Why did Hitler kill him?
Why did Hitler kill him?
he was fat and gay
Because he was a faggot deviant who was a threat to his consolidation of power.
Domestic violence is a fact of life in the gay community.
Because he was a direct competitor of Hitler to become the part leader.
Their biggest dissagreement was that Rohm wanted to abolish the wehrmacht and that there should be only the SS as the single military force in germany.
Hitler believed the wehrmacht should remain to exist. And SS/SA should remain seperate, not necceceraly having to become the largest military power.
When they finally killed him, Goebbels and Hitler cliamed they had caught Rohm having homosexual intercourse in a hotel with a young soldier. As a propaganda story To make the murder somewhat accepted by the german people. That does not mean him being a homosexual was the real reason for the murder as i explained previously.
Basically two reasons.
He and his SA were necessary at the end of the 20s and the beginning of the 30s for the fight against the Communists.
But when Hitler came to power Röhm and his SA still acted like the typical drunken Hooligans they were.
But Hitler needed stability and showing the common german that the time of revolution is over and the time to get the Reich into new Glory is on its way.
He acieved this through the SS who were highly praised by the common german at that time because they werent drunken fools who started fights, no matter with him, Communist or not.
Röhm wanted to establish the SA as an equal organisation besides the Reichswehr ( it was called Wehrmacht only since 1935. But Hitler needed the support of the Generals for his Plans and they despised Röhm.
And therefore Hitler got rid of him and high ranking SA members at the " Nacht der langen Messer ".
It was also the time of the rise of the SS.
Only wrong at the point that Röhm had nothing to do with the SS but wanted ( as you said ) his SA equal to the Reichswehr.
Don't even know who the fuck that is.
he was fat and gay but also because he was nearly a marxist
he was fat and gay
Because he was literally gay
Do they even teach you about German history?
A bit unrelated but what does "Wehrmacht" translate to? I know macht is power but I could never find a translation for wehr
First reason is that he was Hitler's biggest rival.
Second reason is that he adovocated for a more left-wing form of National Socialism. Hitler was accused of betraying the socialist goals of Nazism, and being pro-capitalist.
Third reason is that he was literally a faggot. The night of his death, he was in a hotel room sleeping naked with a young man half his age.
Wehr = defence
That's not that easy.
The verb 'wehren' means to fight back and so the word became associated with a kinds of military things like Wehrgang, the path on top of castles wall.
He tried to overthrow the government and he was accused to be in contact with (((foreign forces))).
This is debunked propaganda, the SA continued to exist and was honoured by the goverment. Hitler saw himself as the first SA man. A number of SA leaders were punished because they participated at the plan to seize power from Hitler.
All they are teached is aryan guilt
Look at the power of the SA before the Night of the long Knives and after. Yes the SA still existed because Hitler had no plans to erase it totally ( especially not at a time where he had to consolidate his power ) but from this day on the SS was the main powere inside the NSDAP besides the high ranking Figures.
And in the end it transformed even partly into a military organisation side to side with the Wehrmacht although of course never reaching the same numbers.
Defense Force
Because he was deceived by Göring and Himmler and because the Reichswehr might have putsched.
Hitler actually just wanted to imprison him because they were good friends.
Even after Röhms death Hitler did not tolerate if somebody spoke bad about Röhm when he was present.
is that so, kike?
so all the years he employed him to run the Sturmabteilung knowing full well he was
>fat and gay
was just a mistake by Führer Hitler, was it?
you are asserting that Führer was insane when he knowingly placed Ernst Röhm in the position of Oberster SA-Führer of the Sturmabteilung, are you?
fuck off, kike
I think that notion only exists because the SS is linked to the "Holocaust" and the scary black uniforms are so catchy for the simple pleb but the SA held certainly a lot of power even after 1934.
I think they always had more members than even the Waffen SS
>I think they always had more members than even the Waffen SS
Because the qualification to get into the SS was far higher ( i am talking about pre war times )
It really was an Elite organisation in the end 20s 30s.
The army were getting pissed that they were getting replaced, so Hitler killed the SA to make them happy.
Because he was a leftist and a rival of Hitler
Same reason as for the murder of Strasser
Forgot: the power of the SA was on a constant decline since 1934. They maybe had the numbers but this was in no relation to the real power/ important key positions.
( fuck this street signs capchas )
It was more like it has lost its purpose and needed to redefine which it did (SA-Feldherrenhalle) and pre-and post military education, militia services, border patrol, police assistance.
It would be dumb to dissolve such an organisation desu especially when it is mentioned in the national anthem
Hitler didnt care about Röhms homsexuality it was just used to justify it in the press later on to appease the German conservatives.
The Feldherrenhalle was just a small part compared to the general organisation.
And yes i agree they were still useful due to their infrastructure and sheer numbers.
But they didnt played any major part at the " Kings Court ".