invented to kill muslims

This is the same board that defends Sikhs as 'based Muslim-haters who share our cause.'

How fucking new are you?
Sikhs are bro-tier

Please gibs me proof. I knew Sikhs were of the highest order but I didnt know they too dislike Islam? I thought they were a faction of Islam. Like Shiite and Sunni etc.

He's not anti any race just anti Muslim.

Long running shill campaign for awhile now to claim sikhs are brotier

You'll see "people" repeat it like robots, while knowing nothing about sikhs.


>Sikhism developed while the region was being ruled by the Mughal Empire. Two of the Sikh gurus – Guru Arjan and Guru Tegh Bahadur, after they refused to convert to Islam, were tortured and executed by the Mughal rulers.[24][25] The Islamic era persecution of Sikhs triggered the founding of the Khalsa, as an order for freedom of conscience and religion.[24][26][27] A Sikh is expected to embody the qualities of a "Sant-Sipāhī" – a saint-soldier.[28][29]

Nah it's not a meme or anything...

Are you actually retarded? The fact that Sikhs aren't Muslim is middle-school tier shit

You're a retard.
Sikhs are good people.

Sikhs and Indians are cool, man, this is legit common knowledge.

Dude that's pretty cool tell me more dog

If you hate Sikhs you're a fucking retard.

Yeah, Sikh are our allies against islam, I don't see a problem here at all.

He's a civic nationalist, zionist cuck.

Is the saber really necessary?

My wife's son's daddy is a sikh he is super bro tier

He is not muh master race retard larping on anonymous image board. When abdools start hunting for you all white race crap disappears in thin air.

Part of their religion says they have to carry a dagger with them at all times in case they need to kill Muslims.

Indians are not cool. they dislike muslims but thats where it starts and ends

While I dont care about Sikhs, since there are not millions of them ready to pour into our nations, I dont see why we should shill for them. Most of them are probably left wingers dicking about their minority status.

Dude, sikhism literally only exists because the hajis almost shoah'd them a couple centuries ago, they've been going toe to toe ever since and the Sikh BTFO the hajis every time.

I remember seeing an article on how a Sikh guru was trying to sue the state of California over the Assault Rifle laws, his case was based on the fact that his religion demands that he arms himself for self defense and that Commiefornia was getting in the way of him being able to do so

Sikh religious leaders were routinely executed by Muslims, so they declared that Sihk's must carry a weapon with them at all times to defend themselves from Islamic threats. It's called a Kirpan.

Entire religion of Sikh is based on fighting muslims .you can respect other people without race mixing

Sikhism, like Christianity, was created by an oppressed group, so it's very similar to Christianity and shares many of its best elements, unlike Judaism and Islam which were created by oppressors.

Sikhs are awesome. Actual spiritual people. Non-violent, too.

>post-apartheid education system in South Africa

>cunt, 69,000 Sikhs fought & died in both our world wars
>nigh on 110,000 injured, many badly
>no need for helmets, these double hard bastards wore their turbans
>Sikhs are the model immigrants, proud of host nation, home owners, business starters, low crime, strong family
>a millennium fighting the Islamic butchers who sought to have them convert, submit, or die by the sword
>Sikhs will never ally with Islam. never.
>Sikhs will be right there on the front lines as will Hindus

neck yaself

You got a problem with Sikhs? They've been eternal enemies of Islam for much longer than most. They are generally very honorable people who absolutely hate Muslim filth and the terrorist activities that follow their populations.

Sikhs are based.

Sikhs wear funny hats but they hate muslims, don't get it confused

>(((((Rebel))))) (((((Media)))))

There's your answer

its their second amendment

Apparently Sikh children are all NIGGER-TIER in Canada and go around committing all the crimes while generally hooting and hollering, shucking a jiving and listening to nigger music.

Is this true?

Leafs, I need to talk to you for once.

Yep i had a class with a sikh bro and he said Hillary was an evil woman who would let Muslims take over America. Good dude.


Tommy has and always will be our goy.

Never had a problem with them or Hindus, there friendly people in general, plus there not trying to destroy Weston culture neither are they moving here on mass like muslims.

Tommy is anti muzzie, that's it. Has no problem with Jews, Sikhs etc. Tried to purge the EDL of the neonazi types.

No, Tommy is a Jew and probably a Zionist. Also, it doesn't matter if Sikhs are good people because they're contributing to the great replacement. We need to oppose multiracialism or multiculturalism or we will lose control of our own countries and become a persecuted minority, end of. If you disagree, you're not a nationalist.

even if i had the power to throw the sikhs out of england i still wouldnt,they are good people

they are only in the news for doing heroic things or getting beat up by scum becuase they think they are muslims


Unless you're a haji of course, either way its no problem with me, someone has to run the 7-11s

How else to neutralize the whole racism thing?

Even though I'm a massive racist who wants to gas the Jews, I still get mad when morons confuse Sikhs and Mudshits.

It's really not hard to tell the difference and at that point the people who are hurting Sikhs for looking KINDA like Muslims (but not really) are the truest niggers.

Yeah it's true

and those ones largely don't wear the turban or abide the sikh religious laws at all
Basically religious sikhs have kids in canada, some of their kids grow up amoral atheistic criminals; most of the criminal gangs in BC are chock full of east indians- those gangs are basically the niggers of canada

It's a problem both with them and with our (((education))) and (((media))) systems

> I thought they were a faction of Islam. Like Shiite and Sunni etc.

So you could say they're "Not real Sikhs".

Unlike the Muslim terrorists and gang members who are 100% real Muslims.

do they streetshit also in canada and england?

