I just got this text from campus. Alright which one of you faggots did this! Also general Evergreen State thread. Share videos and what not.
Evergreen College shut down due to threats
Oh lawd, they're trying to win back the narrative with a "muh racism" and "muh safety as a minority" claim.
It's fucking disgusting these "people" act this way. If I went to that school, I'd personally knock every single one of those racist fucks out if they opened their mouths towards me or someone else that is white, especially hot white women.
Good. Shut it down every fucking day.
Meanwhile this is a ploy to keep whites of campus for a day cause niggers will ignore this text
Yeah, with the timing, this is a clear hoax. The "activists" will try to blame it on white people, and we'll find out that it was one of the "activists" 6 months to a year later. Fucking sick
No you wouldn't.
My exact thoughts. No way that someone would actually come here just to kill commies
lul evergreen is just a stoner hippie liberal school, graduating from there doesn't do anything for your career, why do we care?
steamboat island road reporting in
Olympia has a history of being on the radar as this kind of place. A WN dude travelled here last winter specifically to stab a black dude.
That being said, I agree 100% that this is probably a fake threat from the local antifa dipshits.
It should remain shut down.
There is loads of cops on campus now so If anyone wants to commit a crime in olympia, now is your time.
Just saw this on Facebook
I want every one of the students participating in this to be put on a boat and sunk. That disgusting cuck George can sink with them for so easily caving into them
the more I think about it, I just realized it is probably a "real" threat but against Weinstein.
fucking antifa in this town are crazy shits.
Apparently it is a "credible threat" with someone planning on coming to campus and shooting. I really don't know anymore.
OP do you live on campus or in Olympia?
I believe that all that "credible threat" means is that they specified means of attack and location. It's one of those words that cops use to make people think they're in control and there's nothing to panic about when they still don't know anything about who did it.
Also, you wouldn't give advanced warning if you were serious. This is 100% fake
There was a traffic jam getting out because everybody was trying to get off campus at the same time. Emotions were high. I was asked by my brother in CA to go in and get a family member out. An extraction. I was on my way over and then heard she had got out.
Oly reporting in.
Why do you go to the liberal brainwashing institute of mental illnesses?
I live on campus. I'm in my apartment now. People were running to the parking lot to get off campus asap.
Judging by how things seems to have been going, I wouldn't be surprised if they actually just deemed the campus unsafe at the moment. And they're right. When you barricade campus police into their department until the administration tells them to stand down, and then the local police stand down as well, you've successfully created a really dangerous environment
Fuckers still uppity because they ain't got no gumbo.
He said that tuition was low in a thread yesterday.
I have no idea desu. I'm transferring out.
Do the police have the dorms protected? Do you guys need to get out?
Tanks in 20
When I drove back into campus after getting food cops had the main entrance blocked off but Idk about the dorms. Lots of people were leaving when I got back
That's actually a big red flag right there...the more easy it is to get into a college, the higher the probability that people there, are bottom feeders of society with low IQ.
Acceptance in 99% You only dont get in if you fill the application out wrong.
Kek. God save America!
This is where I'm headed next year. Jesus fuckin' christ, lads
I can tell you the reason I was/still am (to an extent) interested was because of the self-guided learning, beautiful campus/location, interesting classes, and high graduate employment rate. I knew I was going to have to put up with insanity but this is blowing my expectations out of the water
Sorry to burst your bubble but if you aren't interested in doing anything with the environment or minority studies you won't really get any help from professors. Also don't smoke too much pot. I was doing an OZ a week for the longest time. Shit really fucked me up but it's easy to do that here.
If all else fails, just enroll in community college for a few semesters and transfer somewhere else.
I don't trust these cops to protect anybody who is innocent. Those dorms are a target rich environment and there may be white kids still in there with MAGA hats. Local authorities won't care.
Thats what I'm doing now.
>OZ a week
To yourself?!?
I had some good conversations with a few students on /lit/ who said there are some great and really interesting humanities and psychology programs, even though most of the classes are bullshit. What are you focused on there?
Yup. I realized I had a problem when I did a QP in a 2 weeks then got arrested for graffiti. Haven't smoked since and that though.
I was doing media and music production but that program set it very lacking. Im going to Bellevue college next year then going up to vancouver film school for sound design.
Naima Lowe ...Media arts faculty member, Evergreen state College:naimalowe.net
Could I get a quick rundown ? Confused on what's going on
Here's the official UPDATED rundown
A black student named Jamil made a post on a closed facebook group asking other students of color to join a certain Media class in an attempt to make it an all black/brown class
A puerto rican student named Kai-Ave made the same post again, but switched the wording from "PoC" to "white," in an atempt to point out the racism
He came under a massive amount of fire from students of color, leading to threatening facebook messages, culminating in being corned in the caferteria by a group of students threatening to beat him up
Kai-Ave called the cops and two black students were detained and questioned
Students saw this has police racism and began protesting
Just before this died down, someone dug up two-month old emails from teacher Bret Weinstein
>attending Evergreen
Evergreen students and a few teachers have been holding a "Day of Absence" every year for a while, in which all of the students of color don't show up to class to prove some point
No one's had any real issue with this, including Brett Weinstein
This year, students and two professors began telling white students that this year the roles would reverse, and that they were not to show up to class or else
Brett Weinstein sent an email to Rashida something or other (forget her last name) saying "hey this isn't what we agreed on at all, this is really fucked up"
The email was publicly available and seen by students
The next day his class was interrupted by a mob screaming at him and demanding a resignation and apology for "anti-black comments"
Quotes from videos include things like "we are not here to start a dialogue" "we don't care what you have to say" "shut the fuck up"
They then did the same to George Bridges, the president, demanding his signature on a list of demands
They then occupied the school library, refusing to leave until Brett is fired and their demands are met.
