Am I not meant for love

>be me
>blonde hair green eyes and white
>moderately fit
> popular good mannered and have great grades
>am only 5"6 and haven't had a GF despite several attempts
Am I doomed to not carry on the white race pol?

You sound suepr cute.
Do you have a feminine penis?

Nope 7.5 inches lol

Lead with your dick, user.

being good with women isn't an accident - learn the ways my friend

I mean like a legit relationship not just a sex buddy

Are you a virgin? How old are you?

Yes and 17

That's why, man

Also, I suggest watching RSDtyler on youtube.

Please don't, we don't need anymore autistic Sup Forumstards in the world. Also;
>Master race

yeah sure


>master race
More like master manlet

Fuck off.

>Not wanting a redpilled gen z
What is wrong with you hanz ?

>a fucking leaf
all hope is lost. Death is your only mistress now.

>don't breed and live a depressing life without love or children because of genetic factors outside your control

You are fucking manlet
Kill yourself

It's natural selection


No, you're not.

Don't listen those fucktards
Just go for 5'6 or less girls

learn Japanese

You were chosen to be king of manlets, leaf. Go forth and fulfill your destiny to lead manlets to their promised land.

>Is the world against me

Fuck off. You're a disgrace to Gen Z.

Not saying the world is against me it's just depressing, it just makes me wanna sink further into nationlism and the alt right to forget about it

Same. Just blue eyes and 5.8height. And i'm 22 and not a virgin. Never going to get a gf tho, manletlife is bad man

>Brown/black hair, brown eyes
>chubby/skinny fat
>silver tongue
>25 yo
>2 times in a relationship. (1 year and 2.5 months)
>12 sexual partners
>lost my v-card at 19

You still got a chance.

Here are few pick up lines for the bar:
>Damn you've got a great looking ass/tits. Does it/they feel as look as it looks?
>I hope that our daughters inherit your beautiful eyes

You know the sentence?
>Fake it 'till you make it

Most of sales is a numbers game.

Im 5'7" with a 7" dick and married a right wing virgin. try harder faget


why is it so common that stormweenies are manlets with no experience with woman?

it really blitzes the kreig

***>they feel as good as they look?

just follow goebbels' example. He had a clubfoot and still got laid

train dude, go wing chung and train like a fucking beast spend all your time working and training until you have resources and such hard fucking bones and speed you will not be denied, you got be willing to earn it.


You shouldn't spread your genes at all.


Lots of based manlets. The thing is to just accept it and move forward. I'm the same height, and my stature rarely crosses my mind.

Being an alt-right edgelord is a big turn off to most people in general, women included. You could always try at least acting normal around people and not advertising your political stances. Lightening up on them could go a long way; if you're holding out for a right wing virgin white girl because "muh degeneracy", you're purposely keeping the acceptable pool of women extremely small. You may find that there are plenty of non-virgin, non-conservative, and/or non-white women you're compatible with.

Also, doubling down on nationalism and acting like Sup Forums IRL will only make you more repulsive, and thus more bitter in the long run as your virginity lingers. It's a bad path to go down, and you gain nothing from it, other than the right to bitterly declare that you didn't allow your happiness to get in the way of your beliefs.

>5 inches 6
OP stands barely an inch taller than my penis.

I don't act like this in person IRL except maybe when I try to redpoll my friends in small things and where I live it's nearly 100% white and conservative so

Haha. Well, in 1939 i could join the SS Totenkopf group tho. That's good enough for me