Explain Sup Forums how can anyone support this retard?
Explain Sup Forums how can anyone support this retard?
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being retarded goes a long way.
because he actually plans on making a country that is fair to everyone.
not raping our public services like the nhs and police
he doesn't want to kill the disabled and elderly
he plans on putting the working wage up to £10 per hour and return public services back to the public where they belong
this all being taken from the wealthy.
a common question is where they will go if tax is increased to 26%
the answer to that is simply where will they go
even at 26% we are still one of the lowest tax rates so they would just be shooting themselves in the foot if they left
pic related
Only the billionaire globalists and their useful cucks oppose Jeremy Corbyn
Yes but he wants small business owners like me, to pay for these "FREE" things he's going to give away.
He won't get any more money from big business than any other government.
Come to burgerland! We are about to get a whole lot of tax reductions.
>because he actually plans on making a country that is fair to everyone.
reciting meaningless rhetoric, and not catching himself doing it
you're too fucking stupid to vote. please stay home and watch baywatch reruns in your underpants instead. possibly wearing them on your head, given that you'd vote for corbyn.
You realize raising the minimum wage isn't giving poor people a raise. Its setting a price floor making it harder for them to get a keep jobs
>tax the everloving shit out of successful people
>successful people all leave the country
>o fug
Jeremy Corbyns idea of 'fair' makes it so there is no motivation to improve yourself. Someone on benifits will see upper classes having to pay more and think why bother. Their children will see their parents getting money for free and follow suit.
Some of credit card Corbyns voting record on security issues:
Terrorism Act 2000
Voted against
Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001
Voted against
Fourteen-day detention Criminal Justice Act 2003
Voted against
Counter-terrorism Act 2008
Voted against
Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures Act 2011
Voted against
Justice and Security Act 2013
Voted against
The Investigatory Powers Act 2016
The guy is a fucking lunatic
Because the man is based and May is a cunt.
this should be more than enough of a reason
do you want to lose the nhs and be charged for everything?
thought not
He's white and based. Lel.
You only pay a corporate income tax on your profits
Because he's a genuinely good (morally) politician. People keep on going on about how politics is fucked because you can't trust a politician to do the right thing, oh how we wish we had a genuine goy to help us, well there he is!
The fucker took a pringle off a pleb on the street, the madman.
>Cayman Islands
>United States
were true AI to understand corbyn's party political program, it'd cease to make an effort completely. it'd be the birth of the first ever procrastinating AI.
corbyn wants to make us all equally miserable, while going bankrupt.
the fucker did a 180 on brexit after some brusselite paid him off
People made the same argument about Carter and he was one of the worst presidents the US ever had.
Machiavelli was right.
And you're a fucking despot-loving cuck. You honestly want the government to just be handed every fucking power on earth to detain you over paranoia?
Fuck you're naive. When you hand power to one government, you inevitably give it to the next. What? You want SNP in a coalition with the reigns on massive state control?
Fucking conservacucks, I swear. No good Libertarians in my country.
>muh nhs
Torys in charge currently, do you still get free health care?
>Not Reagan or Andrew Jackson
A 180? He basically let his party run in the remain vote while he did nothing, because in the end he doesn't believe in the EU.
He even drew the ire of many of his MPs because he basically said he disliked the EU on the last leg! He's never hidden the fact that he dislikes the EU, at all.
>one of the worst presidents the US ever had
Reading comprehension might help you, but Reagan and Jackson don't belong in that conversation anyway.
piss off you daft fuck, healthcare spending is going up by the year. please a) find a chart of healthcare spending, and b) point out the much claimed "austerity" on it.
but we both know you're too fucking lazy/stupid to do a), considering all you want to do is sit in your dirty underwear collecting benefits
This. He's dank as fuck. Best timeline. I'm not going to waste my entire life and not see the world change.
But then you look at people like Nixon, who was a genuinely immoral person and who became a genuinely immoral president. It cuts both ways, and we should avoid the blatantly evil.
May is blatantly immoral. She even looks evil, unlike Nixon.
Carter did literally nothing wrong
Plenty of these powers have been used to stop more 8 year old girls being destroyed by nails and bolts, you fucking Commie retard. Who is protecting the public "despotic"? There's a sale of tinfoil hats over on Amazon mate..
I'm with schlomo.
Oh fuck off, everybody claims that it's about "security" until they're the ones getting chucked in a gulag and you call ME a commie? We wouldn't be in this mess if we'd not destabilized the entire middle east and then, for good measure, fucked Lybia up (for reasons I do not even remember) and effectively created a silk road of guns flowing into Syria. Maybe THAT would have been a good way of keeping us safe, faggot.
lets look at manchester for example
imagine going through that shit only to get a bill for them trying to save your relatives lives.
are you really saying you would be fine with that?
Yes, the shining beacon of light that didn't give a shit about the snooper's charter.
delete this
you're making way too much sense for these retarded autistic children
you idiot. The tax rates of foreign countries listed in the picture are the maximum rates at which a business can be taxed in those countries; most pay considerably less. The tax rate you listed for the UK under the Conservatives is actually 20% lower than the flat rate in place under this government.