The campus police were barricaded into their own department by students and eventually told to stand down my the administration
Olympia police also seem to be standing down and refusing to help
There was at least one confirmed assault against a white student
Now the campus has been completely shut down out of safety concerns
Im the one who made the original background post on sunday. Keep spreading this shit as much as possible.
WTF? I love Puerto Ricans now...
Send in national guard ffs these dumb niggers
Why are you pretending like this isn't over. Shit's done. Bi-Curious George gave into demands. This isn't newsworthy anymore
I also enjoy larping on anonymous imageboards that im a tough ripped alpha male who would punch out degenerates when in reality I'm a hungry skeleton who would probably just play a silly prank on them
This seems like /k/ could help you guys out. Anyone talking about attacking your dorm?
You guys have anything to barricade doors? Any things that can be used as weapons? Hell, if you have a firehose in your dorm (pic related) you can take a note from the civil rights era and spray those nignogs down.
They have made new demands. They are demanding that the internet videos be taken down because they make them look bad.
>hey white folks u gonna have to gib me all dem gibs
>wut u not want to do all muh demands u r racist! raycist!!!
>remove whites so we can have just blacks and other colored people
>wut u not want to be removed, u r so raycist!
Idiots. NOTHING on the internet gets erased. When one vid goes down, 2 get posted in its place.
None of these kids know how the internet works. Asking for this makes people save them and post them everywhere.
>being corned in the caferteria
I know what you meant but for some reason this was funny
That's just general autism though. Nothing can happen from it, it's not like the school has any power over what others post.
isnt it summer time?
But the nogs think they do. Everything is the white admins faults but when they need help they go the white admins. Shits hilarious
Bull, Evergreen has exceptional chemistry and digital arts faculty. Don't sell my alma mater short
Meh, a great amount of the students themselves are a threat to campus safety just by being there.
Rape joke mabe?
Imagine having this much fucking time on your hands. Insane. I barely have enough time to play video games for an hour or two every day after work/errands/cleaning/cooking, I can't fucking imagine having enough time in my day to go to school, get all my work done, and still engage in or give a fuck about any of this bullshit.
Fuck I wish I could go back to college just to troll these fuckers.
We are on quarter system. Next week is the last week.
It is good but I just don't want to deal with all the BS in the school. Its hard now to want to be associated with it now after the videos.
Rashida Love I think was he name from the article I read
cops were tipped off.
Take pictures you weirdo!
If you are near a happening you are lucky. It's a once in a lifetime thing so take pics and post on this fucking image board, user! Be /ourguy/
White Knight detected
We did your balls drop leaf?
Im proud of you, today you went from leaf to man.
Its an active shooter situation. I'm not leaving my room nigga. And it has mostly died down now.
Implying they can afford to pay a monthly bill
I feel you user.
>2014 acceptance rate: 98.9% acceptance rate
>Mascot: Speedy the Geoduck
Your college is a retarded nigger-haven and your mascot is a clam that looks like a penis. What the fuck did you expect?
black people yelling != white people shooting
You wouldn't die, plus you could lawyer up and live on easy street. Come on, user. Be ourguy
Fucking kek
Of course man, thanks for the info. And if you have any corrections or updates, let me know
Kek. Jews reaping what they sowed
Mock the students and school all you want but don't you fucking dare drag Speedy's good name through the mud
heard u talkin shit nigga
If true then race relations at that college are officially 1950's tier. Actually worse. I don't recall hearing about white students rioting over shit.
Nignog reads book sideways...
Great school OP.
There is at least a 50% change that you will survive. Random anons are relying on you to bob and weave and get those photos and intel that only a man on the ground can provide. You are a man are you not? Do this. Go. Go. Go. If you die, I will make a thread in your honor. God's speed user.
Where's 2/2?
Dis good
hes looking at the periodic table printed landscape on the front inside cover, you absolute autist
>did antifa rob a gun store
>If true
Nearly all of that is confirmed. The only things I'm not sure on are how many kids actually confronted Kai-Ave and how many "assaults" there have actually been. The only one I know of right now is the Limp Bizkit kid
Fucking hell lmao
Do any intelligent people actually go to this college?
What a fucking waste of money if you ask me, you would be better off working at a mac D's
I am a student at Evergreen. I skipped today because my class is basically over for the semester, I also skipped the day they protested Bret, right outside my classroom.
I keep missing the race riots! I will check the campus out tonight on my bike and report back.
>pic related was just YESTERDAY... guess ball pits of antiracism did not work.
>He can read
>reading the periodic table
I hate niggers and brown people, but the nig in that picture is probably smarter than you.
I've talked to plenty smart and clever kids attending TESC, especially on /lit/. These protesters are probably no more than 20% of the student body and that's generous
Damn son, I experimented with a lot of different things in college and never smoked more than a half o to myself. Maybe it's because I did other things that it never got to that level. I still feel like it affected me though.
>ball pits of antiracism did not work
fking kek
i go to shoreline community college, and they had the same shit. Inflatables and free frisbees if you sign up to donate your sons foreskin or someshit.