Were the Nazis the most pathologically perturbed morons that ever existed?
The inherent social tensions within Nazi Germany and its inability to sustain itself convinced Hitler and his cronies that the only way in which to 'save' themselves was to go into an all out war rather than actually attempting to fix their problems or shift out of ideological spooks.
This is how you know they were filled to the depths of depravity.
Rather than actually attempting to forge a new world for their nation and realise better goals, they would rather go to an all out destructive war that would end themselves.
This is fully exemplified in Goebbels 'Total War' speech. Proudly calling for the Germans to sacrifice themselves and to suffer more as they hail in satisfaction, essentially hailing and calling for their own demise and suffering.
All this reveals to me is the following; Nazi Germany was NOT a patriarchal society, rather, through the figure of Hitler, the German people removed patriarchal consent. In a paradoxical form of bribery, Hitler offered insatiable chaotic enjoyment under the guise of national unity. I believe that it couldn't function otherwise. Hitler existed a sort of 'empty well', in that, people poured into him the fruits of their desire to synchronise their world accordingly. >inb4 ad hominems like shlomo, jidf, nigger, kike, cuck, blue-pilled
>The inherent social tensions within Nazi Germany and its inability to sustain itself convinced Hitler and his cronies that the only way in which to 'save' themselves was to go into an all out war rather than actually attempting to fix their problems or shift out of ideological spooks.
WW2 would've occurred with or without National Socialist or Fascist ideology
Zachary Moore
Keep telling yourself that
Isaac Bell
Almost won the wat had Hitler not spread his forces too thin. I wouldn't say they are morons.
Alexander Richardson
Alexander Howard
Belligerent retards who started shit on the basis of thinking they deserved world recognition and a world empire despite not putting in the work for it. Literally 10 years after their formation they're trying to meddle in colonial affairs and acting like they're owed shit in china and the pacific. A nation of insecure, destructive bullies which took the Enlightened and well-governed Brandenburg-Prussia of the 17th/18th centuries and just went off the fucking deep end with some of its principles.
Jose Edwards
No, they never stood a chance. I concede, your argument is too powerful good sir This. You're going to get a fuckton of ad hominems thrown at you for the flag (and not people memeing, like unironically they think you're some jew who controls the world from behind the scenes)
Leo Miller
Hitler's main fault was going to war against CCCP, instead of allying with it and conquering the rest of the world.
Landon Barnes
Marxist theory is that all societies have internal contradictions which become self-destructive as they come to the fore. You see this in many things - the end-goal of a human's planned life is death. Even if a human does not plan for that, the goal will happen any how, all humans will die. A capitalist society is a similar thing - just like the barbarian societies of 100BCE were swept aside for the kingdoms of 1000AD, swept aside by the capitalist bourgeois democracy of 1920, that will be swept away as well.
Militarism, not only against the USSR but France and England, was the only direction for Germany to go to. Don't forget in 1932, the communists in Germany got one of every six votes, gaining in every election. The working class was moving from socialism to communism, and the only solution the industrialists could see was a mass movement of militaristic, ultra-nationalists, with (false) promises of class conciliation etc.
Adrian Flores
They wanted "total war" after the alcoholic murder banker acolyte Churchill wouldn't stop assaulting them.
Jeremiah Nguyen
Polak talk. Nigga talk. Jew talk. All the same
Justin Davis
Do you not realize it was the goal of the Franco British alliance to destroy the German Reich at all cost? This is why such bad reparations were put on Germany after the First World War, to completely destroy the country. If Hitler had tried to do it peacefully Britain would have just done everything in its power to economically cripple Germany and probably tried to assassinate Hitler.
Zachary Martinez
Noah Hughes
This is true but it's only because of Bismaryand the fact the other continental powers were afraid of Germany that they were even allowed to have a colonial empire. Just remember that it wasn't until Bismarck was dismissed and Willhelm decided to challenge the U.K. On the seas that relations broke down. A German British alliance against France and Russia just made sense.
