How did Jews get so smart

I've been in grad school with them and it's all true. They might be evil, but they're often brilliant beyond all measure. How did they do this?

By keeping Goyim dumb and simpleminded. It's not as difficult as you'd think.

Great family structure.

Long term growth and evolution. Stick to their own kyind.

Pretty much everything they are trying to destroy in other cultures


Literally a meme

In the land of the blind, one-eyed man is the king.

Why are all black people fast? Because the slow ones are in jail.

Why are all Jews Smart? Same reason.

All the dumb jews died in the holocaust

They made a deal with the devil

Notice how their intelligence is only used for destruction.

Americans are dumb and they are clever in comparison to you.

Selection. Jew stopped doing manual labor long time ago, and were working with books for more than a thousand years. Those who could not read and calculate something just died out.

Rabbi pls

they work hard and they have open minds

also natural selection, their high hand is the West is build on their know-how

Jew shilling Jews

They aren't smart.
Jews confuse the willingness to deceive with "intelligence." That's been their fatal downfalf throughout history

>if the Jew are so smart, why is everyone learning about their Plot


I'm Orthodox Christian, m8.

Israeli average IQ is 90.

6,000 of selective breeding. The smart ones got better pussy. Too bad they didn't also select for good looks and lack of body hair.

>haven't figured out in 2000 years how not to get kicked out of a country

sit in the front of the class and lick your jewish professors asshole everyday so he gives you an A, thus making you think you are actually smart. it's called academia. don't sweat it.

American Jews have an average IQ of 115

this. i like this cut of your shiv, moarph.

I study organic chemistry. It's not like that.

Schools are literally tailored to cater to Jews and their agenda. Of course they will appear smart at an institution where they dictate the curriculum.

However, someone should post the infographic that showed how Jews are underperforming in all of the ivy schools yet make up a disproportionate amount of accepted applicants, while whites are in fact outperforming them.

because you like it?

Show me proof of that stat, but either way they would be Ashkenazi Jews, meaning they became brighter after mixing with Europeans.



they constantly promote race mixing, degeneracy, drug use and other filth in white countries which will turn us into low IQ subhuman mongrels over time


No, I mean all my 'professors' are autistically high IQ gooks from Hong Kong that don't even know what politics means.

jew here...its only the European Jews with lots of white DNA that are smart. Its basically eugenics, for hundreds of years Jews could only survive by having financial and administrative jobs that require intelligence, stupid jews died or didnt have kids...also there are many groups of Europeans that are smart as Jews (pic related)

Jew here...

I'm smart as fuck

They didn't. They optimized. The average IQ 95 kikes have a level of social cohesion which allows their 1% to thrive. They merely work together. Our top 1% is more numerous and has a higher avg IQ than theirs. Whites are literally crippled by their own sins.

>stick to their own kind
>jewesses marrying with goyim to steal their genes

>tfw Episcopalian
>tfw I'll eventually find a high IQ qt to have white children with

>its only the European Jews with lots of white DNA that are smart
Why they have higher iq than whites? If there high iq comes from white blood, than they must have iq lower than one from pure europeans.

>tfw Jew
>tfw all qt Jewesses want goyfriends

Fake story is always fake but real Jew is always you.

Every non-Chasid Jewess has had meters of throbbing veiny goy dick in every hole. Then just before being absorbed back into the JewBorg they go frum in preparation for fucking their nebbish Jewcuck husband's ego to pieces. It drives Jews crazy and is the polluted wellspring for their cuck porn antics. Source: dude who fuck puppeted half a Jewish girls academy near my boarding school.

My Jewish cousin is dating a black guy from Detroit, Michigan

I was banned from seeing one Jew broad by her father and her mum bought her a car specifically so she could fuck in it. She told her..."have fun" live life!" I powerbombed her daughter's ass 500+ times in it before I got so disgusted by how easy it was that I NC'd her cold.

smart? being psychopath is not smart. its incurable disorder. jews are physically and ideologically manufactured psychopaths at a scale of race
basically we have a newborn (pic) psycho who will learn from Talmud that everyone but him is a piece of junk to be exploited and then disposed of. thats literally psycho^2
psychology considers psychopathic personality disorder incurable, so such persons should be publicly executed in every town. read about infant's psychology because pic is strongly related and explanation is too long. sadly banning religions and religious traditions never works so question remains open for innovation. its not possible this civ will ever do well with jews on this rock. they had few thousands years to improve and spent it destroying every civ from inside and blaming it on everyone else