Whats going on in the interview right now i cant watch having dinner
Isaiah Brooks
Milkman is getting Neil'd
Wyatt Cook
Yet he campaigned against leaving it. So much for that strong leader. Fucker will have a heart attack on the first day of the job
Cameron Robinson
Reminder that anyone shilling for Labour is from Reddit.
Caleb Cook
Tim on the verge of a homophobic rant.
Xavier Lee
There was a couple of minutes where Tim kept dodging questions and talking over Neil.
Christopher Jackson
Tim's getting waxed.
Matthew Diaz
The European Union has cancer
Carson Butler
this is like watching a Jeb! interview
Anthony Evans
Cooper Bell
This is a circus
Robert Reed
Reminder that r/t_d types need to fuck off and never come back. You are just as cancerous, if not worse, than the mythical "Labour shills" that you whine about.
Hunter Morales
First for T E T C H Y T I M
Carter Thomas
Farron getting raped by Andrew Neil.
Charles Nguyen
Is Cancer*
Noah Hughes
How do we solve the roastie voting problem lads?
Blake Gomez
Digits confirm. Can't wait for them to all fuck off and cry on the 9th.
Levi Taylor
Tim shilling for the EU on a question on encryption.
Elijah Diaz
>he wants to notify terror suspects that they've been monitored
Michael Fisher
Mason Cox
Ending women's suffrage
Elijah Garcia
ironically, Islam
Leo Rivera
Henry Jones
Labour is winning the election meme war. We have Kek on our side now.
Brayden Gonzalez
Actually made me laugh
Adrian Murphy
Please tell me Corbyn isnt going to win.
Aiden Price
If you've ever posted on reddit you should just kill yourself desu
Carson Baker
Whats the best county and why is it kent
Samuel Sanchez
Corbyn isn't going to win
Justin Stewart
Corbyn isnt going to win
Mason Collins
Joshua James
>no gay question yet
Lay it on him Andrew.
Leo Bell
Milkman has collapsed like a cheap tent in a hurricane after 5 minutes of Neils questioning
>repurposing Trump and Brexit memes You guys don't have meme magic. Your falsehoods will bite you in the arse.
Jace Richardson
Coalition of chaos incoming
Ethan Myers
Oh well, the problem will fix itself in a few decades.
Jeremiah Edwards
Why is the PA covering what this woman says?
Brody Wilson
KEK.... they are such delusional Goys
John Gray
>going down slightly It's still nowhere near the promised tens of thousands target, which is itself tens of thousands too high.
Jaxson Gutierrez
Indeed, and one tumour opted to remove itself.
Blake Peterson
Should I go to my constituency hustings tomorrow lads?
David Garcia
I wonder who's behind it
Hunter Nelson
>contains Chatham and Gillingham >best County
Isaiah Edwards
Can this cunt go one breath without mentioning his disgusting family or upbringing?
Levi Phillips
Say Jeremy Corbyn had been the Home Secretary for six years, during which time he slashed some 20,000 police jobs taking us back to 1970s levels of per capita policing. Let's say he also slashed the UK Border Agency budget so that over a million people per month were coming and going through UK airports without being properly checked. Let's say by virtue of an extremely self-serving EU referendum non-campaign he managed to get into 10 Downing Street, where he kept up his agenda of cutting the UK security services and border agency. Then there's a home-grown terrorist attack by a known Islamist fanatic in a city where Corbyn had cut the police budget by £157 million.
Let's say Jeremy Corbyn "lost" files on an internal pedophile ring. Let's say he wanted to take the homes from the elderly. Let's say he cut 30% of your disabled benefit. Let's say he signed an arms deal with the (ISIS-funding) Saudis worth billions. Let's say he wanted to take away your child's free school meal. Let's say he forced NHS staff to use food banks or starve (great choice). Let's say he made so many cuts to the NHS that people are suffering waiting for ambulances and A&E doctors. Let's say he went against doctors, nurses, teachers, fire fighters, the armed forces... Let's say he took away funding for University for upcoming doctors and nurses. Let's say after all these cuts there's still a deficit and he'd missed every target he'd set himself for reducing it. Would you vote for Jeremy Corbyn under these circumstances? Then why the bloody hell are you voting for May?
