Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
Other urls found in this thread:
Someone who lose the war and became second Turkey
Stalin for halting the NEP, causing famines with his overly centralized economy, and gulags
Hitler for invading countries which were anti-communist, siding with the Soviet Union against Poland, and interfering with his generals
Correct me if I'm wrong
First post is the best post to be honest
Didn't realize it then I realized it and felt an emotion I can only describe as darkness
Stalin is quite the piece of gutter smegma isn't he
Anyone that answers anything other than both is either a troll or a literal retard.
You can debate which one was more cancerous, but believing any of them were righteous/fair/acceptable is just literally buying into old ass propaganda with a modern mask on.
>appealing to extremism on times of crisys
Here we go again lol
The one who killed the fewer people :)
You do realize Hitler was a Communist? He done same thing as Soviet Union, even was allied with Soviet Union. He was defeated by his mentor.
You might have forgotten a little indiscriminate killing of political opponents, disabled guys, tards and jews (if you believe that ALL jews that were killed deserved it you are completely delusional)
>what is socialism - the post
Both and fuck Roosevelt too.
kys kike
Second post
You are more likely to have jew blood than me, dumbass
>everyone and everything that challenges my worldview is a jew/jewish puppet/jewish trick
You guys are retarded
kys kike
Nice argument you got there, lol
What a fragile, delicate snowflake you are
btw why is natsoc considered far right?
it has socialism right in its name
>communism isn't socialism
It wasn't the nazis that shot my great grandparents in a ditch for not collectivizing thier farm senpai
I really don't think we should look at self-denomination as a real dealbreaker. Or do you think Mao's "workers party" really had workers interests in mind while he starved them?
Hitler had SOME left-wing elements to his program, but was mostly right wing, and not even close to the center.
Otherwise, why the fuck would he murder so many communists/socialists?
Far right to what? Hitler created Socialism and was the only political party.
War is hell, that wasn't any longer about Socialism, was about winning.
jews were his main problem no?
communism was the creation of the jew that he swore to eradicate
also the other great competitor was russia thats infamous of communism
Its a centrist authoritarian ideology has bosth caracteristics of communism,such as various socialist policies but it preservs the right to private property and enterprise.
This sums up nat soc pretty good and also the differences between it and communism
>ALL jews that were killed
Try again junglenigger
yall can say what you want but hitler was charismatic as fuck and he´d easily rule US as well with posters like that. Just replace ich leben deutchland with I Love America and you´d just know he´d be your guy in next elections
Nations want a strong alpha male to lead a pack and Trump´s not one he gets ridiculed coz people dont accept him
>supports womens rights
>supports a strong and loving leadership
>loved his people
>took care of his people
>put women in labor camps
>hated his people
>treated his people like shit
oh boy, I wonder who the bad guy could be