I hope this isn't a real Labour resource, because it is a pack of lies.
or paying for your own cancer treatments
imagine not being able to afford it
the conservatives especially led by may have been selling it off for a while now without you knowing.
if they get into power again next week it's game over bye bye nhs
and it will all because of people like you
He abstained from the vote, most likely because, at the time the PLP gave him an ultimatum to concede on it or go, it wouldn't surprise me. He didn't VOTE for it, and Labour did REALLY want it.
So yeah, what's your point again?
Carter did everything wrong, you fucking memer.
Machiavelli didn't praise amoralism.
Nixon is a poor example anyway.
I don't view Nixon as immoral but a paranoid. Though he was impeached, Nixon's legacy is 100 times that of Carter's.
Getting us out of Vietnam, creation of the EPA, normalizing relations with PRC, etc.
Looks like cherry picking to me.
Ireland 25%
Switzerland 16.5%
Poland 19%
Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, Denmark, etc. The is literally dozens of countries with far lower corporate tax rates.
So he doesn't really have any conviction, great.
Majority supports Thatcher, because she's the lesser evil.
Guy's a literal communist.
How did the UK destabilize Syria, you fucking retard? Not to mention that the reason the Middle East has been intervened into by the US is because of them doing stupid decisions that affected the US economy.
Saddam and Gaddafi both tried to stop using US dollars to sell oil, and instead make their own currency. This would have weakened the US Dollar significantly.
Don't start shit with America and you don't get invaded. It's as simple as that.
lol @ Robin Hood Tax
im with are jezza
>vote tories
>get kiked
>vote labour
>get blown up
Re-read my fucking comment you stupid fucking autist. Unless you're a lazy fucking Labour voter, that is?
This budget relies on the assumption that wealthy Brits won't just fucking leave like they've been doing since the 60's.
personally I'm voting tory because the economy will blow up this paliament and I want them to take the blame for it so they spend the following 20 years just playing with their cocks
You got blown up just now. Who was on top?
>How did the UK destabilize Syria
Fucking seriously? What? Other than assisting the US in selling arms to rebel groups, that we then learnt were actually extremist factions. Or how about the fact that we sold guns to the saudis, who sold those guns on to neighboring countries (and we knew this) which magically ended up flowing through Lybia, into these same groups. I don't know, maybe it's magic that Assad is still fighting a heavily armed resistance group, using US and UK weaponry, that makes fucking sense, doesn't it?
>Saddam and Gaddafi both tried to stop using US dollars to sell oil, and instead make their own currency. This would have weakened the US Dollar significantly.
So the option is to remove them and then leave without properly propping up a genuine alternative system in its place? Plus, the Lybia bombings were a French lead campaign you absolute tosspot. You justify the facilitation of terror on economic grounds, I'm sure that gets your neoliberal dick right hard, eh?
>Vote for something that he supposedly disagrees with
>Refusing to vote for something he supposedly disagrees with
Yeah, get out, Mayfly.
He's anti-israeli, anti EU, and will try his best to make Britain better for it's people and not it's few cunts.
The Tories are going to fuck up the internet.
>Muh vpn.
VPNs will get banned in time too.
Soon I'll only be able to view government approved porn and sites. Excellent!
the UK won't even exist in 20 years if labour win.
A wealthy Brit's patriotism is contingent on a 1 or 2% tax increase?
But seriously we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
yes the plan for the next parliament is to accelerate the selling of nhs assets (to their mates at super cheap prices no doubt) so the nhs can use our taxes to lease/rent them back
genius huh?
just google "naylor review"
Which conservative has ever said that would happen? Labour are the party that first started to privatise the NHS to any great degree, with PFI contracts anyway
The Tories are currently running the country, do you currently pay for healthcare? Do you expect to pay for healthcare in the next 5 years? The answer to both is 'No'. Any contracts are behind the scenes all healthcare will remain free for the public. Prove otherwise or stop reading the Guardian
Give me ONE reason why labor isn't a better choice than the Tories.
t. paki al-shitskin
In the future, please remember to archive.
>independent co uk/news/uk/politics/eu-referendum-brexit-jeremy-corbyn-live-updates-polls-remain-leave-a7094081.html
--> archive.is
Wayne Lambright is a schizophrenic homosexual transient.
Absolutely. The same goes for corporate taxes as well.
Their political ineptitude even surpasses the political ineptitude of the Tories.
Labour's ongoing leadership crisis surrounding Corbin is a fine example.
because i own shares in private health companies
>forgetting the inconvenient truth that the UK economy is based on money laundering services for the rest of the world
Labour actually doing any of those things will obliterate whats left of the UK economy.
Because the alternatives are even more retarded.
