What is the root cause of the problems in Europe?
How can Europe Become Great Again?
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International financiers
(((you know who)))
>30 Years War
>German Empire
>European Union
root cause of ll problems? germans and germany in general.
Jee, I wonder who did that...
Jews and sellouts to said Jews. You krauts need to get your shit together and shoot every Muslim and Jew you can find.
You really think that? You really think high unemployment in Greece, socialism in Spain, open borders in Italy and a weak military in Ireland as well as gypsies in Romania ... are caused by Germany?
>american education
Your country my friend.
Everyone go to the country your great grand parents were born in.
>Everyone go to the country your great grand parents were born in.
Actually, that is a fucking great suggestion.
I would be 100% in favor of exactly that.
Also, if someone has 2 grand parents born in one country and 2 grand parents born in another, then this person has to go to the country which is poorer.
You destroyed Europe 3 times in 100 years. WW1, WW2, the EU.
I don't know why you're still allowed to be a country and wasn't dismantled and given over to your neighbors after WWII honestly. The allies were soft.
liberals and globalism. loss of conservative values and national pride stripped you, and most of the world, of your natural societal integrity
Post WW2 propaganda and guilt, propagated by the 'allies' to destroy german character, which eviscerated identity politics and allows africans/arabs to be considered poor souls in need of help
Germany fucking europe for the third time in a century
Can (((u))) make it more obvious?
This webpage will present a huge amount of evidence to prove that Jews are working towards eradicating the white race, which is white genocide, via mass immigration and race mixing dysgenics:
•Jewish Eschatology
The mashiach [Jewish messiah] will bring about the political and spiritual redemption of the Jewish people by bringing us back to Israel and restoring Jerusalem (Isaiah 11:11-12; Jeremiah 23:8; 30:3; Hosea 3:4-5). He will establish a government in Israel that will be the center of all world government, both for Jews and gentiles (Isaiah 2:2-4; 11:10; 42:1). He will rebuild the Temple and re-establish its worship (Jeremiah 33:18). He will restore the religious court system of Israel and establish Jewish law as the law of the land (Jeremiah 33:15)...The world after the messiah comes is often referred to in Jewish literature as Olam Ha-Ba (oh-LAHM hah-BAH), the World to Come...In the Olam Ha-Ba, the whole world will recognize the Jewish G-d as the only true G-d, and the Jewish religion as the only true religion (Isaiah 2:3; 11:10; Micah 4:2-3; Zechariah 14:9)." -- From "Mashiach: The Messiah", Judaism 101
Wanna hear about this supremacist megalomania from Jews themselves?
Orthodox IsraeliJews: Non Jews Are Beasts to Serve Us as Slaves
What Happens When Jews Can Freely Rule?
Saying something is 'anti-Semitic' scarcely ever means that it is untrue.
You have the right to know and speak Truth.
Learn about the Kalergi and Oded Yinon plans, and spread the Word.
At least use a proxy, Shekelberg.
Your kike flag is showing.
>What is the root cause of the problems in Europe?
Your immigration policies, or lack of.
Almost everyone in this thread will tell you the same.
Tell me to use a proxy.
So on top of destroying Europe 3 times in a century you're becoming like French and Americans too, you can't accept and understand why people don't like you ?
Written by (((Kaufmann)))
The last time Europe was great was just before the Roman empire officially converted to Christianity.
Europe wasn't destroyed once by the Germans. Exaggerating the damage done, especially in the West, won't help with your shitty understanding of history. Neither WW1 nor WW2 were caused or even wanted in the extent they happened by Germany. But the EU, yeah that's a horror and should be dismantled, completely agree.
>Not the greatest plague in Europe
Imagine a world where Germans simply didn't exist. No WW1, no WW2, no communism.
The world would be 300 years behind. Communism was destroyed in and by Germany. Neither World War 1 or 2 were wanted or caused by Germany.
>Imagine a world where Germans simply didn't exist. No WW1, no WW2, no communism.
