When will white people learn


they are just not made to fight physically superior bodies

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When will you learn

That there is more to life than welfare and prison?

>they are just not made to fight physically superior bodies
Let's get some WW3 going and we'll put that theory to the test :^)

>you're out with your girl
>a black male approaches you
>he pushes you aside and slaps your girl's ass
>you call him the N word
>he starts slapping you
>people in the background cheering for the black guy
>people start recording it
>you get BTFO in public and in front of your girl
>your girl actually leaves you and goes with the BBC
>you're alone, bleeding and crying on the floor

are white guys cucks by nature?

>Be black
>60 IQ
>Go get sum welfare becuz thats what kangz do rite?
>Cum back
>Masturbate to Blacked porn because women hardly want to fuck you if they are not paid
>Go to sleep in a one bedroom flat that you are squatting in

Its almost like they were bred for physical labor.

>nigger approaches me
>nigger pushes me and sexually assaults my gf
>I pull out gun
>I unload 5 pieces of led into his nigger head
never thought how that one, did ya?

we've got brock lesnar

but who cares

a gorilla would beat the fuck out of any human but nobody thinks they're superior

>be white
>have a 2 inch penis
>wage cuck for life
>have enough money to pay for whores
>actually masturbate to blacked porn bc you wish you had a bigger penis
>spend money on things
>eventually start a family with an ugly wife
>have children who don't appreciate you
>children who will get into black culture and marry black people
>on your dying bed your grandsons will be talking like black people
>"yo gramps love u man u my nigga"

>be black
>have 6 inch penis
>get money from white people just bc you're alive
>fuck hot bitches until you die

white people are cucks by nature

my god this post is like looking into a jews mind

you're from Chile.
stop hiding behind a proxy

What do think you're accomplishing by provoking people like this?

Ha, this is what I was gonna say. They're only the way they are because American Eugenics was in full swing well before Hitler tried it.

These cumskins will never learn. Just look at the piece of shit they elected to the white house. Gotta put the foot to their boney ass every chance you get.

>unload 5 pieces of led into his nigger head
>become universally hated bc someone recorded you and uploaded it to black twitter
>be on prison
>be hated on the media
>girl leaves you bc she just can't be with a racist
>get out of prison
>will never find a job
>will never start a business bc people know who you are
>you die alone

You can't win. Never thought of that one, did ya?


>he doesn't know bout stand your ground

>white people are cucks by nature
Umm sweetie

Haven't you ever heard of retard strength?

shut up

Post webms of white people rekting niggas
I'm gonna start a thread on twitter

Is the rack day already passed ?
Where is your leaf, fake leaf

oh really

Think about it, your nigger ass is on a forum made by white people, an ISP owned and operated by white people, an Internet developed and designed by white people and you don't have shit better to do than come hang with white people and try to talk shit like white people.. baka. Fuck off you Kool-Aid drinking, gubment cheese eating shitskin.


lol so you want webm's of colonialism? or how about some lynching webm's? theres always the webm's where monkeys get shot, theres plenty of those.

Why are westerners so fucking soft.
I swear to god i will be shooting at you if you don't pull your shit together when the 10th crusade starts.

Little white pussy bitch KEK

Blacked is made by white men and for white men. IR porn for black men usually have girls with big asses.

You tell him.


That kinda technically already happened...

wash da dick like your grandma and granddad did


Brock Lesnar got BTFO by a spic. Jizzskin pigskins can't fight. KEK

Serbian potato nigger spurts crusade memes when his ancestors helped the seljuks in taking down the byzantine empire. fuck off



>your nigger ass is on a forum made by white people
But Moot was a jew but I guess there's no difference

>The rest of your argument "muh whites, muh whites that"
Little white boi freakout.

What the fuck have YOU done white boi? What have you created? Where are you great works or art or music you've created? What is your legacy little dick white boi? Absolutely fucking nothing except jacking off to BLACKED on pol and acting superior in this fucking containment board while you heat up some tendies.

Your just as worthless if not more so than the blacks you like to shit on.

Read up on this god.

>Year of Our Lord 2017
>we have self driving cars, the internet, and virtual reality porn
>still have to worry about jungle savages randomly attacking us

His flag indicates he is probably some moor which explains his entire position on this subject.

all you have to do is say one word to trigger the inner primate, how superior

sage it