I'm far from a socialist but the Labour manifesto trumps the Conservative one all day. Only thing I prefer about May is a harder stance on Brexit, but even that is a cheap ploy to attract UKIP voters
>Links to shitshow tabloids
>Links to tory-leaning analytics on shitshow tabloids
>Links to tory-leaning analytics on shitshow tabloids that use "may"
Oh, shit lads, I've been bamboozled.No way I can come back from this one.
If you're saying that the Brit economy has gotten worse since the corporate tax cuts, then you're making my point for me. The corporate tax rates would simply be going back to levels from a few years ago.
Corporations only pay income taxes on their profits .
This actually makes Corbyn look better. I thought all British politicians were in favour of draconian police state laws under the guise of "counterterrorism".
You have to understand (((pol))) worships the Tories for raising immigration to record high levels.
>he doesn't know anyone that works in the NHS
take it from the horse's mouth, the NHS is a total shit show and the tories are only going to make that worse, and then finally putting the axe in the poor thing's neck.
stop watching the west wing faggot
compromising your principles to the altar of delicate liberal values to appease a bunch of discredited cucks is NOT political competence.
what did obama get for playing by the rules?
trump achieved more than him in his first 100 days, and he's supposed to be incompetent
Brites that voice their concerns over having CCTV in the bathrooms of private properties are labeled lunatics
because like myself, you are also a rich banker who only benefits from immoral politics?
Oh wait, you're not rich? fuck off then
I think most people are in favour of the protection of the population from rampant islamists. You cucked leafs love them, you can gladly have all of ours
>lunatic for not wanting to live in a police state
fucking hell mate, do you enjoy being watched at all times? is it a sexual thing for you?
it'd be funny and the kikes hate him
because May is throwing the election to spike Brexit.
>CCTV in the bathrooms of private properties
We definitely don't have those mate. Which ridiculous leftist rag told you that? Your tinfoil hat works too well
Your argument has nothing to do with mine. Did you think I was praising May and the Tories or something?
Corbin is inept. I think the general elections proved that Labour is in crisis.
this is true a good friend of mine is disabled his appointments keep being missed and cancelled prescriptions missed.
not to mention wannacry
the only reason that the ohs were infected is because underfunding/cuts meant that their systems were running windows xp
if the nhs was properly funded it would never have happened.
plus my friend would get better care
and wouldn't be so damn poor because of benefit cuts to people like him.
but hey everyone on benefits is just a lazy asshole right?
is this commie going to really win? I thought Sup Forums supported brexit and tories. Why are britbongs so retarded
Sup Forums doesn't support him, for some reason we have had a large influx of labour supporters from Reddit that are lingering about here like a stale fart.
I think what I find most fucking hysterical is that, out of May and Corbyn, Corbyn is the genuine euro-skeptic and May is a lying remainer.
But the conservacucks STILL think she's the best bet for Brexit!
he's doing the commie salute
NHS funding hasn't gone up in real terms since Cameron started. Every working professional in the NHS (i.e. not a manager) will tell you how stretched it is. They repeatedly fail to find NHS trust head officers because nobody will take the job.
All the political parties are massively out of touch with reality
Many want an end to encryption and ISPs to store all user data for 1 year
The cost of the policies ever being enacted upon would be trillions of £s in data storage facilities, an end to online financial transactions, untold damage to the economy and massive price hikes to customers
Dont vote. Let them crash it. Rebuild in 4 years time.
He's a cuck but it's pretty obvious he was in favour of Brexit
That stammering clip of May was horrendous. Corbyn is a better speaker than that, and he reminds me of a boring history teacher you had in high school. May isn't fit to lead.
Is he fuck. We're not stupid enough to elect a Marxist. Know-nothing students are. Thick fucking old crusty commies and hysterical lefty women will vote for him. Everyone else will vote Tory
Eeeey up lad he's a bloody crackin' bloke because he's got a magical money tree what grows us free money innit and he's gonna mek Britain proper fuckin' good again wiv all 't free money innit
medical marijuana bro
corbyn wants to legalise it for medical usage
which would probably generate tax too
He doesn't shy away from the public, unlike May who's avoiding live debates. To a lot of people who aren't involved in the deeper politics, the fact he seems more relateable is a huge factor.
Simultaneously, a lot of labour voters don't even like him as a person- but labour's manifesto appeals to them.
Why do you say she's lying and how would that tally with her manifesto - which says she isn't. You need to fix your crystal ball
Kill yourself
>I think the general elections proved that Labour is in crisis.
No it proved the exact opposite - that when it comes down to it Corbyn is a lot better than he initially appeared.
People will ask why he didn't perform before and that's a fair question but he's silenced the critics either way.
Where are all the Blairite backstabbers now? Where are the likes of Angela Eagle who pretended to have a breakdown on live TV?
Corbyn's personal approval ratings are higher than ever right now.
He still won't win, but this campaign has proved the complete opposite of what you seem to believe.
fucking moron, do you even know the history of this country? pic related is considered the best prime minister and he was a hardcore socialist
>everyone else will vote tory
yeah, in the south east maybe