Luke Stewart
I voted brexit you plum. Look at the polls for Trump, Brexit and this election and tell me you don't see the parallels.
Camden Powell
Umm no sweety those are good places
Carter Green
WTF? i love communism now
Aiden Cook
Because fuck pakis and normies.
Justin Miller
Where did you get this?
Grayson Wright
Farron is such a slimy cunt he deserved all this.
James King
>voting for the paki and nigger loving party of Labour >even considering letting that chimp Diane Flabbot near a senior position Fuck off, toothpaste.
Nathan Rogers
>My wife and I, we like to kidnap gay people and torture them until they turn straight. I've been taking some notes from Mike Pence, electricity makes the process go much quicker.
What the fuck, Tim? We didn't need to know this.
Ryder Perez
I would rather have a woman that is capable of making unsavoury decisions for the greater good than a man promising FREE STUFF
Tyler Hall
Ask him about his wife Andrew
Jose Bennett
Cooper Rodriguez
Henry Bennett
muh hard breggsit >as if the Tories will ever fucking deliver
Henry Nguyen
Brexit / Trump was underestimating the right wing vote you idiot, they are completely incomparable,
Leo White
This election isn't having a meme war. British politics is too boring for one. British politics can literally be summed up by
>Do you want more gibs or less gibs/higher taxes or the same taxes/more immigration or the same immigration >if you answered more/higher/more vote Labour >if you answered the opposite vote Tory >if you answered any other combination vote for whichever 3rd party your friends approve of
Jeremiah Gutierrez
Jose Robinson
Lad... I used to live there
Joseph Peterson
Brayden Gray
Right wing vote, or anti-establishment vote?
Colton Lewis
Parker Ortiz
Juan Powell
But user I'm just like you I've been to a hospital and have parents
Anthony Adams
>Neil stopping short of telling Farron no one gives a shit about his emotional blackmailing anecdote
Jace Young
Benjamin Thomas
what are you watching? link?
Christopher Garcia
Eli Martinez
According to that "1 to 1.5g of protein per lb of lean body weight" thing I could be taking up to 200g of protein a day, that can't be right.
Nathaniel Sanchez
Dylan Garcia
Why does the UK not have the courage to vote in UKIP?? they are clearly the right party for this political environment..
Adam Bell
Anti-immigration, anti-welfare state vote, an opinion which would get you lynched in normieworld, the shy tory effect doesn't apply to labour, whoever's in charge.
Angel Garcia
Predicting Conservative majority of 50, YouGov are oversampling the young
Charles Evans
>The Manchester bomber caught a whiff of second hand cannabis smoke and look what happened
Luke Torres
North Yorkshire. Our green and pleasant land.
Bentley Flores
Right wing by far, I'm going to love every laugh when leddits "meme m8gic" fails completely and the Tories have 380 seats.
Xavier Garcia
dont forget hastings and thannet(2015 by election never forget)
Blake Murphy
>No one gives a fuck about your grandad's dementia
Jesus christ Andrew.
Adam Clark
Southern faggot
Anthony Powell
The big sweating brillo bull is sticking his cock into the milk bottle, hard
Jordan Foster
>Lib dems splitting the youth vote with dude weed lmao They do have one useful purpose!
Adam Myers
I aim for exactly 200g a day when I'm bulking, and around 180g when I'm cutting. What's the problem, faggot?
Owen Bell
Lads I'm writing a letter of complaint to Ofcom, I don't think the BBC are allowed to broadcast rape scenes before the watershed.
Angel Allen
Not about courage, most normies thinks they're racist scumbags and don't want to be seen as racist scumbags themselves.
Carter Thompson
Leader of lib dems get Neil'd on BBC 1.
Blake Rogers
The Tories have been underestimated by polls for every election since 1983
Landon Russell
UKIP are a one-note party. UKIP has effectively merged with the Tories these days.