Juan Carter
They found out Stalin was planning on invading Europe, "striking while the iron was hot". They robbed the Soviets of that opportunity and attacked first. The Soviets were prepared to launch an offensive, not a defensive, war. The Nazis attacking preemptively put the Soviets on the back foot. The Soviets would get some Eastern Euro territory, but the opportunity to seize more never quite presented itself again.
The Nazis over-extended themselves and lost the war in doing this, but saved Europe, and possibly by extension the world, from falling to Communism. The Allies of WW2 would throw down their arms and join the Nazis with the loudest Seig Heil that Hitler had ever heard if they could see the state of Western civilization today.
Which is why I mourn the Nazis and no one else on Memorial Day.
Zachary Morgan
So dey was good bois who dindu nuffin?
Charles Nelson
>The working class was moving from socialism to communism, and the only solution the industrialists could see was a mass movement of militaristic, ultra-nationalists, with (false) promises of class conciliation etc.
Hitler launched the most workers friendly policies ever, gaining tens of millions of supporters in the process and converting all communists to national-socialism within 2 years.
Meanwhile democracies were crumbling under class warfare, socialism and communism, which they only escaped by launching an all out war against fascism.
It is western democracies that HAD to suppress fascism or else they would have been toppled by the working class.
What you see now is exactly that : the normal process of democratic decay.
Thomas Fisher
No it was pretty sustainable, but the point of national socialism back then was to also destroy communism so their economy was kind of geared towards that. Otherwise they were am economic miracle in the 30's with Hjalmar Schanct and their other economists.
Joseph Rodriguez
People don't realize that the more advanced the sickness, the more extreme the potential cure.
They think Hitler was somehow bad for Europe and eternally tarnished the idea of Nationalism, but it was all or nothing: if they had done nothing, we would have had the Globalist Hell we have now, only sooner. If they fought and won, the West would be saved.
They gave it their best, and it took the entire combined might of the West and East, along with the International Banking Cartels, to stop them. They failed. But god damn, someone had to try.
Asher Bailey
No that's pretty much a given. Especially since communism had already happened. , but do go on with deluding yourself.
Tyler Torres
No he's just wrong , German Unification period worked to industrialize itself and all the other nations around it were jealous of German autism leading to great productivity .
Also love your victim complex , it suits you well.
Jaxson Phillips
In 1933 Hitler won with 44% of the vote. Marxist theories only focus on class and technology, the world is more complicated than that.
Levi Nguyen
look at their deficit. It wasn't sustainable. They had to go to war. Hitler got btfo so bad and took the easy way out. Follow your leader. Yeah look where that productivity got them by 1945
Brayden Garcia
>Posts: 4 >Arguments: 0
Caleb Turner
Nazism is as bad as communism. Both are irremediably degenerate. Both are unstable political systems and will never last. 1000 years of peace my ass, Hitler.
Lincoln Wilson
Nazis invaded Poland even though they knew it meant war bud In my opinion communism is worse but just by a hair, both are shit.
Levi Brooks
No, Jews are. With Anglos being close 2nd
Daniel Wood
Burgers, keep counting the nogs and spics that your constitution are protecting in the land of the free. Soon they'll be dictating how you should be milked.
Nolan Hughes
I agree,I believe if Hitler had been a bit more passive,not attacking Poland after saying no and just making a better Germany with what he had there,there would've been 0 problems and such with his existence,he would have been universally praised around the world in history as a man how desired only t unite his people through peace and create a stronger Germany
Yet he sought out a more warlike,unifier of all Germanics through total war and strife,seeing himself as a Hero against the World with only three to his side
This was stupid,but really sacrifice is inevitable,what Goebbels probably thought,is why shouldn't the German peoples sacrifice themselves in the "right" way,by helping to win the war
Noah Sanchez
I see it like this:
1. Germans value dialectical conflict in itself as something that magically develops Humanity, and Germans must be in the front of it
2. To the Germans their ethnic background is very special and they feel loyalty to blonde blue-eyed people
3. Germans are drawn to the demonic and believe in dual morality - one private and one state/public
4. NSDAP was a typical, nationalistic worker-peasant, anti-aristocratic movement and with german racism and immorality it wrought what it wrought
Elijah Bailey
>he inherent social tensions within Nazi Germany and its inability to sustain itself convinced Hitler and his cronies that the only way in which to 'save' themselves was to go into an all out war rather than actually attempting to fix their problems or shift out of ideological spooks. No they didn't, read a book.
