Is he fucking retarded?
No really, is he retarded?
I would be a Republican if they acknowledged Climate Change
I give up, I'm moving to Germany.
Is he fucking retarded?
No really, is he retarded?
I would be a Republican if they acknowledged Climate Change
I give up, I'm moving to Germany.
Other urls found in this thread:
get the fuck out.
Why should I.
Mankind's gonna die in ten years max
Go invade China and tell them to stop polluting, you dumb fuck.
Or are you one of those idiots who are interested in "fairness" and not actually saving the planet?
Please do so jew, maybe it's fate
Good. One less Muslim in America.
Good fucking riddance. I'm serious.
>China's still in the Paris Climate Deal
They got it taken care of, unlike these conservashits
Roman Catholic here
Remmeber Laudate Si?
>Mankind's gonna die in ten years max
Bye, gtfo.
>China got it taken care of
Oh my fucking sides. You are literally retarded.
>moving to Germany
Ok cuck
>Why should I [move.]?
Pick 1 faggot. Learn to make an argument rather than looking like a retard. No one wants to breathe this gas any longer, even the Oil slaves who say they don't believe in Climate Change can be educated. But not via pictures of retards who equate the State-paid baby murdering with Climate-change.
>there is no planet B
Umm no sweetie there is
Revelation 21
1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.
Ahh so we have to gas our planet for the kikes (not the kikes) in order to go to Heaven... I see...
You would fit right in
Especially since youre a total cuck
Enjoy your "cultural enrichment"
>I would be a Republican
>I give up, I'm moving to Germany.
Sorry, let us first handle the crazy foreign religious tards that are already here before we take new ones.
>I give up, I'm moving to Germany.
The climate can't get you there, good thinking!
Humans cannot change the global climate.
say hi to hamud and prepare your anus for muslim exploration
umm no sweetie it says the first Heaven also passed away
LOL yes because the Paris Accord was DEFINITELY going to save the planet hahaha
gtfo you jewcuck
The earth is fucked anyway, eventually a huge asteroid/comet/ or supervolcano or gamma ray burst or the sun dying is going to fuck earths shit up
>Climate change
The agreement was a piece of toilet paper just there to look pretty.
The U.S has done more to combat pollution via natural gas, clean coal, and hydroelectric dams.
Now if only the fags yelling about the environment could stop being against nuclear energy.
pic related is the face of someone who hasn't been reading their Bible
Op why is that crazy lady telling Sup Forums there is no planet? She's on one the crazy bitch
Yeah that's why I just throw my fast food wrappers out the window. The Earth is going to be a dump in 20 years anyway
Haha leftists btfo!!!!
We should be using all the resources available to escape this planet before it dies naturally
Could've sworn that said planet p
>He's destroying the planet, it's not safe here
>lets go to germany
liberals actually think like this.
They wont stop yelling about nuclear energy until something is done about waste from it
Good, get the fuck out faggot
I'm jealous she's talking to b and not pol
>climate change
>moving to germany
Top fucking kek. Move there you beta cuck fuckhead
That's where Thorium reactors come into the picture
kill yourself fake american rat
>moving to Germany
If you are not a muslim FUCK OFF
>They got it taken care of
would you care to explain HOW they have taken care of it?
There is a planet B, but we'll never get there because king nigger defunded NASA to give muslims better self-esteem.
All of you deserve to choke on coal fumes you fucking shortsighted subhumans, go burn cow shit in Africa with your 80 IQ compatriots
That crazy lady isn't saying planet be she just forgot the //. She meant to say there is no planet to random
Liberals actually believe this
>99% of scientists say climate change is bad
>Large corporations pretend it doesn't exist
>Sup Forums: "OMG Scientists BTFO!"
Fucking Drumpf idiots
Better idea OP. Kill yourself and your liberal buddies to save the environment.
>no planet B
>implying we can't just shift to another reality
wew lad you need to redpill yourself on the morgan freeman effect
They wanted their hippy party funded by billions of tax payer money.
Fix your own shit with your own money.
LoL. Good you leaving will probably have the same .03% temp change effect that the agreement sought. Enjoy all the halal food and ass rape.
I remember before the election drumpfkins were like "hurr durr trump takes the climate change seriously his tweets were just jokes"
Germany won't be any better, they have the same atmosphere and ice caps as everyone else.
>They wont stop yelling about nuclear energy until something is done about waste from it
We did back in 1997 with a commercially available breeder reactor.
Make reprocessing nuclear fuel legal and the waste problem is reduced by 99.97%.
If you dont give the global kikes tax payer money the planet will die goy!
My civilization will be destroyed by liberalism centuries before Climate Change affects it.
There is literally no reason for me to give a shit about what happens to a bunch of Chinks and Niggers 200 years from now.
Doubly so when you actually take 5 minutes to peruse the Paris Accord and realize it doesn't actually do anything to lower carbon emissions.
>I would be a Republican if they acknowledged Climate Change
no you wouldn't
You think Germany won't suffer climate change?
Stay and lobby for green and nuclear.
>no planet b
What about proxima b? Habitable exoplanet - climatefags btfo
Holy fuck you're stupid.
