So, anyone wanna talk fascism ?
The one thing i can never understand is how fascist economy differs from capitalism and communism
So, anyone wanna talk fascism ?
The one thing i can never understand is how fascist economy differs from capitalism and communism
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Fascism is a political system not an economic.
so how did countries like germany, italy or spain function under fascism? like normal capitalist countries?
croatia fuctioned as a normal capitalist country for it's time
Can't speak for other countries but Germany still had mostly capitalism. More social benefits than other countries I think. Economy was heavily shaped my military build up and the industrians that helped Hitler into power got massive advantages during Aryanisation of jewish property.
Sup Forums would call it corporatism if not Hitler were the one doing it
Here, Alexander
Here's a quick rundown
You work for the nation, everyone works for the nation, if you work against the nation you get stick, if you work for the nation you get cookies. If you're a business and you work against the nation the army rolls in and fucks you up, if instead your business works for the nation you become the greatest ally and get free shekels and a raise.
Thx honorary aryan
So you can do what you want as long as it doesn't goes against the state (nation) interests right ?
Sounds exactly how Jews operate.
You need to educate yourself, user. Or maybe just stop trying to redefine words to suit your personal agenda. Fascism is very much an economic philosophy.
Mfw I'll never get to wave around the super Villian flag with fellow brits.
basically capitalism BUT there is one big difference: the goal of economic activity should be to create welfare for the citizens and to build up a strong nation (not to enrich the jews nor elite)
that's a compliment, because jews are doing it right
work for and with your tribe and work against the enemy tribes
The original definitions I learned in school (in the 80s) always equated it with a very close partnership between government and corporations. Look at how Hitler partnered with companies to create his industrial war machine, and all the people who saw profit in that arrangement.
That definition has been completely scrubbed in the last few decades, because it too closely resembles our current oligarchy and military-industrial complex.
Yup, and don't outsource shit. Keep the whole production chain within the state. Plus as long as you're making an earnest effort for the state they'll help bail you out if you take a measured risk and it fails.
Seems nice,why don't we try this ?
In essence. It's kind of like your dad raising your alimony if you get good grades and grounding you if you're a shithead. Communism is kinda like a single mom, where she loves everyone the same so no one really tries and you all starve because your dad's gone and your mom takes what you bring home to buy shoes
6 million reasons, man
That part is perfectly fine, the problem is they don't let anyone else use it
a good start would be if all you mongrel subhuman nations paid homage to the original fascism inventors, aka italians
It's in the works buddy, the worse the refugee situation gets the further right people will go and realize they need to work for the betterment of their people. Once people hit that point fascism is the natural outcome
Its because when fascism takes root in a country, it's going the peoples take on it depending on its history, ethnicity and situation. This is why Fascism in Italy was not the same as Fascism in Germany or in Spain, they were all unique and tailor made for the people in those respective countries, the underlying principles are the same however. Also Fascism is not built to last because at the truth is that Fascism is a reaction, a sudden movement in the face of total racial/ethnic/cultural annihilation, it was necessary at the time it happened but once you've returned to normalcy, a better system should be create for the long term with safeguards to protect the people and the nation from whatever was trying to destroy it in the fist place.
Fascism is socialism. German economists like Werner Sombart and Frederich List, were very influential to Germany's Third Reich economic policies. People who say it was capitalism are just trying to appeal to idiots who think socialism means gulags and breadlines.
this. china is the worlds largest fascist state. corporation and the state are merged together for the benefit of the state. they aren't a democracy crying about freedum and they don't believe in human rights.
america is leaning more towards a technocracy or a corporatist state
Much like a republic dictator, yes. It's not supposed to be an IMPERIVM RISING situation, more like a Cincinnatus kind of deal:
>shit's fucked up
>alright guys, lets get serious
>i'll fix this, just don't mess with my shit for a while, fuck
>alright it's fixed, back to farming
strange photo you got there
Yes and I just realized my grammar in my first post is absolutely horrendous, this is what I get for shitposting after just waking up. Fascism is what it needs to be, as much as the left kicks and screams about it, fascism happens naturally unlike their shoehorned, forced attempts at grass root movements
Usually entails corporatism, it is very similar to our modern economic system; but it is slightly more controlled.
very interesting replies, thanks everyone
what's strange about it amigo?
It is my belief that Fascism functions not under a Capitalist nor a Socialist economic system, but rather a Corporatist economic system. This is where the means of production are technically neither socially/state owned or privately owned, but rather both. The state has the ability to regulate and take part in the production of resources, but there is a degree of private control. Even National Socialism is closer to a Corporatist economic state than Socialism.
hmm sounds like something between socialism and capitalism
judging by yours and all other answers ITT
private enterprise and production but regulated and approved by the state
where else has this form of economy been used outside "fascist" countries?
>hmm sounds like something between socialism and capitalism
Thats why its usually called The Third Position
Fascism has mixed and nationalist economics
>Italian fascism
100 % approved this is right with no wrongdoing
Because every time we tried, communist revolutions started happening all of a sudden. I wonder (((why))).
it's good to be Greek
You mean Gabrielle D'Annunzio and Alceste De Ambris?
Because your pic only shows Socialists
>how fascist economy differs from capitalism and communism
It's not even an economic system
That pic, Portugal in the 30's or 40's.
How the hell is Metaxas fascist?
Metaxism is like a type of fascism i guess