Jordan Adams
National Socialism, while still a form of Socialism, is nowhere near as unworkable as Communism. National Socialism was nationalistic and culture-based, Communism was always about global domination.
They had the Bankers against them with or without war. Enough time has passed and enough people are honest enough to speak the open secret: the reason for the war was Germany telling the IBC's to fuck off and starting running their own shit.
Everything else you hear is just to make it seem like it was necessary for moral reasons.
Alexander Walker
Carson Richardson
It was sustainable in theory though, it was a system based on autarky on self reliance that worked perfectly. Their deficit was almost nothing, and natsoc wasn't meant to be sustainable it was meant to start war to purge communism instead of let it infect the school systems like in your capitalist systems :^)
>Lots of autistic screeching
The capitalists would've lost in a war between communism and them. Just look how easily Hitler performed Dunkirk.
Samuel Thompson
then why invade poland
Zachary Reed
You know that speech was given in 1943, right? So all of your idea is worthless because it starts on a false premise.
You fat faggot.
Brody White
Molotov Ribbentrop Pact, Allies didn't want to make any pacts with Germany under Hitler's terms & conditions so he decided "fuck it I'll just invade Russia by myself". So then he had Molotov Ribbentrop and invaded Poland (who treated ethnic Germans like 2nd class citizens ) then invaded Russia in the Spring of 41.
Although to be fair the mistreatment of Germans in Poland wasn't as bad as he made it out to be.
Wyatt Turner
can't wait for iran to wipe you off the map
Juan Diaz
you forgot about Hitler's anal bdsm nazi hierarchy, same as in communism
people were promoted not like in capitalism, but according to some irrational wishes of nazi elite
One of Keyserling's central claims was that certain "gifted individuals" were "born to rule" on the basis of Social Darwinism.
Kevin Allen
>Poland who treated ethnic Germans like 2nd class citizens yeah and that's why guys like Joseph von Unruh held high position in Polish army and government because that's exactly what you do with second class citizens you retard
Adrian Garcia
"The justification for the civil use of the Führerprinzip was that unquestioning obedience to superiors supposedly produced order and prosperity in which those deemed 'worthy' would share."
Brody King
>ITT reminder to sage and hide leftypol threads
Zachary Myers
Jesus Christ that was a boring lecture. Go tell your Jewish dad to stop fucking niggers Tyrone.
Bentley Torres
isn't that similar to confucianism and also to how jews see themselves on a social hierarchy?
Thomas Hughes
Jewish lolbertarian marxists see themseves same
They use fraud with debt and other shit to stay on top even if everything is on downfall trajectory
Leo Clark
Ethan Robinson
Angel Hall
>be Hitler >start a war that kills 40 million whites >ruin the reputation of nationalism forever >cause the largest leftist political backlash in history
Adam Russell
>implying societies can ever work out their spooks
this is why society is doomed OP, all societies based on spooks (read: every society) are pathologically moronic,
Joshua Cox
Unruh was an ethnic Pole
Eli Rogers
>start a war >start
Yeah, no. It was all about the money and markets. Everything else you've heard is propaganda to keep people thinking it was about some greater good so they wouldn't flip their shit and revolt knowing tens of millions of their sons and daughters were murdered because the banking cartels just couldn't let Germany be free.
Hunter Ortiz
They after their clay, also polaks where becoming nuisanse as what they are now
Andrew Morgan
Polak, you are still on Germans clay, post WW1 (and ww2), which you don't deserve post neither or to exist from before.
It is you and your jews that cried in to our support