old autists get in here
Pedo hunt: its not us this time
First for gas all pedo kikes
this looks like an amplifier that you'd hook your 13.5 mm headphone connector to and an audio switch
Google autist reporting.
I asked some brits to try and identify school logo on the badge. Well, if one takes in account fact that the picture is most likely mirrored based on our previous experience, then wavy blue line on the logo looks sort of like capital "B". I spent some time on this shit until I googled "UK college logo, B", and after a short scrolling found this crap (see center).
What does /pol thinks? So far no success finding a clear shot of student from that college with a name tag to confirm. Some pictures I've seen show lanyard with some white letters on them, while the one on europol's photo is just blue.
A larger image of the scene
RECAP Find that fucking house.
House is on a circle.
House is in the middle of the circle
House is at the same latitude New York city ish
House looks like it was build in the 70s
Price range of house is 350k to 520k
evergreens on the southern Eastern or 67.5 degrees of the house.
2 car garage yes
I have a list of streets that have a high % of this house being on. (not that long)
can someone give a quick rundown of what is happening?
Don't want to distract anyone from this but my thread got 404'd by Sup Forumss autistic mods so here's a link to the /x/ thread. We're digging into those weird "kids" videos that are blatantly sexual with scat and vore shit. YouTube is fucking full of them.
Keep doing God's work anons.
the important thing is not just to figure out what it is, they need specifics on the object in order to trace it to a country or region, maybe even a local supplier.
the object has nothing with the abuses to do.
For this sweat, "AII H Texas" seems to stand for "Art Institute of Houston, Texas". All of they e-mail adress are like @aii.edu . Maybe a students event
You're on a pedo-hunt Thread.
You're supposed to hunt pedophiles from your PC in here.
And the mysterious tee.
>All it takes
we're onto you pedophiles, prepare to be buttblasted
Bumping ao this thread lives through the Paris accord announcement.
Here this is what I'm talking about now we just need to look for evergreens.
these houses are build in the 90s tho.
I have been working exclusively on this photo yesterday and today
here is a rundown of stuff in picture
fice houses are actually visible
a sixth house is off to side
you are looking through a window of a house
the house you are looking out of is located at the junction of a T shaped intersection
the house that you can see are at the bottom of the T shape
you are looking into a cul de sac thru the back window of a house located on the underside of the T
yeah, pedophiles are sick
Euro/pol/ created a website where everyone can tip them off clues on pictures taken from child abuse material they released.
It's anonymous, they won't summon you to a court to testify on what you've found.
i also think its an old amp. but it looks like someone put it together themselve...
Thanks for the info. I'll look at it from your point of view in a sec. But You dont' think that they are within the middle of the circle looking out a side window of the house?
I see. Thanks.
wait these are screenshots from CP vids? isn't that illegal to have?
Have we found the manufacturer of this shirt?
Anyone know this logo?
Zoom enhance. Any car geeks know what car this could be?
yes it seems to be a kids polo shirt from H&M
Looks like one tho
Do we know the snow amount or snow fail from this picture?! This information would help.
these cropped images are from europol
the poor guy that has to actually watch that shit is probably scarred for life
oh fuck, you're onto something
Apparently H&M use that logo.
Feedback on this, please?
it is not t shaped you moron, behind the house on the right you can see the side of another house around a bend, the road presumably curve up that way.
Searching for the location is pure goose chase and a needle in the haystack project.
Those houses could have been repainted, torn down or the whole neighborhood reshaped by now. we have no time or date to work from because jewropol have no clue what the fuck they are doing.
what im suspecting is that europol tries to just find out what country and maybe even region those movies originated from, then send the movie and "evidence" over to local police so that they can investigate
Yet the logo isn't exactly the same : the tail is more upward and the muzzle is bigger.
Where do you get 5 houses from?
nice, did we get the year it was made in?
>Hey guys watch this CP and do our work for us!
I think the mirrored pics were actually taken from a mirror on the video or picture. Some previous thread some user figured out the pedos were holding the kid to a mirror while taking the pictures. It was the clothing pics that were mirrored. No real reason for Europol to flip them.
Thats what reddit thought it was too but im not convinced that the shapes match, really really close I just cant see a B even mirrored
Here is a 70s housing circle I'm looking for.
Two door Lincoln is my guess. Or perhaps not Lincoln, but the boxy shape is very american.
The blue behind looks like a Prius or some type of soccermom van, possibly Honda.
I also looked into it and found something but can't be sure. Need some other info to match it to it. Or find the picture of the schools ID card for a match.
Ok, the format recalls me a BMW Z4 but it seems older, something like a Triumph with a removable top.
Looks like some sort of truck. 2 door more than likely and there seems to be a snow plow in the bottom right of the image.
could somebody make map? just need houses position on road.
Is this Rorschach test?
It's a hunter's perspective BTW. Victim's house?
*something like an MG
I think I found it.
Could be a dog or an elephant if you viewed it head on
im pretty sure i knew somebody who had the type in the picture. i dont think its a kids shirt
anyways the house the window is looking out on is going to look something very much like that.
the red circle is around the overhang just like in the picture.
looks kinda like one
tried replicating the pattern
Can we be sure about the polo? The colors don't match and the logos aren't perfectly identical.