That and it seems that they've fallen for the thug/nigger culture meme, you have no idea how much this aggravates non-white groups who are already prone to violence, hell it even affects White people too. I know its a change of gears but nigger culture and the kikes who propagate it needs to fucking die, its no culture at all and it destroys any real culture it comes in contact with

Thanks guys.

I find it funny that its Americans that are so condoscending when it comes to education standards. H1B1 visa means you fuckers are too retarded to do the job yourself. Good ad hom though. We did pretty much just learn about evil whitey.

Also get of your fat fucking asses and build the wall.

he fights the muslims because they rape white women/children. He's doing some publicity to show he isn't racist and shine a light on sikhs example of good integration.

this, they do smell p.bad

t.sat behind two on the bus last week.

Fuck nut I'm right wing. Just have never encountered a Sikh in my fucking life. When your life is perpetually threatened by feral niggers you don't really have time to be concerned about fucking brown people, their different hats and which faction is killing who in that god forsaken desert.

I know a few Sikhs at work, one of the girls is married at 25 from an arranged marriage (kek) and she absolutely hates her husband. She is CRAVING for white cock. I'm not kidding, she wants the BWC so much.

I'd give it a shot if she were actually attractive and didn't smell of disgusting curry. I'm not being racist, that's how she smells.

The other ones are really nice. They bought some food in for one of their Sikh holidays and told us about their religion where their prophet or whatever was an absolute madman with a sword. The uneducated mongoloids at work still think they're Muslims, of course.

Really if we just removed the Jew, the world would be a better place. Even niggers are not entirely at fault. There is no way nigger "culture" would ever have come about if it weren't for Jewish influence.

2nd generational immigrants of poor families have like a 90% chance of turning out garbage tier.
Its media and poor people culture.
So poor all you will ever know is the ghetto and your poor delinquent friends.

Tommy like the rebel media is fucking zionist paid and Zion's agenda

Fuck right back off

That is the scam.

The ploy is about the number of Africans that they feed like cattle. So they can then suddenly ram them in and create a fake "palingenesis" narrative that they are more likely to believe or just nod at because they do not speak the language. Then hey presto: We ALWAYS lived in micro appartments and watched netflix, We ALWAYS lacked spacious private property, We NEVER had opinions about the meaning of life or the way we live (that isn't convenient "lifestyle advice" from the top) , We ALWAYS chased after golden globs, Grammys, BAFTAS, We ALWAYS had sexual mores that fracture and atomize society

It is just divide and conquer + destabilize and conquer

This is just hollow cross brand association.

Is that Sikh goingto turn up and protest the SJWs and Trots or just vote for more mass immigration or what?

Beyond that is he willing to work together to put the people in charge of their own destiny and help shape events and their environment rather than the beaurocrats and money men with thier infinite supply of labour?

I've been in a gurdwara, that's already more than most.

Nice kikebook meme faggot

Sikhs are alright, but Rebel Media is Jewish and Tommy Robinson is a shill for Israel. Literally.

India is the only country that has held the line against mudshits. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Oh shit SA has jokes guys, If your here who's watching the niggers rape your white women? But for real hows the aids?

>India is the only country that has held the line against mudshits.

>What is Israel

>le sikhs are bro-tier maymay
I can't tell if you faggots are being ironic or not

Sikhs are bros. They killed millions of filth (muslims).

Time wise and without a wall, India has done pretty well senpai. Off to work :P


>look at this fucking BASED brown guy in a trump turban

Sikhs are fine people. The Rebel is Canadian and we got lots of Sikhs.

SJWs like Manveer are extremely rare.

gotta have at least one non white ally
Why not poos

Sikhs are goodguys.
Personally I don't want them in my country but I still support them nonetheless.

Sikhs are nothing like muslims. I'd imagine he's doing this to make people aware of the difference and using cheap examples such as the recent example of a sikh man who was the taxi driver helping out victims agreeing to allow his image to be used by whoever and they decided to portray him as a muslim individual on scene helping people out.

so yea he's shedding some light that they're different and most likely doing so to point out the racist hypocrisy of the left after what they did to the sikh man recently.

I hear they're good guys. I've got some anglo indian in me so I don't really know much about indians other than the food or what I've read online but the only stuff I've seen on sikhs was on youtube doing some strongman crossover with jackass inspired stunts breaks glass over each other etc to some odd music while flexing.

all indians hate muslims

...He's a Punjabi? Sheeeeit. Not surprising, honestly.

sikhs committed the worst act of terrorism in canadian history

Based Sikh coming through

I'm from Birmingham, born and bred. From birth, I lived in a neighbourhood (Acocks Green) with a lot of Sikhs, so living on the same street with quite a few of them, and from nursery all the way through to secondary school, I was around them. First visited a Gurdwara when I was very early in primary school, and I remember clearly that they were very hospitable.

I've never had a problem with them. They have integrated very well, and throughout the years, I've heard a lot of anti-Islam/Muslim sentiments from a handful of them.

So, there's my two cents, and woe betide me for posting something positive about this on Sup Forums, of all places.

By the way, Acocks Green today has more Muslims than Sikhs by a long shot, as is the case with most "melting pot" areas of Birmingham.

I hate this sikh meme. just another brand of sub human shit skins.

Sikhs have been fucking up mudslimes against all odds for centuries


>ally with sikhs in the Great Removal
>ethnically clean punjab in exchange

Was it the USA or Canada where some Sikh woman produced one of those daggers and rekt a muslim in the public toilet of some shopping mall?

>greater indian empire lend us 400 million reserves
probably a good idea
lol source

Nope. Sikhs were the only muds to vote for Brexit.

Tommy is a zionist anti-Ehtnonationalist
Sikhs are the our guys here.

Sikh is an offshoot of Hindi, not Islam.