>ice caps
lmao trumpcuck education
i don't care if climate change is real, the world is full of niggers, let them die desu
this is basically global warming. oh sorry, climate change. we could reduce the carbon footprint most effectively by nuking africa and the middle east but that would be too radical.
Good hurry before you lose you spot to a nigger
Please leave.
Make sure you tear your passport and record it to really stick it to Trump.
>If they say they'll do something, they'll totally do it, even though there's no evidence that they will.
Yeah, just like European countries are supposed to pay their fair share for defense, obviously they do that too, because they agreed to do it.
God will destroy the earth you faggot not trump
What if we spend a shit load if money on nothing and stop developing countries from growing because of a meme
>I give up, I'm moving to Germany.
You shouldnt get ur science facts from talk radio...
>I'm moving to Germany.
I would advise you not to do that, BUT you are obviously retarded so go ahead come to turkey, but make sure that you can speak arabic/Turkish if you want to talk to the non-whites.
you shouldn't get it from tumblr
>I'm moving to Germany
say hi to achmad and cenk when they're making love to your gf while you watch.
We've got to cancel out hundreds of years of industrialization. Meanwhile China are signing agreements while clearly giving no fucks and all over the world hungry brown people are cutting down forests for farmland. There's nothing we can do at this point, going green will just make us less capable when it comes to mitigating the damage. Climate change is real but the Paris Agreement is retarded.
I feel like I should just stop fighting these braindead cunts and just exploit them for money until they destroy the world, at least it'll improve my odds.
Hey asshole, climate change is fearmongering bullshit - leave anddon't fucking dare thinking to come back you filthy trash
Good. One less Democrat.
they said that 15 years ago.
good get the fuck out
obvious bait is obvious
Tell me more.
Fuck the Globalist Ponzi Scheming Carbon Tax Agenda 21 Wealth Redistribution Scam Known as the Paris Accords.
The NWO is getting its Shit Pushed in
BTFO any of you psuedo-science shills; Have some PROOF:
Yeah, just like all those stories about businesses that deal with the Chinese. So trustworthy, they will not promise something and then screw you over by not keeping their word. You can count on the Chinese to keep a non-binding agreement
>I would be a Republican if they acknowledged Climate Change
Like 95% of them do
Wtf are you talking about?
Didn't you watch the debates?
I don't like the Paris Agreement but denying climate change all together really is retarded.
Nonsense. We have 8 other perfectly fine planets to live on.
Why can't there be a planet B? Why are they so against space travel
* A doubling of preindustrial CO2, absent any feedbacks, would result in a maximum forcing of +1.2C.
* The General Circulation Models, and the IPCC, predict 2-8C of warming because AGW theory assumes a positive H2O feedback. They assume that if CO2 causes a little warming, the atmosphere will hold more water vapor which will lead to a lot of warming.
* The warming predictions cover such a large range because everyone assumes a different average H2O feedback rate.
* Every GCM based on this assumption has failed to model temperatures for the past 17 years. They are all trending too high.
* In the late 1990's the modelers themselves stated that if they missed their predictions for more then a decade that would falsify AGW theory.
* There is no data to suggest a +H2O feedback either now or in Earth's past.
* If there is no +H2O feedback then we literally have nothing to worry about.
* The average climate change believer knows none of this. Politicians, citizens, activists, surprisingly even a lot of scientists are literally ignorant of the theory and the math. In their mind it's simply "CO2 = bad" and "experts say we're warming faster then ever."
Yes, China have double USA pollution and they agree on the agreement. It is going to be more challenging for them.
What's even more retarded is pretending anyone thinks that.
You morons make the fucking stupid logical leap that
Guvernmint intervenshun = save the world
An agreement where outside bodies have control of what the US does is fucking bullshit and un-American. The US in this agreement contributes more than any other, while China is in the back of the pack.
The idea that mildly clipping a few countries energy practices and redistributing the wealth of 100s of billions of dollars of American taxpayer funds will help da wurld is fucking retarded.
Fuck off.
Don't let the wall hit you where the good lord split ya.
Ok bye! Glad to see your blue pulled ass gone fagot, that is if you actually do move unlike last time when the cucks threatened to go to Canada.
Your "accord" is a fucking treaty full of bullshit.
Trump did exactly what he should do with a subversive treaty not brought in front of the senate.
Told it to fuck off, and much like your endless months of pissing and bitching, nothing will come of it.
Reminder: Even Reagan recognized and respected science enough to combat the depletion of the ozone layer.
Somehow the GOP lost it's way into insanity and even further corporate dick sucking.
and why would you think we want you here?
sorry, were full, and you are not a muslim.
Yeah, I got your graph in there too faggot, look closer at mine.
You're one of those tiny little farts the Earth took throughout its life as the temperature went up and down.
>sink lower California
>save this side of the earth from climate change
I think I see Trump's redemption card
Did you write a dictionary to go with that horse shit watchmojo tier list of psuedo science jargon?
Didn't you already not move to Canada as you promissed when God Emperor got elected?
You have to be living on wheels.