Where is this from?
also looks like they removed the evergreen trees on that house. See the brown and not green grass like everywhere else
close alright but the 2nd house does not have the points in the roof as is shown overhead. Can you give idea of this location?
beside house 1 is a roof that is a different color
grey outline of a roof is there
just a piece is visible
between house 2 and house 3 in the treeline is another silhoutte of a roof
one of the very last images, a thick carpet
you only see about half the carpet, so mirror that and you will have the design
Did you draw it?
from the Europol website:
>This is a scene taken from a window. Do you know where this might have been taken from? Are the buildings in the distance familiar to you? Do you know something about the design of the buildings that might help us?
ya its close, but I'm thinking the DC/VA area now.(I'll go back to the NY subs tonight) That area for the USA has the highest amount of pedos in the USA.
It says "all it takes" "I am a runner" ...it is mirrored
hey just to make it clear. the i am a runner badge was not found. somebody made that in request. ut otherwise i think the person who did it got it pretty much perfect.
It is hunted on Pol, literally. Nice closed playgorund, Mr. P3d0
Gimme thefirst word of this place, if it's on the previous melissa link, I looked at the places starting with B.
Boiler is Junkers ZR 18-3 gas boiler it appears looks damn close
somebody found it. it was a french type of carpet. the white has color but its hard to see. maybe the color has faided.
we'd have to find out if the one house had an addon in the last few years. The grey house isn't shaped right.
1999 BMW Z3 m roadster.
Its a mat to wipe your feet when you enter, its not a full carpet.
ya its not that house. there is a third house after that grey on in the snow pic and not on my google maps pic. I'll have to keep looking.
but its very close something like that anyways.
good call
If somebody could clean this picture, I could ID the car. These are the two that I was thinking of last night, but I think it's something else. MG TD, but I think it sits too low to be it. Triumph tr3a, but tail is too short to be.
I hope they cut the info out of the actual cp. And they use cloud investigation to find it like Sup Forums did that damn flag. Theyll post something distinctive they cant identify in the hopes that someone who is more familiar will recognize it and give them a clue to follow.
They are coming for you pedo.
The house on the right seems too small
It looks similar to a cow print like that.
iirc manufacturers of things like this make their own knockoffs for extra money (because they live in shithole countries). It's like when you see the fake Lacoste shirts and the stitching is never great, the crocodile is slightly too big or the mouth doesn't have teeth or whatever. Obviously in a first world country there isn't a market for them because they're cheap as fuck anyway, but in third world countries there is. You can easily turn around and say "but why don't they make Lacoste stuff and make more money" and the obvious answer is that they don't have the designs. They can only make what they have access to.
While I'm on that, H&M's clothing manufacturer is in Bangladesh.
it looks like Satan
Just got here, Can I get a rundown?
The side curtains are what make me think it is an old british car, or more likely a replica
I'm a pedo but this seems really fun to participate in.
get /o/ here
Vintage electronics nerd checking in.
This is definitely older gear (60s or 70s era). It looks custom made, but it is probably just a product of the time.
That the white wire is more likely the mains connection. Lamp wire from that time looks like that, with the indentation in the middle, and it isn't uncommon to see non grounded ac cables going into older electronics like that.
The black wire looks like it may run behind the object to the right of it. The black wire doesn't look like an AC cable either (too thin). It could be going out of the box to a bed or something else, or isn't connected to it at all.
The metal ring at the top looks like where an internal mini incandescent lamp power on indicator would go.
The potentiometer is likely a rheostat with an on/off switch, as is common in stuff from that era. Click to turn on, then control AC current.
So it likely goes to a direct AC device of some type, like a heating element or an AC motor.
Which State?
A previous guess was to control the motor for those vibrating beds in motels. What you think of that?
yes i think so. because the colors doesn't matter since there are many different polos from this brand. it's "L.O.G.G." a sub-brand of H&M. it's rather a question of when were this shirts with this particular design manufactured. the logos are not identical, since it is a multinational clothing brand, there are pprobably many different sewing factories working on this stuff. and so small differences between the shirts, over a few years, are inevitable...
That's a variation on the Red Queen. "It takes all the running you can do to keep in the same place"
have a bump seems like Sup Forums has a job to do
>Its a mat to wipe your feet when you enter, its not a full carpet.
Don't think it's to wipe your feet, it's too fluffy. More likely a small carpet at the base of the stairs.
it seem like its a college that teaches selfies.
That window shot is from the east coast. I'm looking in the DC subs and then tonight back to the NY NY subs.
Its only a guess, but I think i'm looking in the right locations.
Company that specializes in full sized inkblot rugs. Maybe they did not make it but i bet they could tell someone who did?
Yeah I was going to suggest something similar. Looked like a Miata or z3 styled
Mirror BTW red Queen in Through the Looking Glass. We have an Alice themed pedo
Not to mentioned made by Bangladesh preteens and teenagers. They don't have the best work ethic and tend to get sloppy towards the end of the day.
Location in pic is 49 Peach Cir
Palmyra, Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania but the house to the right doesn't match.
Hi, just to say that what you are doing is really great. Thanks for this.