I can. Guess who civilized the world. Guess who first came up with the idea of trousers.
Kangz from Africa?
There isn't one root cause. You'll find nothing if you go looking for a single root cause. I don't understand why when it comes to politics people believe there is one reason why things are the way they are.
>understand why people don't like you ?
Been to Bayonne (France), Krakow and Danzig, Venice, Liverpool; Bern.
The only place I have had trouble with whites was in Switzerland, cocky Germans pretending to be superior with their tax haven German mutation.
You guys are literally worse than the French. We didn't destroy Europe, we tried to rescue it from Marxism influence and, believe it or not, have somehow managed to pull through.
If National Socialism never existed, Communism would have spread in Germany like wildfire and the red flood would have flooded the rest of Western Europe.
But yeah, we are totally at fault for trying to stop the International Jewish organization which has nearly obliverated Europe.
Fuck off, Germany.
You'll suffer the 4th humiliating defeat in 200 years.
>Guess who civilized the world
Mesopotamians started civilization, but the European colonial powers civilized Africa, North-America and Australia
>Neither WW1 nor WW2 were caused or even wanted in the extent they happened by Germany
So you simply expected everyone to surrender ?
>But yeah, we are totally at fault for trying to stop the International Jewish organization which has nearly obliverated Europe
Resorting to conspiracy theory to defend the fact that you're warmongering nutjobs.
The first real civilization started with the invention of the trousers. We all know that. You cannot be a civilized people walking around in skirts and dresses.
I feel stupid for falling for this bait, just a quick tip: don't use the word "conspiracy theory", it ruins the whole thing.
What about Romans with togas and Greeks with himations?
>British Rhodesia
Zimbabwe? Fuck that.
Remove german barbarians.
You ruined europe for the rest of us.
Germany and the fact we didnt get pur clay back. Its the least you can do for walling them out.
And what the fuck is your country supposed to be? Half of you are probably Germans
Hitler tried to stop the Bolsheviks and it worked for a little while, but they came back in greater numbers.
Pay Denbts
Kikes, of course.
Europe would be a lot nicer if we just nuked the Brits and especially the Germans.
>non-country lite thinks his opinion matters
Are you mad because half of you are Serbs and the other half Bosnian ?
now that we are finally leaving the EU dictatorship the rest of it will go down the toilet :)
It can't. When you let so many muslim parasites in , you have to consider that they will make kids, who will also crap out kids. Not only will they all remain muslim, but they will convert many whites. It is really TOO LATE for Europe now. It's just a matter of time.
Just by using a word "Bosnian" you show how much of history you know. Google "Bosnian vs Bosniak" to see a difference before you make a fool of yourself somewhere else than this board. And then you will realize that Bosniaks are nothing but Croats and Serbs who converted (were forced to, obviously, by fuckin Turks) to Islam.
What could you mean by this?
By destroying EU.
can you just shut the fuck up and never post again? everything you say is retarded
Take some fucking responsability for once. Germans have been fighting thier european brothers since forever. They have been sperging out like autists because they were never relevant. Now that they are in a position of power for once, they have the audacity to attack us southern europeans because we are mean to the pooor refugeeees. I hope germany gets balcanized. Probably bot gonna happen, they need to destroy europe first. Like they always try to do.
If you say so Mr. Serb
>root cause of the problems in Europe
>How can Europe becoe great again?
>by destroying EU
this is correct anwer in all actuality
>Now that they are in a position of power for once
We have been in a position of power many times. Every time we became too powerful to control so the world had to unite against us (to fight for Jewish interests)
Also top kek at all the irrelevant """countries""" saying get rid of Germany when their countries would be third world shitholes without the gibsmedats
the root problem for Europe is the EU. abolish it
>What is the root cause of the problems in Europe?
Liberalism, which led to the acceptance Muslims who are now undermining most of the values which enabled them to come and are destabilizing the system.
ITT: Germans being responded to and being mad about it.
You knew what the answer would be when you started this thread, don't act surprised.